3 research outputs found

    Investigating technical trading strategy via an multi-objective evolutionary platform

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    10.1016/j.eswa.2009.01.058Expert Systems with Applications36710408-10423ESAP

    Multiobjective genetic programming for financial portfolio management in dynamic environments

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    Multiobjective (MO) optimisation is a useful technique for evolving portfolio optimisation solutions that span a range from high-return/high-risk to low-return/low-risk. The resulting Pareto front would approximate the risk/reward Efficient Frontier [Mar52], and simplifies the choice of investment model for a given client’s attitude to risk. However, the financial market is continuously changing and it is essential to ensure that MO solutions are capturing true relationships between financial factors and not merely over fitting the training data. Research on evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments has been directed towards adapting the algorithm to improve its suitability for retraining whenever a change is detected. Little research focused on how to assess and quantify the success of multiobjective solutions in unseen environments. The multiobjective nature of the problem adds a unique feature to be satisfied to judge robustness of solutions. That is, in addition to examining whether solutions remain optimal in the new environment, we need to ensure that the solutions’ relative positions previously identified on the Pareto front are not altered. This thesis investigates the performance of Multiobjective Genetic Programming (MOGP) in the dynamic real world problem of portfolio optimisation. The thesis provides new definitions and statistical metrics based on phenotypic cluster analysis to quantify robustness of both the solutions and the Pareto front. Focusing on the critical period between an environment change and when retraining occurs, four techniques to improve the robustness of solutions are examined. Namely, the use of a validation data set; diversity preservation; a novel variation on mating restriction; and a combination of both diversity enhancement and mating restriction. In addition, preliminary investigation of using the robustness metrics to quantify the severity of change for optimum tracking in a dynamic portfolio optimisation problem is carried out. Results show that the techniques used offer statistically significant improvement on the solutions’ robustness, although not on all the robustness criteria simultaneously. Combining the mating restriction with diversity enhancement provided the best robustness results while also greatly enhancing the quality of solutions

    Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Effective Search Space Reduction for Financial Optimization Problems

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2015. 8. 문병로.This thesis presents evolutionary algorithms incorporated with effective search space reduction for financial optimization problems. Typical evolutionary algorithms try to find optimal solutions in the original, or unrestricted search space. However, they can be unsuccessful if the optimal solutions are too complex to be discovered from scratch. This can be relieved by restricting the forms of meaningful solutions or providing the initial population with some promising solutions. To this end, we propose three evolution approaches including modular, grammatical, and seeded evolutions for financial optimization problems. We also adopt local optimizations for fine-tuning the solutions, resulting in hybrid evolutionary algorithms. First, the thesis proposes a modular evolution. In the modular evolution, the possible forms of solutions are statically restricted to certain combinations of module solutions, which reflect more domain knowledge. To preserve the module solutions, we devise modular genetic operators which work on modular search space. The modular genetic operators and statically defined modules help genetic programming focus on highly promising search space. Second, the thesis introduces a grammatical evolution. We restrict the possible forms of solutions in genetic programming by a context-free grammar. In the grammatical evolution, genetic programming works on more extended search space than modular one. Grammatically typed genetic operators are introduced for the grammatical evolution. Compared with the modular evolution, grammatical evolution requires less domain knowledge. Finally, the thesis presents a seeded evolution. Our seeded evolution provides the initial population with partially optimized solutions. The set of genes for the partial optimization is selected in terms of encoding complexity. The partially optimized solutions help genetic algorithm find more promising solutions efficiently. Since they are not too excessively optimized, genetic algorithm is still able to search better solutions. Extensive empirical results are provided using three real-world financial optimization problems: attractive technical pattern discovery, extended attractive technical pattern discovery, and large-scale stock selection. They show that our search space reductions are fairly effective for the problems. By combining the search space reductions with systematic evolutionary algorithm frameworks, we show that evolutionary algorithms can be exploited for realistic profitable trading.1. Introduction 1 1.1 Search Methods 3 1.2 Search Space Reduction 4 1.3 Main Contributions 5 1.4 Organization 7 2. Preliminaries 8 2.1 Evolutionary Algorithms 8 2.1.1 Genetic Algorithm 10 2.1.2 Genetic Programing 11 2.2 Evolutionary Algorithms in Finance 12 2.3 Search Space Reduction 12 2.3.1 Modular Evolution 12 2.3.2 Grammatical Evolution 13 2.3.3 Seeded Evolution 14 2.3.4 Summary 14 2.4 Terminology 15 2.4.1 Technical Pattern and Technical Trading Rule 15 2.4.2 Forecasting Model and Trading Model 16 2.4.3 Portfolio and Rebalancing 17 2.4.4 Data Snooping Bias 17 2.5 Financial Optimization Problems 19 2.5.1 Attractive Technical Pattern Discovery and Its Extension 19 2.5.2 Stock Selection 20 2.6 Issues 21 2.6.1 General Assumptions 21 2.6.2 Performance Measure 22 3. Modular Evolution 23 3.1 Modular Genetic Programming 24 3.2 Hybrid Genetic Programming 28 3.3 Attractive Technical Pattern Discovery 29 3.3.1 Introduction 29 3.3.2 Problem Formulation 31 3.3.3 Modular Search Space 33 3.3.4 Experimental Results 35 3.3.5 Summary 41 4. Grammatical Evolution 44 4.1 Grammatical Type System 45 4.2 Hybrid Genetic Programming 47 4.3 Extended Attractive Technical Pattern Discovery 51 4.3.1 Introduction 51 4.3.2 Problem Formulation 54 4.3.3 Experimental Results 56 4.3.4 Summary 73 5. Seeded Evolution 76 5.1 Heuristic Seeding 77 5.2 Hybrid Genetic Algorithm 78 5.3 Large-Scale Stock Selection 81 5.3.1 Introduction 81 5.3.2 Problem Formulation 83 5.3.3 Ranking with Partitions 85 5.3.4 Experimental Results 87 5.3.5 Summary 96 6. Conclusions 104Docto