791 research outputs found

    The Pragmatic Turn in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

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    In this paper I argue that the search for explainable models and interpretable decisions in AI must be reformulated in terms of the broader project of offering a pragmatic and naturalistic account of understanding in AI. Intuitively, the purpose of providing an explanation of a model or a decision is to make it understandable to its stakeholders. But without a previous grasp of what it means to say that an agent understands a model or a decision, the explanatory strategies will lack a well-defined goal. Aside from providing a clearer objective for XAI, focusing on understanding also allows us to relax the factivity condition on explanation, which is impossible to fulfill in many machine learning models, and to focus instead on the pragmatic conditions that determine the best fit between a model and the methods and devices deployed to understand it. After an examination of the different types of understanding discussed in the philosophical and psychological literature, I conclude that interpretative or approximation models not only provide the best way to achieve the objectual understanding of a machine learning model, but are also a necessary condition to achieve post hoc interpretability. This conclusion is partly based on the shortcomings of the purely functionalist approach to post hoc interpretability that seems to be predominant in most recent literature

    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in deep learning-based medical image analysis

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    With an increase in deep learning-based methods, the call for explainability of such methods grows, especially in high-stakes decision making areas such as medical image analysis. This survey presents an overview of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) used in deep learning-based medical image analysis. A framework of XAI criteria is introduced to classify deep learning-based medical image analysis methods. Papers on XAI techniques in medical image analysis are then surveyed and categorized according to the framework and according to anatomical location. The paper concludes with an outlook of future opportunities for XAI in medical image analysis.Comment: Submitted for publication. Comments welcome by email to first autho

    Multimodal Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review of Methodological Advances and Future Research Directions

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    The current study focuses on systematically analyzing the recent advances in the field of Multimodal eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (MXAI). In particular, the relevant primary prediction tasks and publicly available datasets are initially described. Subsequently, a structured presentation of the MXAI methods of the literature is provided, taking into account the following criteria: a) The number of the involved modalities, b) The stage at which explanations are produced, and c) The type of the adopted methodology (i.e. mathematical formalism). Then, the metrics used for MXAI evaluation are discussed. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of current challenges and future research directions is provided.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Painting the black box white: experimental findings from applying XAI to an ECG reading setting

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    The shift from symbolic AI systems to black-box, sub-symbolic, and statistical ones has motivated a rapid increase in the interest toward explainable AI (XAI), i.e. approaches to make black-box AI systems explainable to human decision makers with the aim of making these systems more acceptable and more usable tools and supports. However, we make the point that, rather than always making black boxes transparent, these approaches are at risk of \emph{painting the black boxes white}, thus failing to provide a level of transparency that would increase the system's usability and comprehensibility; or, even, at risk of generating new errors, in what we termed the \emph{white-box paradox}. To address these usability-related issues, in this work we focus on the cognitive dimension of users' perception of explanations and XAI systems. To this aim, we designed and conducted a questionnaire-based experiment by which we involved 44 cardiology residents and specialists in an AI-supported ECG reading task. In doing so, we investigated different research questions concerning the relationship between users' characteristics (e.g. expertise) and their perception of AI and XAI systems, including their trust, the perceived explanations' quality and their tendency to defer the decision process to automation (i.e. technology dominance), as well as the mutual relationships among these different dimensions. Our findings provide a contribution to the evaluation of AI-based support systems from a Human-AI interaction-oriented perspective and lay the ground for further investigation of XAI and its effects on decision making and user experience.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    An interdisciplinary concept for human-centered explainable artificial intelligence - Investigating the impact of explainable AI on end-users

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    Since the 1950s, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have captivated people. However, this fascination has always been accompanied by disillusionment about the limitations of this technology. Today, machine learning methods such as Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are successfully used in various tasks. However, these methods also have limitations: Their complexity makes their decisions no longer comprehensible to humans - they are black-boxes. The research branch of Explainable AI (XAI) has addressed this problem by investigating how to make AI decisions comprehensible. This desire is not new. In the 1970s, developers of intrinsic explainable AI approaches, so-called white-boxes (e.g., rule-based systems), were dealing with AI explanations. Nowadays, with the increased use of AI systems in all areas of life, the design of comprehensible systems has become increasingly important. Developing such systems is part of Human-Centred AI (HCAI) research, which integrates human needs and abilities in the design of AI interfaces. For this, an understanding is needed of how humans perceive XAI and how AI explanations influence the interaction between humans and AI. One of the open questions concerns the investigation of XAI for end-users, i.e., people who have no expertise in AI but interact with such systems or are impacted by the system's decisions. This dissertation investigates the impact of different levels of interactive XAI of white- and black-box AI systems on end-users perceptions. Based on an interdisciplinary concept presented in this work, it is examined how the content, type, and interface of explanations of DNN (black box) and rule-based systems (white box) are perceived by end-users. How XAI influences end-users mental models, trust, self-efficacy, cognitive workload, and emotional state regarding the AI system is the centre of the investigation. At the beginning of the dissertation, general concepts regarding AI, explanations, and psychological constructs of mental models, trust, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and emotions are introduced. Subsequently, related work regarding the design and investigation of XAI for users is presented. This serves as a basis for the concept of a Human-Centered Explainable AI (HC-XAI) presented in this dissertation, which combines an XAI design approach with user evaluations. The author pursues an interdisciplinary approach that integrates knowledge from the research areas of (X)AI, Human-Computer Interaction, and Psychology. Based on this interdisciplinary concept, a five-step approach is derived and applied to illustrative surveys and experiments in the empirical part of this dissertation. To illustrate the first two steps, a persona approach for HC-XAI is presented, and based on that, a template for designing personas is provided. To illustrate the usage of the template, three surveys are presented that ask end-users about their attitudes and expectations towards AI and XAI. The personas generated from the survey data indicate that end-users often lack knowledge of XAI and that their perception of it depends on demographic and personality-related characteristics. Steps three to five deal with the design of XAI for concrete applications. For this, different levels of interactive XAI are presented and investigated in experiments with end-users. For this purpose, two rule-based systems (i.e., white-box) and four systems based on DNN (i.e., black-box) are used. These are applied for three purposes: Cooperation & collaboration, education, and medical decision support. Six user studies were conducted for this purpose, which differed in the interactivity of the XAI system used. The results show that end-users trust and mental models of AI depend strongly on the context of use and the design of the explanation itself. For example, explanations that a virtual agent mediates are shown to promote trust. The content and type of explanations are also perceived differently by users. The studies also show that end-users in different application contexts of XAI feel the desire for interactive explanations. The dissertation concludes with a summary of the scientific contribution, points out limitations of the presented work, and gives an outlook on possible future research topics to integrate explanations into everyday AI systems and thus enable the comprehensible handling of AI for all people.Seit den 1950er Jahren haben Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) die Menschen in ihren Bann gezogen. Diese Faszination wurde jedoch stets von Ernüchterung über die Grenzen dieser Technologie begleitet. Heute werden Methoden des maschinellen Lernens wie Deep Neural Networks (DNN) erfolgreich für verschiedene Aufgaben eingesetzt. Doch auch diese Methoden haben ihre Grenzen: Durch ihre Komplexität sind ihre Entscheidungen für den Menschen nicht mehr nachvollziehbar - sie sind Black-Boxes. Der Forschungszweig der Erklärbaren KI (engl. XAI) hat sich diesem Problem angenommen und untersucht, wie man KI-Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar machen kann. Dieser Wunsch ist nicht neu. In den 1970er Jahren beschäftigten sich die Entwickler von intrinsisch erklärbaren KI-Ansätzen, so genannten White-Boxes (z. B. regelbasierte Systeme), mit KI-Erklärungen. Heutzutage, mit dem zunehmenden Einsatz von KI-Systemen in allen Lebensbereichen, wird die Gestaltung nachvollziehbarer Systeme immer wichtiger. Die Entwicklung solcher Systeme ist Teil der Menschzentrierten KI (engl. HCAI) Forschung, die menschliche Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten in die Gestaltung von KI-Schnittstellen integriert. Dafür ist ein Verständnis darüber erforderlich, wie Menschen XAI wahrnehmen und wie KI-Erklärungen die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und KI beeinflussen. Eine der offenen Fragen betrifft die Untersuchung von XAI für Endnutzer, d.h. Menschen, die keine Expertise in KI haben, aber mit solchen Systemen interagieren oder von deren Entscheidungen betroffen sind. In dieser Dissertation wird untersucht, wie sich verschiedene Stufen interaktiver XAI von White- und Black-Box-KI-Systemen auf die Wahrnehmung der Endnutzer auswirken. Basierend auf einem interdisziplinären Konzept, das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wird, wird untersucht, wie der Inhalt, die Art und die Schnittstelle von Erklärungen von DNN (Black-Box) und regelbasierten Systemen (White-Box) von Endnutzern wahrgenommen werden. Wie XAI die mentalen Modelle, das Vertrauen, die Selbstwirksamkeit, die kognitive Belastung und den emotionalen Zustand der Endnutzer in Bezug auf das KI-System beeinflusst, steht im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Zu Beginn der Arbeit werden allgemeine Konzepte zu KI, Erklärungen und psychologische Konstrukte von mentalen Modellen, Vertrauen, Selbstwirksamkeit, kognitiver Belastung und Emotionen vorgestellt. Anschließend werden verwandte Arbeiten bezüglich dem Design und der Untersuchung von XAI für Nutzer präsentiert. Diese dienen als Grundlage für das in dieser Dissertation vorgestellte Konzept einer Menschzentrierten Erklärbaren KI (engl. HC-XAI), das einen XAI-Designansatz mit Nutzerevaluationen kombiniert. Die Autorin verfolgt einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der Wissen aus den Forschungsbereichen (X)AI, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Psychologie integriert. Auf der Grundlage dieses interdisziplinären Konzepts wird ein fünfstufiger Ansatz abgeleitet und im empirischen Teil dieser Arbeit auf exemplarische Umfragen und Experimente und angewendet. Zur Veranschaulichung der ersten beiden Schritte wird ein Persona-Ansatz für HC-XAI vorgestellt und darauf aufbauend eine Vorlage für den Entwurf von Personas bereitgestellt. Um die Verwendung der Vorlage zu veranschaulichen, werden drei Umfragen präsentiert, in denen Endnutzer zu ihren Einstellungen und Erwartungen gegenüber KI und XAI befragt werden. Die aus den Umfragedaten generierten Personas zeigen, dass es den Endnutzern oft an Wissen über XAI mangelt und dass ihre Wahrnehmung dessen von demografischen und persönlichkeitsbezogenen Merkmalen abhängt. Die Schritte drei bis fünf befassen sich mit der Gestaltung von XAI für konkrete Anwendungen. Hierzu werden verschiedene Stufen interaktiver XAI vorgestellt und in Experimenten mit Endanwendern untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck werden zwei regelbasierte Systeme (White-Box) und vier auf DNN basierende Systeme (Black-Box) verwendet. Diese werden für drei Zwecke eingesetzt: Kooperation & Kollaboration, Bildung und medizinische Entscheidungsunterstützung. Hierzu wurden sechs Nutzerstudien durchgeführt, die sich in der Interaktivität des verwendeten XAI-Systems unterschieden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Vertrauen und die mentalen Modelle der Endnutzer in KI stark vom Nutzungskontext und der Gestaltung der Erklärung selbst abhängen. Es hat sich beispielsweise gezeigt, dass Erklärungen, die von einem virtuellen Agenten vermittelt werden, das Vertrauen fördern. Auch der Inhalt und die Art der Erklärungen werden von den Nutzern unterschiedlich wahrgenommen. Die Studien zeigen zudem, dass Endnutzer in unterschiedlichen Anwendungskontexten von XAI den Wunsch nach interaktiven Erklärungen verspüren. Die Dissertation schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung des wissenschaftlichen Beitrags, weist auf Grenzen der vorgestellten Arbeit hin und gibt einen Ausblick auf mögliche zukünftige Forschungsthemen, um Erklärungen in alltägliche KI-Systeme zu integrieren und damit den verständlichen Umgang mit KI für alle Menschen zu ermöglichen

    On the Impact of Explanations on Understanding of Algorithmic Decision-Making

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    Ethical principles for algorithms are gaining importance as more and more stakeholders are affected by "high-risk" algorithmic decision-making (ADM) systems. Understanding how these systems work enables stakeholders to make informed decisions and to assess the systems' adherence to ethical values. Explanations are a promising way to create understanding, but current explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) research does not always consider theories on how understanding is formed and evaluated. In this work, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of understanding by conducting a qualitative task-based study with 30 participants, including "users" and "affected stakeholders". We use three explanation modalities (textual, dialogue, and interactive) to explain a "high-risk" ADM system to participants and analyse their responses both inductively and deductively, using the "six facets of understanding" framework by Wiggins & McTighe. Our findings indicate that the "six facets" are a fruitful approach to analysing participants' understanding, highlighting processes such as "empathising" and "self-reflecting" as important parts of understanding. We further introduce the "dialogue" modality as a valid alternative to increase participant engagement in ADM explanations. Our analysis further suggests that individuality in understanding affects participants' perceptions of algorithmic fairness, confirming the link between understanding and ADM assessment that previous studies have outlined. We posit that drawing from theories on learning and understanding like the "six facets" and leveraging explanation modalities can guide XAI research to better suit explanations to learning processes of individuals and consequently enable their assessment of ethical values of ADM systems.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, supplementary material included as PDF, submitted to FAccT 2

    Designing Interactive Explainable AI Systems for Lay Users

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    Explainability considered a critical component of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) systems, has been proposed to address AI systems’ lack of transparency by revealing the reasons behind their decisions to lay users. However, most explainability methods developed so far provide static explanations that limit the information conveyed to lay users resulting in an insufficient understanding of how AI systems make decisions. To address this challenge and support the efforts to improve the transparency of AI systems, we conducted a design science research project to design an interactive explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) system to help lay users understand AI systems’ decisions. We relied on existing knowledge in the XAI literature to propose design principles and instantiate them in an initial prototype. We then conducted an evaluation of the prototype and interviews with lay users. Our research contributes design knowledge for interactive XAI systems and provides practical guidelines for practitioners

    Exploring Effectiveness of Explanations for Appropriate Trust: Lessons from Cognitive Psychology

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    The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires developers and designers of AI systems to focus on the collaboration between humans and machines. AI explanations of system behavior and reasoning are vital for effective collaboration by fostering appropriate trust, ensuring understanding, and addressing issues of fairness and bias. However, various contextual and subjective factors can influence an AI system explanation's effectiveness. This work draws inspiration from findings in cognitive psychology to understand how effective explanations can be designed. We identify four components to which explanation designers can pay special attention: perception, semantics, intent, and user & context. We illustrate the use of these four explanation components with an example of estimating food calories by combining text with visuals, probabilities with exemplars, and intent communication with both user and context in mind. We propose that the significant challenge for effective AI explanations is an additional step between explanation generation using algorithms not producing interpretable explanations and explanation communication. We believe this extra step will benefit from carefully considering the four explanation components outlined in our work, which can positively affect the explanation's effectiveness.Comment: 2022 IEEE Workshop on TRust and EXpertise in Visual Analytics (TREX
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