14,610 research outputs found

    Regulatory versus Informational Value of Bond Ratings: Hints from History ...

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    A multivariate analysis can be used in order to investigate the relationship between bond yields, ratings and standard control variables. Replicating such a test on a number of cross-sections may evidence a possible impact of financial regulations relying on ratings. Datasets for American corporate bond issues allow a focus on two key events of the development of rating driven regulations: the valuation of bank and life insurance portfolios introduced in the 1930’s and the net capital requirements for broker dealers introduced in the 1970’s. The “value” of bond ratings does show some improvement once these regulations have been passed.Bond ratings, bond yields, financial regulation.

    Representations of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in UK newspapers: a case study of a public health policy debate

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    Background: Mass media influence public acceptability, and hence feasibility, of public health interventions. This study investigates newsprint constructions of the alcohol problem and minimum unit pricing (MUP). Methods: Quantitative content analysis of 901 articles about MUP published in 10 UK and Scottish newspapers between 2005 and 2012. Results: MUP was a high-profile issue, particularly in Scottish publications. Reporting increased steadily between 2008 and 2012, matching the growing status of the debate. The alcohol problem was widely acknowledged, often associated with youths, and portrayed as driven by cheap alcohol, supermarkets and drinking culture. Over-consumption was presented as a threat to health and social order. Appraisals of MUP were neutral, with supportiveness increasing slightly over time. Arguments focused on health impacts more frequently than more emotive perspectives or business interests. Health charities and the NHS were cited slightly more frequently than alcohol industry representatives. Conclusion: Emphases on efficacy, evidence and experts are positive signs for evidence-based policymaking. The high profile of MUP, along with growing support within articles, could reflect growing appetite for action on the alcohol problem. Representations of the problem as structurally driven might engender support for legislative solutions, although cultural explanations remain common

    Geoadditive Latent Variable Modelling of Child Morbidity and Malnutrition in Nigeria

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    Investigating the impact of important risk factors and geographical location on child morbidity and malnutrition is of high relevance for developing countries. Previous research has usually carried out separate regression analyses for certain diseases or types of malnutrition, neglecting possible association between them. Based on data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey of 2003, we apply recently developed geoadditive latent variable models, taking cough, fever and diarrhea as well as stunting and underweight as observable indicators for the latent variables morbidity and mortality. This allows to study the common impact of risk factors and geographical location on these latent variables, thereby taking account of association within a joint model. Our analysis identifies socio-economic and public health factors, nonlinear effects of age and other continuous covariates as well as spatial effects jointly influencing morbidity and malnutrition

    The Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM)

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    The paper presents a detailed documentation of the underlying concepts and methods of the Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM). For instance, SpAbCoM is used to study firms' choices of spatial pricing policy (GRAUBNER et al., 2011a) or pricing and location under a framework of multi-firm spatial competition and two-dimensional markets (GRAUBNER et al., 2011b). While the simulation model is briefly introduced by means of relevant examples within the corresponding papers, the present paper serves two objectives. First, it presents a detailed discussion of the computational concepts that are used, particularly with respect to genetic algorithms (GAs). Second, it documents SpAbCoM and provides an overview of the structure of the simulation model and its dynamics. -- Das vorliegende Papier dokumentiert die zugrundeliegenden Konzepte und Methoden des Räumlichen Agenten-basierten Wettbewerbsmodells (Spatial Agent-based Competition Model) SpAbCoM. Anwendungsbeispiele dieses Simulationsmodells untersuchen die Entscheidung bezüglich der räumlichen Preisstrategie von Unternehmen (GRAUBNER et al., 2011a) oder Preissetzung und Standortwahl im Rahmen eines räumlichen Wettbewerbsmodells, welches mehr als einen Wettbewerber und zweidimensionalen Marktgebiete berücksichtigt. Während das Simulationsmodell in den jeweiligen Arbeiten kurz anhand eines Beispiels eingeführt wird, dient das vorliegende Papier zwei Zielen. Zum Einen sollen die verwendeten computergestützten Konzepte, hier speziell Genetische Algorithmen (GA), detailliert vorgestellt werden. Zum Anderen besteht die Absicht dieser Dokumentation darin, einen Überblick über die Struktur von SpAbCoM und die während einer Simulation ablaufenden Prozesse zu gegeben.Agent-based modelling,genetic algorithms,spatial pricing,location model.,Agent-basierte Modellierung,Genetische Algorithmen,räumliche Preissetzung,Standortmodell.

    Exploring the Impact of Fit between Context Factors and Pricing Model Choice on the Success of IT Outsourcing Mega-Deals

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    The interplay between internal and external contextual factors and pricing model choice in IT outsourcing (ITO) contracts is still an under-researched area in the ITO literature. However, as past and current examples of outsourcing failures indicate, an informed selection of an adequate pricing model indeed plays a crucial, if not decisive role to ensure a successful deal outcome and to mitigate risks in the wake of the deal. Based on contingency theory, the paper at hand explores 60 ITO megadeals (\u3e EUR 50 million) for the impact of the alignment of business objectives and market factors with pricing model choice on ITO deal performance. Our empirical results, which were based on a fitas- gestalts conceptualization, suggest that a high congruence of business objectives and market characteristics with pricing model attributes in ITO contracts engender better cost control and service results and a higher level of satisfaction after ITO deals than a low congruence of these factors. Our findings offer several interesting implications that can be used to improve pricing configurations in ITO deal contracts

    Massively Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulation and Its Applications in Finance

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    In this paper, we propose, develop and implement a tool that increases the computational speed of exotic derivatives pricing at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. Our paper focuses on investigating the computing efficiencies of GPU systems. We utilize the GPU’s natural parallelization capabilities to price financial instruments. We outline our implementation, solutions to practical complications arising during implementation and how much faster GPU systems are. Each step that we explore has a significant impact on the efficiency and performance of GPU pricing. Rather than speaking in theoretical, abstract terms, we detail each step in an attempt to give the reader a clear sense of what’s going on. Efficiency is one of the pillars of financial calculations. With the volume of risk calculations mandated by prudent risk management practices, even moderate improvements in calculation efficiency can translate into material changes in trading limits or savings in regulatory capital. This can make the difference between a growing, successful trading operation or an also-ran. Unfortunately, a decent algorithm written in VBA cannot calculate option prices at the same speed as a farm of computers, particularly if we must price the trade in less than 150 milliseconds using 10 million simulation paths. Fast forward from one trade to a book of several hundred thousand trades, many of which are exotic products. Not only is it necessary to price each trade, but we must do so in each of thousands of different market scenarios in order to calculate even basic risk measures such as Greeks and Value-at-Risk (VaR). At the end of the paper, we discuss how GPUs are currently used in the industry and their various advantages, including cost, time, accuracy and calculation frequency. In addition, we discuss the implementation challenges of GPU systems and the attention to detail that is required for memory allocation