6 research outputs found

    Invertible orientation bundles on 2D scalar images

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    Nonlinear Diffusion on the 2D Euclidean Motion Group

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    Linear and nonlinear diffusion equations are usually considered on an image, which is in fact a function on the translation group. In this paper we study diffusion on orientation scores, i.e. on functions on the Euclidean motion group SE(2). An orientation score is obtained from an image by a linear invertible transformation. The goal is to enhance elongated structures by applying nonlinear left-invariant diffusion on the orientation score of the image. For this purpose we describe how we can use Gaussian derivatives to obtain regularized left-invariant derivatives that obey the non-commutative structure of the Lie algebra of SE(2). The Hessian constructed with these derivatives is used to estimate local curvature and orientation strength and the diffusion is made nonlinearly dependent on these measures. We propose an explicit finite difference scheme to apply the nonlinear diffusion on orientation scores. The experiments show that preservation of crossing structures is the main advantage compared to approaches such as coherence enhancing diffusion

    Fast anisotropic Gauss filtering

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    Abstract. We derive the decomposition of the anisotropic Gaussian in a one dimensional Gauss filter in the x-direction followed by a one dimensional filter in a non-orthogonal direction ϕ. So also the anisotropic Gaussian can be decomposed by dimension. This appears to be extremely efficient from a computing perspective. An implementation scheme for normal convolution and for recursive filtering is proposed. Also directed derivative filters are demonstrated. For the recursive implementation, filtering an 512 × 512 image is performed within 65 msec, independent of the standard deviations and orientation of the filter. Accuracy of the filters is still reasonable when compared to truncation error or recursive approximation error. The anisotropic Gaussian filtering method allows fast calculation of edge and ridge maps, with high spatial and angular accuracy. For tracking applications, the normal anisotropic convolution scheme is more advantageous, with applications in the detection of dashed lines in engineering drawings. The recursive implementation is more attractive in feature detection applications, for instance in affine invariant edge and ridge detection in computer vision. The proposed computational filtering method enables the practical applicability of orientation scale-space analysis

    Numerical Approaches for Linear Left-invariant Diffusions on SE(2), their Comparison to Exact Solutions, and their Applications in Retinal Imaging

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    Left-invariant PDE-evolutions on the roto-translation group SE(2)SE(2) (and their resolvent equations) have been widely studied in the fields of cortical modeling and image analysis. They include hypo-elliptic diffusion (for contour enhancement) proposed by Citti & Sarti, and Petitot, and they include the direction process (for contour completion) proposed by Mumford. This paper presents a thorough study and comparison of the many numerical approaches, which, remarkably, is missing in the literature. Existing numerical approaches can be classified into 3 categories: Finite difference methods, Fourier based methods (equivalent to SE(2)SE(2)-Fourier methods), and stochastic methods (Monte Carlo simulations). There are also 3 types of exact solutions to the PDE-evolutions that were derived explicitly (in the spatial Fourier domain) in previous works by Duits and van Almsick in 2005. Here we provide an overview of these 3 types of exact solutions and explain how they relate to each of the 3 numerical approaches. We compute relative errors of all numerical approaches to the exact solutions, and the Fourier based methods show us the best performance with smallest relative errors. We also provide an improvement of Mathematica algorithms for evaluating Mathieu-functions, crucial in implementations of the exact solutions. Furthermore, we include an asymptotical analysis of the singularities within the kernels and we propose a probabilistic extension of underlying stochastic processes that overcomes the singular behavior in the origin of time-integrated kernels. Finally, we show retinal imaging applications of combining left-invariant PDE-evolutions with invertible orientation scores.Comment: A final and corrected version of the manuscript is Published in Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (NM-TMA), vol. (9), p.1-50, 201

    Invertible orientation bundles on 2d scalar images

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    Abstract. A general approach for multiscale orientation analysis of 2D scalar images is proposed. A scale-dependent orientation bundle (map of the visual space into function of two arguments: position and orientation) is constructed from the local Gaussian-derivatives jet of a scalar image in 2D. It is shown that there exists a class of orientation filters exhibiting an invertible relation between the orientation bundle and the original image in space domain. This invertible transformation is used to regain the original acuity in the spatial domain after analyzing orientation features at any given scale. The approach turns out to be highly effective for the detection of elongated structures

    Invertible orientation bundles on 2D scalar images

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    A general approach for multiscale orientation analysis of 2D scalar images is proposed. A scale-dependent orientation bundle (map of the visual space into function of two arguments: position and orientation) is constructed from the local Gaussian-derivatives jet of a scalar image in 2D. It is shown that there exists a class of orientation filters exhibiting an invertible relation between the orientation bundle and the original image in space domain. This invertible transformation is used to regain the original acuity in the spatial domain after analyzing orientation features at any given scale. The approach turns out to be highly effective for the detection of elongated structures