71 research outputs found

    Зони ефективного регулювання напруги джерелами розосередженої генерації з інверторним приєднанням у розподільній електричній мережі

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    Розглянуто підхід до визначення зон ефективного регулювання напруги джерелами розосередженої генерації з інверторним приєднанням в розподільній електричній мережі на основі розрахунку і аналізу чутливості напруги в вузлах мережі до зміни генерації активної та реактивної потужностей у точці приєднання джерела. Таке дослідження надає змогу визначити, в яких зонах мережі регулювання напруги за рахунок джерел розосередженої генерації буде мати найбільший ефект.Рассмотрен подход к определению зон эффективного регулирования напряжения источниками распределенной генерации с инверторным присоединением в распределительной электрической сети на основе анализа чувствительности напряжения в узлах системы к изменению генерации активной и реактивной мощностей в точке присоединения источника. Такое исследование позволяет определить, в каких зонах сети регулирование напряжения за счет источников распределенной генерации будет иметь наибольший эффект.An approach for the determination of areas of effective voltage control by distributed generation with inverter interconnection in distribution networks based on the calculation and analysis of the sensitivity of the voltage at the nodes of the system to a change in the generation of active and reactive power at the connection of distributed generation. This study allows to determine in which areas of the network voltage regulation due to distributed generation will have the greatest effect, and which nodes need additional means for voltage regulation

    Pseudo-gradient Based Local Voltage Control in Distribution Networks

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    Voltage regulation is critical for power grids. However, it has become a much more challenging problem as distributed energy resources (DERs) such as photovoltaic and wind generators are increasingly deployed, causing rapid voltage fluctuations beyond what can be handled by the traditional voltage regulation methods. In this paper, motivated by two previously proposed inverter-based local volt/var control algorithms, we propose a pseudo-gradient based voltage control algorithm for the distribution network that does not constrain the allowable control functions and has low implementation complexity. We characterize the convergence of the proposed voltage control scheme, and compare it against the two previous algorithms in terms of the convergence condition as well as the convergence rate

    PowerModels.jl: An Open-Source Framework for Exploring Power Flow Formulations

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    In recent years, the power system research community has seen an explosion of novel methods for formulating and solving power network optimization problems. These emerging methods range from new power flow approximations, which go beyond the traditional DC power flow by capturing reactive power, to convex relaxations, which provide solution quality and runtime performance guarantees. Unfortunately, the sophistication of these emerging methods often presents a significant barrier to evaluating them on a wide variety of power system optimization applications. To address this issue, this work proposes PowerModels, an open-source platform for comparing power flow formulations. From its inception, PowerModels was designed to streamline the process of evaluating different power flow formulations on shared optimization problem specifications. This work provides a brief introduction to the design of PowerModels, validates its implementation, and demonstrates its effectiveness with a proof-of-concept study analyzing five different formulations of the Optimal Power Flow problem