5,631 research outputs found

    Implementasi Inverse Kinematic Pada Pergerakan Mobile Robot Krpai Divisi Berkaki

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    Kontes Robot Pemadam Api Indonesia(KRPAI) merupakan ajang perlombaan robotika nasionalyang terdiri atas dua divisi yaitu Divisi Beroda dan DivisiBerkaki. Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi dalamperlombaan divisi berkaki adalah pergerakan untukmenyusuri arena dalam lomba. Tugas akhir ini merancangdan mengimplementasikan inverse kinematic sebagai sistempergerakan pada robot berkaki. Pada perhitungan inversekinemtic akan dihasilkan sudut untuk masing-masing motorservo, agar robot dapat berjalan sesuai degan yangdiharapkan. Pola langkah digunakan untuk mengatur bagiandari kaki robot mana yang harus diangkat terlebih dahuludan untuk kaki lain digeser. Dengan perhitungan inversekinematic dapat diketahui rata-rata kesalahan gerak majuantara 3 cm hingga 30 cm yang dihasilkan 0,6 cm dengankesalahan terbesar 2 cm pada jarak tempuh 30 cm. hasilgerak maju untuk 244 cm atau jalur terpanjang dalam lombamenunjukkan rata-rata kesalahan pembacaan sudut sebesar2,54o dengan kesalahan terbesar 3,51o

    Kinematic analysis of the 3-RPR parallel manipulator

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    The aim of this paper is the kinematic study of a 3-RPR planar parallel manipulator where the three fixed revolute joints are actuated. The direct and inverse kinematic problem as well as the singular configuration is characterized. On parallel singular configurations, the motion produce by the mobile platform can be compared to the Reuleaux straight-line mechanism

    Optimization Approach for Inverse Kinematic Solution

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    Inverse kinematics of serial or parallel manipulators can be computed from given Cartesian position and orientation of end effector and reverse of this would yield forward kinematics. Which is nothing but finding out end effector coordinates and angles from given joint angles. Forward kinematics of serial manipulators gives exact solution while inverse kinematics yields number of solutions. The complexity of inverse kinematic solution arises with the increment of degrees of freedom. Therefore it would be desired to adopt optimization techniques. Although the optimization techniques gives number of solution for inverse kinematics problem but it converses the best solution for the minimum function value. The selection of suitable optimization method will provides the global optimization solution, therefore, in this paper proposes quaternion derivation for 5R manipulator inverse kinematic solution which is later compared with teachers learner based optimization (TLBO) and genetic algorithm (GA) for the optimum convergence rate of inverse kinematic solution. An investigation has been made on the accuracies of adopted techniques and total computational time for inverse kinematic evaluations. It is found that TLBO is performing better as compared GA on the basis of fitness function and quaternion algebra gives better computational cost