2 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n y Optimizaci贸n de la Cadena de Suministro en QWANTEC PERU: Reducci贸n de Tiempos de Atenci贸n y Env铆o

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    En el presente trabajo se abordar谩n temas relacionados a la optimizaci贸n de la atenci贸n de pedidos de una empresa perteneciente a la industria de softwares y servicios inform谩ticos. En ese sentido, se dar谩 una explicaci贸n de las caracter铆sticas de la industria y los factores que influyen en el desempe帽o de la empresa, teniendo en cuenta informaci贸n clave que ayudar谩 a identificar y explicar las problem谩ticas. Para dicho an谩lisis, se consult贸 bibliograf铆a pertinente, que nos sirven como base para la elaboraci贸n de alternativas de soluci贸n, que aplicadas a la empresa generan beneficios que est谩n alineados con sus objetivos comerciales y operativos. Asimismo, se establecer谩n escenarios y alternativas que nos indiquen c贸mo se debe de proceder con la atenci贸n y cu谩l es la mejor opci贸n. De este an谩lisis se concluye que un modelo de programaci贸n lineal es viable y factible ya que permite establecer un orden 贸ptimo de atenci贸n de pedidos de clientes, traduci茅ndose en una mejor calidad de servicio.We will work on topics related to the optimization of order fulfilment for a company belonging to the software and computer services industry. The characteristics of the industry and the factors that influence the performance of the company will be explained, taking into account key information that will help to identify and explain the problems. Relevant bibliography was consulted, which serves as a basis for the development of alternatives and solutions, which, applied to the company generates benefits that are aligned with its commercial and operational objectives. Likewise, scenarios and alternatives will be established that tell us how to proceed with order attentions and what is the best option. From this analysis it is concluded that a linear programming model is viable and feasible since it allows establishing an optimal order of customer order attention, resulting in better quality of service.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Inventory optimization model considering consumer shift and inventory transshipment in dual-channel supply chains

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    In this paper we consider a dual-channel supply chain which consists of an online store and multiple independent retail stores. In this system, customer shift induces inventory competition while transshipment brings inventory cooperation, both of which inuences inventory optimization and control. Therefore we respectively construct inventory optimization models under the two situations: customer shift and inventory transshipment. Specifically, unilateral customer shift and inventory transshipment are considered, and a one-for-one replenishment strategy is applied. We first solve the equilibrium state probability of on-hand inventory through Markov chain theory, then optimize performance measure (i.e., the total costs) to obtain the optimal basic inventory level. Finally, we analyze the impact of customer shift rate and inventory transshipment rate on the inventory strategies through numerical simulation, and further compare the differences in inventory decisions between the above two situations, which prove that inventory cooperation brought by inventory transshipment is not necessarily better than inventory competition brought by customer shift. In addition, we discuss several insights that are evident from the parametric analysis of the model