12,271 research outputs found

    The Resilience of Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Systems for Automotive Networks

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    This thesis will cover the topic of cyber security in vehicles. Current vehicles contain many computers which communicate over a controller area network. This network has many vulnerabilities which can be leveraged by attackers. To combat these attackers, intrusion detection systems have been implemented. The latest research has mostly focused on the use of deep learning techniques for these intrusion detection systems. However, these deep learning techniques are not foolproof and possess their own security vulnerabilities. One such vulnerability comes in the form of adversarial samples. These are attacks that are manipulated to evade detection by these intrusion detection systems. In this thesis, the aim is to show that the known vulnerabilities of deep learning techniques are also present in the current state-of-the-art intrusion detection systems. The presence of these vulnerabilities shows that these deep learning based systems are still to immature to be deployed in actual vehicles. Since if an attacker is able to use these weaknesses to circumvent the intrusion detection system, they can still control many parts of the vehicles such as the windows, the brakes and even the engine. Current research regarding deep learning weaknesses has mainly focused on the image recognition domain. Relatively little research has investigated the influence of these weaknesses for intrusion detection, especially on vehicle networks. To show these weaknesses, firstly two baseline deep learning intrusion detection systems were created. Additionally, two state-of-the-art systems from recent research papers were recreated. Afterwards, adversarial samples were generated using the fast gradient-sign method on one of the baseline systems. These adversarial samples were then used to show the drop in performance of all systems. The thesis shows that the adversarial samples negatively impact the two baseline models and one state-of-the-art model. The state-of-the-art model’s drop in performance goes as high as 60% in the f1-score. Additionally, some of the adversarial samples need as little as 2 bits to be changed in order to evade the intrusion detection systems

    A Lightweight Multi-Attack CAN Intrusion Detection System on Hybrid FPGAs

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    Rising connectivity in vehicles is enabling new capabilities like connected autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for improving the safety and reliability of next-generation vehicles. This increased access to in-vehicle functions compromises critical capabilities that use legacy invehicle networks like Controller Area Network (CAN), which has no inherent security or authentication mechanism. Intrusion detection and mitigation approaches, particularly using machine learning models, have shown promising results in detecting multiple attack vectors in CAN through their ability to generalise to new vectors. However, most deployments require dedicated computing units like GPUs to perform line-rate detection, consuming much higher power. In this paper, we present a lightweight multi-attack quantised machine learning model that is deployed using Xilinx's Deep Learning Processing Unit IP on a Zynq Ultrascale+ (XCZU3EG) FPGA, which is trained and validated using the public CAN Intrusion Detection dataset. The quantised model detects denial of service and fuzzing attacks with an accuracy of above 99 % and a false positive rate of 0.07%, which are comparable to the state-of-the-art techniques in the literature. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) execution consumes just 2.0 W with software tasks running on the ECU and achieves a 25 % reduction in per-message processing latency over the state-of-the-art implementations. This deployment allows the ECU function to coexist with the IDS with minimal changes to the tasks, making it ideal for real-time IDS in in-vehicle systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 6 table

    A cognitive based Intrusion detection system

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    Intrusion detection is one of the primary mechanisms to provide computer networks with security. With an increase in attacks and growing dependence on various fields such as medicine, commercial, and engineering to give services over a network, securing networks have become a significant issue. The purpose of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is to make models which can recognize regular communications from abnormal ones and take necessary actions. Among different methods in this field, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been widely used. However, ANN-based IDS, has two main disadvantages: 1- Low detection precision. 2- Weak detection stability. To overcome these issues, this paper proposes a new approach based on Deep Neural Network (DNN. The general mechanism of our model is as follows: first, some of the data in dataset is properly ranked, afterwards, dataset is normalized with Min-Max normalizer to fit in the limited domain. Then dimensionality reduction is applied to decrease the amount of both useless dimensions and computational cost. After the preprocessing part, Mean-Shift clustering algorithm is the used to create different subsets and reduce the complexity of dataset. Based on each subset, two models are trained by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and deep learning method. Between two models for each subset, the model with a higher accuracy is chosen. This idea is inspired from philosophy of divide and conquer. Hence, the DNN can learn each subset quickly and robustly. Finally, to reduce the error from the previous step, an ANN model is trained to gain and use the results in order to be able to predict the attacks. We can reach to 95.4 percent of accuracy. Possessing a simple structure and less number of tunable parameters, the proposed model still has a grand generalization with a high level of accuracy in compared to other methods such as SVM, Bayes network, and STL.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    RSU based Joint Congestion-Intrusion Detection System in Vanets Using Deep Learning Technique

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    Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a technology that makes it possible to provide many practical services in intelligent transportation systems, but it is also susceptible to several intrusion threats. Through the identification of unusual network behavior, intrusion detection systems (ID Ss) can reduce security vulnerabilities. However, rather than detecting anomalous network behaviors throughout the whole VANET, current IDS systems are only able to do so for local sub-networks. Hence there is a need for a Joint Congestion and Intrusion Detection System (JCIDS). We designed an JCICS model that can collect network data cooperatively from vehicles and Roadside Units (RSUs).This paper, proposes a new deep learning model to improve the performance of JCIDS by using k-means and a posterior detection based on coresets to improve the detection accuracy and eliminate the redundant messages. The efficacy of the current Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Honey badger Algorithm (HBA)on the fundamental AODV protocol is combined with the advantages of the JCIDS is suggested in this protocol. First, formation of clusters using vehicle’s mobility parameters like, velocity and distance to enhance route stability. Moreover, a vehicle will be chosen as Cluster Head with highest route stability. Second, the efficient intrusion detection is achieved with the consumption using RNN method. In the RNN, the optimal weighting factor is selected with the help of HBA. The RNN is performing efficient prediction with the assistance of HBA. The finest path for data dissemination is selected by choosing link lifetime, hop count and residual energy along the path.As a result, multimedia data streaming is improved network life time, in terms of reduced packet loss ratio and energy consumption as compared to existing DNN and SVM scheme for different node density and speed
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