4 research outputs found

    PCAD: Power control attack detection in wireless sensor networks

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    Security in wireless sensor networks is critical due to its way of open communication. In this paper we have provided a solution to detect malicious nodes which perform radio transmission power control attack and sinkhole attack in wireless sensor networks. In the proposed approach, data transmission is divided into multiple rounds of equal time duration. Each node chooses the parent node in the beginning of the round for forwarding the packet towards sink. Each node adds its identity in the packet as a routing path marker and encrypts before forwarding to parent. Child node observes the parent, handles acknowledgement from 2-hop distance node and decides the trust on parent based on successful and unsuccessful transactions. Each node sends a trust value report via multiple paths to Sink at the end of the round. Sink identifies the malicious node by comparing trust value report received from each node with number of data packets received. Simulated the algorithm in NS-3 and performance analysis compared with other recently proposed approach. Simulation results show that proposed method detect the malicious nodes efficiently and early. © 2016 IEEE

    A Scheme for Detecting the Sinkhole for Secured WSN

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    Because of the limited computation capability as well as transmissions being broadcasted in a wireless sensor network (WSN) they are supposed to be more susceptible for attacks related to the security. As present wireless sensor networks have low-power constraints as well as increased complexity, thus for nodes’ performance analysis related to the embedded software and network simulation efficient approaches are required. Additionally, as these networks are used to deal with the sensitive information and operated in the adverse unattended environments, thus, security feature must be added in most of these wireless sensor networks. In this paper a novel scheme for detecting various sinkhole nodes for wireless sensor network (WSN). The results of this proposed scheme show the 1.75% fake positive rate and 96% of detection rate. In comparison to the previous schemes, these aspects are considerably better. In addition to these aspects, our scheme also achieves the communication as well as computational efficiencies. As a result of which, this proposed scheme proved to have better results in many applications.

    Prenos podataka, bezbednost i energetska efikasnost internet stvari (Internet of things) rešenja zasnovanih na tehnologiji bežičnih senzorskih mreža

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    Glavni doprinos ove doktorske teze jeste model procene potrošnje energije bežičnih senzorskih mreža za zadati skup protokola topologije i kriptografskih algoritama male računske i implementacione zahtevnosti. Predložena metoda procene potrošnje energije analizira se u simulacionom scenariju za nekoliko protokola i kriptografskih algoritama. Matematički model se testira u simulacionom okruženju gde se bežične senzorske mreže primenjuju kao tehnologija za komunikaciju na otvorenom području između senzorskih čvorova i uređaja zasnovanih na tehnologiji internet stvari. Rezultati simulacije potvrđuju formulu predloženu za procenu snage. Model predložen u ovoj tezi može se koristiti za odabir odgovarajućeg protokola topologije i kriptografskog algoritma. Na osnovu definisanog modela i rezultata simulacije predstavljena je sortirana lista kombinacija protokola topologije i algoritma šifrovanja. Najbolji rezultati u smislu potrošnje energije dobijaju se korišćenjem protokola A3 topologije i kriptografskog protokola KATAN64