22 research outputs found

    Wireless sensor network performance analysis and effect of blackhole and sinkhole attacks

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    The widespread usage of Wireless sensor networks in various fields and application make it vulnerable to variety of security threats and attacks. These security attacks occur when an adversary compromised a sensor node by inject false measurements and divert real time network traffic. Sinkhole and Blackhole attacks are very common attacks in network, where an attacker advertises un-authorized routing update in network. To deal with these types of attacks, there is a need to tighten the network security and prevent from attackers. In this study, we discuss security threats and presents the effects of Black and Sink hole attacks. Further, the study presents related work and current issues in wireless sensor network. The simulation results illustrated that, how these attacks affect the network performance

    Research on a Denial of Service (DoS) Detection System Based on Global Interdependent Behaviors in a Sensor Network Environment

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    This research suggests a Denial of Service (DoS) detection method based on the collection of interdependent behavior data in a sensor network environment. In order to collect the interdependent behavior data, we use a base station to analyze traffic and behaviors among nodes and introduce methods of detecting changes in the environment with precursor symptoms. The study presents a DoS Detection System based on Global Interdependent Behaviors and shows the result of detecting a sensor carrying out DoS attacks through the test-bed


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    ABSTRACT Recently many new algorithms of wireless sensor networks have been developed which are mainly designed for wireless sensor networks where energy efficiency is an essential criteria. This paper describes a novel intrusion detection scheme which is a lightweight intrusion detection framework for clustered sensor networks. Since WSN nodes are typically battery equipped the primary design goal is to optimize the amount of energy used for transmission. The main idea behind using this approach is its communication and computation overheads are reasonably low and it performs better than other schemes in terms of energy efficiency and high detection rate

    A Scheme for Detecting the Sinkhole for Secured WSN

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    Because of the limited computation capability as well as transmissions being broadcasted in a wireless sensor network (WSN) they are supposed to be more susceptible for attacks related to the security. As present wireless sensor networks have low-power constraints as well as increased complexity, thus for nodes’ performance analysis related to the embedded software and network simulation efficient approaches are required. Additionally, as these networks are used to deal with the sensitive information and operated in the adverse unattended environments, thus, security feature must be added in most of these wireless sensor networks. In this paper a novel scheme for detecting various sinkhole nodes for wireless sensor network (WSN). The results of this proposed scheme show the 1.75% fake positive rate and 96% of detection rate. In comparison to the previous schemes, these aspects are considerably better. In addition to these aspects, our scheme also achieves the communication as well as computational efficiencies. As a result of which, this proposed scheme proved to have better results in many applications.

    An innovative approach of blending security features in energy-efficient routing for a crowded network of wireless sensors

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are emerging as both an important new tier in the IT (information technology) ecosystem and a rich domain of active research involving hardware and system design, networking, distributed algorithms, programming models, data management, security, and social factors [1,2]. The basic idea of a sensor network is to disperse tiny sensing devices over a specific target area. These devices are capable of sensing certain changes of incidents or parameters and of communicating with other devices. WSNs could be very useful for providing support for some specific purposes, such as target tracking, surveillance, environmental monitoring, etc. Today’s sensors can monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, soil makeup, vehicular movement, noise levels, lighting conditions, the presence or absence of certain kinds of objects or substances, mechanical stress levels on attached objects, and other properties. As such types of networks are composed of resource-constrained tiny sensor nodes, many research works have tried to focus on efficient use of the available resources of the sensors. Energy is, in fact, one of the most critical factors that play a great role to define the duration of an active and operable network. Energy efficiency is often very crucial in these sorts of networks as the power sources of the inexpensive sensors are (in most of the cases) not replaceable after deployment. If any intermediate node between any two communicating nodes runs out of battery power, the link between the end nodes is eventually broken. So any protocol should ensure a competent way of utilizing the energies of the sensors so that a fair connectivity of the network could be ensured throughout its operation time. Energy efficiency is also very necessary to maximize the lifetime of the network

    A Survey on Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    ABSTRACT In recent years, the applications based on the Wireless Sensor Networks are growing very fast. The application areas include agriculture, healthcare, military, hospitality management, mobiles and many others. So these networks are very important for us and the security of the network from the various attacks is also a more important issue in WSN application now days. Stopping these attacks or enhancing the security of the WSN system various intrusion detection policies are developed till date to detect the node/s that is/are not working normally. Out of various detection techniques three major categories explored in this paper are Anomaly detection, Misuse detection and Specificationbased detection. Here in this review paper various attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks and existing Intrusion detection techniques are discussed to detect the compromised node/s. The paper also provides a brief discussion about the characteristics of the Wireless Sensor Networks and the classification of attacks

    Deception in wireless sensor networks- predicting intruder behavior

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been used in different sectors such as transportation, agriculture, military etc., Since WSNs are generally used in unmanned territories, providing security is an important requirement. Deception in WSNs is a method for providing a security framework. Time-series prediction is a component used to validate the effectiveness of the deception framework employed. The time-series prediction implemented in this thesis requires little memory and computation power to predict within a certain accuracy threshold. It works by scanning the data towards the end of the existing time series, checking for patterns and trends. Averaging is applied if it is not possible to arrive at a definite conclusion based on the data scanned. The algorithm was tested with data obtained from a sink-hole attack in WSNs. Simulation results show that the prediction was most accurate with a look- back value of 10 and input lengths set to 100. The proposed approach requires little memory and computational power and is therefore suitable for WSNs.Computer Science Departmen

    Security wireless sensor networks: prospects, challenges, and future

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    With the advancements of networking technologies and miniaturization of electronic devices, wireless sensor network (WSN) has become an emerging area of research in academic, industrial, and defense sectors. Different types of sensing technologies combined with processing power and wireless communication capability make sensor networks very lucrative for their abundant use in near future. However, many issues are yet to be solved before their full-scale practical implementations. Among all the research issues in WSN, security is one of the most challenging topics to deal with. The major hurdle of securing a WSN is imposed by the limited resources of the sensors participating in the network. Again, the reliance on wireless communication technology opens the door for various types of security threats and attacks. Considering the special features of this type of network, in this chapter we address the critical security issues in wireless sensor networks. We talk about cryptography, steganography, and other basics of network security and their applicability in WSN. We explore various types of threats and attacks against wireless sensor networks, possible countermeasures, mentionable works done so far, other research issues, etc. We also introduce the view of holistic security and future trends towards research in wireless sensor network security

    Security attacks and challenges in wireless sensor networks

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