14 research outputs found

    Introspective Pushdown Analysis of Higher-Order Programs

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    In the static analysis of functional programs, pushdown flow analysis and abstract garbage collection skirt just inside the boundaries of soundness and decidability. Alone, each method reduces analysis times and boosts precision by orders of magnitude. This work illuminates and conquers the theoretical challenges that stand in the way of combining the power of these techniques. The challenge in marrying these techniques is not subtle: computing the reachable control states of a pushdown system relies on limiting access during transition to the top of the stack; abstract garbage collection, on the other hand, needs full access to the entire stack to compute a root set, just as concrete collection does. \emph{Introspective} pushdown systems resolve this conflict. Introspective pushdown systems provide enough access to the stack to allow abstract garbage collection, but they remain restricted enough to compute control-state reachability, thereby enabling the sound and precise product of pushdown analysis and abstract garbage collection. Experiments reveal synergistic interplay between the techniques, and the fusion demonstrates "better-than-both-worlds" precision.Comment: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2012, AC

    Introspective pushdown analysis of higher-order programs

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    Sound and Precise Malware Analysis for Android via Pushdown Reachability and Entry-Point Saturation

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    We present Anadroid, a static malware analysis framework for Android apps. Anadroid exploits two techniques to soundly raise precision: (1) it uses a pushdown system to precisely model dynamically dispatched interprocedural and exception-driven control-flow; (2) it uses Entry-Point Saturation (EPS) to soundly approximate all possible interleavings of asynchronous entry points in Android applications. (It also integrates static taint-flow analysis and least permissions analysis to expand the class of malicious behaviors which it can catch.) Anadroid provides rich user interface support for human analysts which must ultimately rule on the "maliciousness" of a behavior. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Anadroid's malware analysis, we had teams of analysts analyze a challenge suite of 52 Android applications released as part of the Auto- mated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity (APAC) DARPA program. The first team analyzed the apps using a ver- sion of Anadroid that uses traditional (finite-state-machine-based) control-flow-analysis found in existing malware analysis tools; the second team analyzed the apps using a version of Anadroid that uses our enhanced pushdown-based control-flow-analysis. We measured machine analysis time, human analyst time, and their accuracy in flagging malicious applications. With pushdown analysis, we found statistically significant (p < 0.05) decreases in time: from 85 minutes per app to 35 minutes per app in human plus machine analysis time; and statistically significant (p < 0.05) increases in accuracy with the pushdown-driven analyzer: from 71% correct identification to 95% correct identification.Comment: Appears in 3rd Annual ACM CCS workshop on Security and Privacy in SmartPhones and Mobile Devices (SPSM'13), Berlin, Germany, 201

    Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis

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    Statically reasoning in the presence of exceptions and about the effects of exceptions is challenging: exception-flows are mutually determined by traditional control-flow and points-to analyses. We tackle the challenge of analyzing exception-flows from two angles. First, from the angle of pruning control-flows (both normal and exceptional), we derive a pushdown framework for an object-oriented language with full-featured exceptions. Unlike traditional analyses, it allows precise matching of throwers to catchers. Second, from the angle of pruning points-to information, we generalize abstract garbage collection to object-oriented programs and enhance it with liveness analysis. We then seamlessly weave the techniques into enhanced reachability computation, yielding highly precise exception-flow analysis, without becoming intractable, even for large applications. We evaluate our pruned, pushdown exception-flow analysis, comparing it with an established analysis on large scale standard Java benchmarks. The results show that our analysis significantly improves analysis precision over traditional analysis within a reasonable analysis time.Comment: 14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulatio

    Optimizing Abstract Abstract Machines

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    The technique of abstracting abstract machines (AAM) provides a systematic approach for deriving computable approximations of evaluators that are easily proved sound. This article contributes a complementary step-by-step process for subsequently going from a naive analyzer derived under the AAM approach, to an efficient and correct implementation. The end result of the process is a two to three order-of-magnitude improvement over the systematically derived analyzer, making it competitive with hand-optimized implementations that compute fundamentally less precise results.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming 2013 (ICFP 2013). Boston, Massachusetts. September, 201

    H-CFA: a Simplified Approach for Pushdown Control Flow Analysis

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    In control flow analysis (CFA), call/return mismatch is a problem that reduces analysis precision. So-called k-CFA uses bounded call-strings to obtain limited call/return matching, but it has a serious performance problem due to its coupling of call/return matching with context-sensitivity of values. CFA2 and PDCFA are the first two algorithms that bring pushdown (context-free reachability) approach to the CFA area, which provide perfect call/return mathcing. However, CFA2 and PDCFA both need significant engineering effort to implement. The abstracting abstract machine (AAM), a configurable framework for constructing abstract interpreters, introduces store-allocated continuations that make the soundness of abstract interpreters easily obtainable. Recently, two related approaches (AAC and P4F) provide call/return matching using AAM by modeling the call-stack as a pushdown system. However, AAC incurs high overhead and is hard to understand, while P4F cannot compute monovariant analysis. To overcome the above shortcomings, we developed a new method, h-CFA, to address the call/return mismatch problem. h-CFA records the program execution history during abstract interpretation and uses it to avoid control flow merging that causes call/return mismatch. Our method uses AAM and is very easy to implement for ANF style program. ANF is a popular intermediate representation of programs that converts all complex intra-procedural control flows to linear let-bindings and sets a syntactic variable to each sub-expression. In addition, our method reveals an essential property of any pushdown CFA, which we exploited in the development of a static analyzer for JavaScript, named JsCFA. This application of the essential property avoids recording the program execution history, so source programs are no long required being the ANF form. Meanwhile, JsCFA adopts a technique to solve the environment problem or fake rebinding, which eliminates more defects of monovariant analysis. This, in cooperation with exact call/return matching, yield more precise analysis and better performance. Moreover, JsCFA supports a configurable interface to add context-sensitivity to selected areas of programs. JsCFA applies the interface to improve the analysis precision for runtime object extensions. Finally, we quantitatively evaluated the performance of JsCFA

    Efficient Subcubic Alias Analysis for C

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    Abstract Inclusion-based alias analysis for C can be formulated as a context-free language (CFL) reachability problem. It is well known that the traditional cubic CFL-reachability algorithm does not scale well in practice. We present a highly scalable and efficient CFL-reachability-based alias analysis for C. The key novelty of our algorithm is to propagate reachability information along only original graph edges and bypass a large portion of summary edges, while the traditional CFLreachability algorithm propagates along all summary edges. We also utilize the Four Russians&apos; Trick -a key enabling technique in the subcubic CFL-reachability algorithm -in our alias analysis. We have implemented our subcubic alias analysis and conducted extensive experiments on widely-used C programs from the pointer analysis literature. The results demonstrate that our alias analysis scales extremely well in practice. In particular, it can analyze the recent Linux kernel (which consists of 10M SLOC) in about 30 seconds