6 research outputs found


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    Teknologi internet menyebabkan perubahan didalam industri MICE dikarenakan pemasaran dan promosi MICE akan pemilihan media didalam industri periklanan harus dilakukan dengan tepat, dikarenakan semakin ketatnya persaingan didalam dunia bisnis MICE. Terjadinya persaingan yang ketat membuat produsen berlomba-lomba sebisa mungkin menarik konsumen dengan teknik yang berbeda seperti teknik video marketing. Dengan demikian tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas mobile online video marketing terhadap minat pembelian paket meeting. Data dikumpulkan dari kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 100 responden yang menonton online video marketing yang berada pada Instagram Courtyardbandung. Metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deksriptif dipilih untuk dapat menjawab rumusan masalah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari online video marketing terhadap minat beli paket meeting di Courtyard by Marriott Bandung Dago dengan aspek yang paling mempengaruhi adalah aspek menimbulkan perhatian bagi konsumen, sedangkan aspek yang paling rendah yaitu menghasilkan suatu tindakan dikarenakan tidak adanya lagi dorongan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang isi dari video tersebut. Internet technology leads to changes in the MICE industry due to MICE marketing and promotion to the media selection in the advertising industry must be done appropriately. Due to the intense competition in the world MICE business the occurrence of strict competition makes producers compete as much as possible attracting consumers with different techniques such as video marketing techniques. Thus the purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of mobile online video marketing against the interest of purchasing meeting packages. Data is collected from questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents who watch online video marketing on Instagram Courtyardbandung. A quantitative method with a and approach was chosen to be able to answer the problem formulation. The results of this study showed that there are positive and significant influences from online video marketing to the interest in buying meeting packages at Courtyard by Marriott Bandung, with the most influence aspect is the aspect of raising attention for consumers, while the least aspect is to produce an action due to no more encouragement to know more about the content of the video

    Normalization and parsing algorithms for uncertain input

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    Improving instance search performance in video collections

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    This thesis presents methods to improve instance search and enhance user performance while browsing unstructured video collections. Through the use of computer vision and information retrieval techniques, we propose novel solutions to analyse visual content and build a search algorithm to address the challenges of visual instance search, while considering the constraints for practical applications. Firstly, we investigate methods to improve the effectiveness of instance search systems for finding object instances which occurred in unstructured video content. Using the bag of feature framework, we propose a novel algorithm to use the geometric correlation information between local features to improve the accuracy of local feature matching, thus improve the performance of instance search systems without introducing much computation cost. Secondly, we consider the scenario that the performance of instance search systems may drop due to the volume of visual content in large video collections. We introduce a search algorithm based on embedded coding to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of instance search systems. And we participate in the international video evaluation campaign, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, to comparatively evaluate the performance of our proposed methods. Finally, the exploration and navigation of visual content when browsing large unstructured video collections is considered. We propose methods to address such challenges and build an interactive video browsing tool to improve user performance while seeking interesting content over video collections. We construct a structured content representation with similarity graph using our proposed instance search technologies. Considering the constraints related to real world usability, we present a flexible interface based on faceted navigation to enhance user performance when completing video browsing tasks. This thesis shows that user performance can be enhanced by improving the effectiveness of instance search approaches, when seeking information in unstructured video collection. While covering many different aspects of improving instance search in this work, we outline three potential directions for future work: advanced feature representation, data driven rank and cloud-based search algorithms