1,997 research outputs found

    A Verified Information-Flow Architecture

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    SAFE is a clean-slate design for a highly secure computer system, with pervasive mechanisms for tracking and limiting information flows. At the lowest level, the SAFE hardware supports fine-grained programmable tags, with efficient and flexible propagation and combination of tags as instructions are executed. The operating system virtualizes these generic facilities to present an information-flow abstract machine that allows user programs to label sensitive data with rich confidentiality policies. We present a formal, machine-checked model of the key hardware and software mechanisms used to dynamically control information flow in SAFE and an end-to-end proof of noninterference for this model. We use a refinement proof methodology to propagate the noninterference property of the abstract machine down to the concrete machine level. We use an intermediate layer in the refinement chain that factors out the details of the information-flow control policy and devise a code generator for compiling such information-flow policies into low-level monitor code. Finally, we verify the correctness of this generator using a dedicated Hoare logic that abstracts from low-level machine instructions into a reusable set of verified structured code generators

    A Galois Connection for Weighted (Relational) Clones of Infinite Size

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    A Galois connection between clones and relational clones on a fixed finite domain is one of the cornerstones of the so-called algebraic approach to the computational complexity of non-uniform Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Cohen et al. established a Galois connection between finitely-generated weighted clones and finitely-generated weighted relational clones [SICOMP'13], and asked whether this connection holds in general. We answer this question in the affirmative for weighted (relational) clones with real weights and show that the complexity of the corresponding valued CSPs is preserved

    Unplanned dilution and ore-loss optimisation in underground mines via cooperative neuro-fuzzy network

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    The aim of study is to establish a proper unplanned dilution and ore-loss (UB: uneven break) management system. To achieve the goal, UB prediction and consultation systems were established using artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy expert system (FES). Attempts have been made to illuminate the UB mechanism by scrutinising the contributions of potential UB influence factors. Ultimately, the proposed UB prediction and consultation systems were unified as a cooperative neuro fuzzy system
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