515 research outputs found

    Semi-Supervised Radio Signal Identification

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    Radio emitter recognition in dense multi-user environments is an important tool for optimizing spectrum utilization, identifying and minimizing interference, and enforcing spectrum policy. Radio data is readily available and easy to obtain from an antenna, but labeled and curated data is often scarce making supervised learning strategies difficult and time consuming in practice. We demonstrate that semi-supervised learning techniques can be used to scale learning beyond supervised datasets, allowing for discerning and recalling new radio signals by using sparse signal representations based on both unsupervised and supervised methods for nonlinear feature learning and clustering methods

    Curriculum semi-supervised segmentation

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    This study investigates a curriculum-style strategy for semi-supervised CNN segmentation, which devises a regression network to learn image-level information such as the size of a target region. These regressions are used to effectively regularize the segmentation network, constraining softmax predictions of the unlabeled images to match the inferred label distributions. Our framework is based on inequality constraints that tolerate uncertainties with inferred knowledge, e.g., regressed region size, and can be employed for a large variety of region attributes. We evaluated our proposed strategy for left ventricle segmentation in magnetic resonance images (MRI), and compared it to standard proposal-based semi-supervision strategies. Our strategy leverages unlabeled data in more efficiently, and achieves very competitive results, approaching the performance of full-supervision.Comment: Accepted as paper as MICCAI 2O1

    A Machine Learning Based Analytical Framework for Semantic Annotation Requirements

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    The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning. The perspective of Semantic Web is to promote the quality and intelligence of the current web by changing its contents into machine understandable form. Therefore, semantic level information is one of the cornerstones of the Semantic Web. The process of adding semantic metadata to web resources is called Semantic Annotation. There are many obstacles against the Semantic Annotation, such as multilinguality, scalability, and issues which are related to diversity and inconsistency in content of different web pages. Due to the wide range of domains and the dynamic environments that the Semantic Annotation systems must be performed on, the problem of automating annotation process is one of the significant challenges in this domain. To overcome this problem, different machine learning approaches such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning and more recent ones like, semi-supervised learning and active learning have been utilized. In this paper we present an inclusive layered classification of Semantic Annotation challenges and discuss the most important issues in this field. Also, we review and analyze machine learning applications for solving semantic annotation problems. For this goal, the article tries to closely study and categorize related researches for better understanding and to reach a framework that can map machine learning techniques into the Semantic Annotation challenges and requirements

    Community Detection with and without Prior Information

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    We study the problem of graph partitioning, or clustering, in sparse networks with prior information about the clusters. Specifically, we assume that for a fraction ρ\rho of the nodes their true cluster assignments are known in advance. This can be understood as a semi--supervised version of clustering, in contrast to unsupervised clustering where the only available information is the graph structure. In the unsupervised case, it is known that there is a threshold of the inter--cluster connectivity beyond which clusters cannot be detected. Here we study the impact of the prior information on the detection threshold, and show that even minute [but generic] values of ρ>0\rho>0 shift the threshold downwards to its lowest possible value. For weighted graphs we show that a small semi--supervising can be used for a non-trivial definition of communities.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Implicitly Constrained Semi-Supervised Least Squares Classification

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    We introduce a novel semi-supervised version of the least squares classifier. This implicitly constrained least squares (ICLS) classifier minimizes the squared loss on the labeled data among the set of parameters implied by all possible labelings of the unlabeled data. Unlike other discriminative semi-supervised methods, our approach does not introduce explicit additional assumptions into the objective function, but leverages implicit assumptions already present in the choice of the supervised least squares classifier. We show this approach can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem and its solution can be found using a simple gradient descent procedure. We prove that, in a certain way, our method never leads to performance worse than the supervised classifier. Experimental results corroborate this theoretical result in the multidimensional case on benchmark datasets, also in terms of the error rate.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. The Fourteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (2015), Saint-Etienne, Franc

    Statistical Mechanics of Semi-Supervised Clustering in Sparse Graphs

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    We theoretically study semi-supervised clustering in sparse graphs in the presence of pairwise constraints on the cluster assignments of nodes. We focus on bi-cluster graphs, and study the impact of semi-supervision for varying constraint density and overlap between the clusters. Recent results for unsupervised clustering in sparse graphs indicate that there is a critical ratio of within-cluster and between-cluster connectivities below which clusters cannot be recovered with better than random accuracy. The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of pairwise constraints on the clustering accuracy. Our results suggests that the addition of constraints does not provide automatic improvement over the unsupervised case. When the density of the constraints is sufficiently small, their only impact is to shift the detection threshold while preserving the criticality. Conversely, if the density of (hard) constraints is above the percolation threshold, the criticality is suppressed and the detection threshold disappears.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure