15 research outputs found

    Perspective Taking in Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents

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    Perspective taking is the ability to take the point of view of another agent. This skill is not unique to humans as it is also displayed by other animals like chimpanzees. It is an essential ability for social interactions, including efficient cooperation, competition, and communication. Here we present our progress toward building artificial agents with such abilities. We implemented a perspective taking task inspired by experiments done with chimpanzees. We show that agents controlled by artificial neural networks can learn via reinforcement learning to pass simple tests that require perspective taking capabilities. We studied whether this ability is more readily learned by agents with information encoded in allocentric or egocentric form for both their visual perception and motor actions. We believe that, in the long run, building better artificial agents with perspective taking ability can help us develop artificial intelligence that is more human-like and easier to communicate with

    Biases for Emergent Communication in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

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    We study the problem of emergent communication, in which language arises because speakers and listeners must communicate information in order to solve tasks. In temporally extended reinforcement learning domains, it has proved hard to learn such communication without centralized training of agents, due in part to a difficult joint exploration problem. We introduce inductive biases for positive signalling and positive listening, which ease this problem. In a simple one-step environment, we demonstrate how these biases ease the learning problem. We also apply our methods to a more extended environment, showing that agents with these inductive biases achieve better performance, and analyse the resulting communication protocols.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 201