5,400 research outputs found

    A practical guideline for intracranial volume estimation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background Intracranial volume (ICV) is an important normalization measure used in morphometric analyses to correct for head size in studies of Alzheimer Disease (AD). Inaccurate ICV estimation could introduce bias in the outcome. The current study provides a decision aid in defining protocols for ICV estimation in patients with Alzheimer disease in terms of sampling frequencies that can be optimally used on the volumetric MRI data, and the type of software most suitable for use in estimating the ICV measure. Methods Two groups of 22 subjects are considered, including adult controls (AC) and patients with Alzheimer Disease (AD). Reference measurements were calculated for each subject by manually tracing intracranial cavity by the means of visual inspection. The reliability of reference measurements were assured through intra- and inter- variation analyses. Three publicly well-known software packages (Freesurfer, FSL, and SPM) were examined in their ability to automatically estimate ICV across the groups. Results Analysis of the results supported the significant effect of estimation method, gender, cognitive condition of the subject and the interaction among method and cognitive condition factors in the measured ICV. Results on sub-sampling studies with a 95% confidence showed that in order to keep the accuracy of the interleaved slice sampling protocol above 99%, the sampling period cannot exceed 20 millimeters for AC and 15 millimeters for AD. Freesurfer showed promising estimates for both adult groups. However SPM showed more consistency in its ICV estimation over the different phases of the study. Conclusions This study emphasized the importance in selecting the appropriate protocol, the choice of the sampling period in the manual estimation of ICV and selection of suitable software for the automated estimation of ICV. The current study serves as an initial framework for establishing an appropriate protocol in both manual and automatic ICV estimations with different subject populations

    Valid and efficient manual estimates of intracranial volume from magnetic resonance images

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    Background: Manual segmentations of the whole intracranial vault in high-resolution magnetic resonance images are often regarded as very time-consuming. Therefore it is common to only segment a few linearly spaced intracranial areas to estimate the whole volume. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate how the validity of intracranial volume estimates is affected by the chosen interpolation method, orientation of the intracranial areas and the linear spacing between them. Methods: Intracranial volumes were manually segmented on 62 participants from the Gothenburg MCI study using 1.5 T, T-1-weighted magnetic resonance images. Estimates of the intracranial volumes were then derived using subsamples of linearly spaced coronal, sagittal or transversal intracranial areas from the same volumes. The subsamples of intracranial areas were interpolated into volume estimates by three different interpolation methods. The linear spacing between the intracranial areas ranged from 2 to 50 mm and the validity of the estimates was determined by comparison with the entire intracranial volumes. Results: A progressive decrease in intra-class correlation and an increase in percentage error could be seen with increased linear spacing between intracranial areas. With small linear spacing (<= 15 mm), orientation of the intracranial areas and interpolation method had negligible effects on the validity. With larger linear spacing, the best validity was achieved using cubic spline interpolation with either coronal or sagittal intracranial areas. Even at a linear spacing of 50 mm, cubic spline interpolation on either coronal or sagittal intracranial areas had a mean absolute agreement intra-class correlation with the entire intracranial volumes above 0.97. Conclusion: Cubic spline interpolation in combination with linearly spaced sagittal or coronal intracranial areas overall resulted in the most valid and robust estimates of intracranial volume. Using this method, valid ICV estimates could be obtained in less than five minutes per patient

    Quantitation in MRI : application to ageing and epilepsy

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    Multi-atlas propagation and label fusion techniques have recently been developed for segmenting the human brain into multiple anatomical regions. In this thesis, I investigate possible adaptations of these current state-of-the-art methods. The aim is to study ageing on the one hand, and on the other hand temporal lobe epilepsy as an example for a neurological disease. Overall effects are a confounding factor in such anatomical analyses. Intracranial volume (ICV) is often preferred to normalize for global effects as it allows to normalize for estimated maximum brain size and is hence independent of global brain volume loss, as seen in ageing and disease. I describe systematic differences in ICV measures obtained at 1.5T versus 3T, and present an automated method of measuring intracranial volume, Reverse MNI Brain Masking (RBM), based on tissue probability maps in MNI standard space. I show that this is comparable to manual measurements and robust against field strength differences. Correct and robust segmentation of target brains which show gross abnormalities, such as ventriculomegaly, is important for the study of ageing and disease. We achieved this with incorporating tissue classification information into the image registration process. The best results in elderly subjects, patients with TLE and healthy controls were achieved using a new approach using multi-atlas propagation with enhanced registration (MAPER). I then applied MAPER to the problem of automatically distinguishing patients with TLE with (TLE-HA) and without (TLE-N) hippocampal atrophy on MRI from controls, and determine the side of seizure onset. MAPER-derived structural volumes were used for a classification step consisting of selecting a set of discriminatory structures and applying support vector machine on the structural volumes as well as morphological similarity information such as volume difference obtained with spectral analysis. Acccuracies were 91-100 %, indicating that the method might be clinically useful. Finally, I used the methods developed in the previous chapters to investigate brain regional volume changes across the human lifespan in over 500 healthy subjects between 20 to 90 years of age, using data from three different scanners (2x 1.5T, 1x 3T), using the IXI database. We were able to confirm several known changes, indicating the veracity of the method. In addition, we describe the first multi-region, whole-brain database of normal ageing

    An Implantable Low Pressure, Low Drift, Dual BioPressure Sensor and In-Vivo Calibration Methods Thereof

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    The human body’s intracranial pressure (ICP) is a critical component in sustaining healthy blood flow to the brain while allowing adequate volume for brain tissue within the rigid structures of the cranium. Disruptions in the body’s autoregulation of intracranial pressure are often caused by hemorrhage, tumors, edema, or excess cerebral spinal fluid resulting in treatments that are estimated to globally cost up to approximately five billion dollars annually. A critical element in the contemporary management of acute head injury, intracranial hemorrhage, stroke, or other conditions resulting in intracranial hypertension, is the real-time monitoring of ICP. Currently, such mainstream clinical monitoring can only take place short-term within an acute care hospital. The monitoring is prone to measurement drift and is comprised of externally tethered pressure sensors that are temporarily implanted into the brain, thus carrying a significant risk of infection. To date, reliable, low drift, completely internalized, long-term ICP monitoring devices remain elusive. The successful development of such a device would not only be safer and more reliable in the short-term but would expand the use of ICP monitoring for the management of chronic intracranial hypertension and enable further clinical research into these disorders. The research herein reviews the current challenges of existing ICP monitoring systems, develops a new novel sensing technology, and evaluates the same for potentially facilitating long-term implantable ICP sensing. Based upon the findings of this research, this dissertation proposes and evaluates a dual matched-die piezo-resistive strain sensing device, with a novel in-vivo calibration system and method thereof, for application to long-term implantable ICP sensing

    3D Simulations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Detection Using Broadband Microwave Technology

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    Early, preferably prehospital, detection of intracranial bleeding after trauma or stroke would dramatically improve the acute care of these large patient groups. In this paper, we use simulated microwave transmission data to investigate the performance of a machine learning classification algorithm based on subspace distances for the detection of intracranial bleeding. A computational model, consisting of realistic human head models of patients with bleeding, as well as healthy subjects, was inserted in an antenna array model. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method was then used to generate simulated transmission coefficients between all possible combinations of antenna pairs. These transmission data were used both to train and evaluate the performance of the classification algorithm and to investigate its ability to distinguish patients with versus without intracranial bleeding. We studied how classification results were affected by the number of healthy subjects and patients used to train the algorithm, and in particular, we were interested in investigating how many samples were needed in the training dataset to obtain classification results better than chance. Our results indicated that at least 200 subjects, i.e., 100 each of the healthy subjects and bleeding patients, were needed to obtain classification results consistently better than chance (p &lt; 0.05 using Student\u27s t-test). The results also showed that classification results improved with the number of subjects in the training data. With a sample size that approached 1000 subjects, classifications results characterized as area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) approached 1.0, indicating very high sensitivity and specificity

    Automated brain segmentation methods for clinical quality MRI and CT images

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with brain tissue loss. Accurate estimation of this loss is critical for the diagnosis, prognosis, and tracking the progression of AD. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) are widely used imaging modalities that help to in vivo map brain tissue distributions. As manual image segmentations are tedious and time-consuming, automated segmentation methods are increasingly applied to head MRI and head CT images to estimate brain tissue volumes. However, existing automated methods can be applied only to images that have high spatial resolution and their accuracy on heterogeneous low-quality clinical images has not been tested. Further, automated brain tissue segmentation methods for CT are not available, although CT is more widely acquired than MRI in the clinical setting. For these reasons, large clinical imaging archives are unusable for research studies. In this work, we identify and develop automated tissue segmentation and brain volumetry methods that can be applied to clinical quality MRI and CT images. In the first project, we surveyed the current MRI methods and validated the accuracy of these methods when applied to clinical quality images. We then developed CTSeg, a tissue segmentation method for CT images, by adopting the MRI technique that exhibited the highest reliability. CTSeg is an atlas-based statistical modeling method that relies on hand-curated features and cannot be applied to images of subjects with different diseases and age groups. Advanced deep learning-based segmentation methods use hierarchical representations and learn complex features in a data-driven manner. In our final project, we develop a fully automated deep learning segmentation method that uses contextual information to segment clinical quality head CT images. The application of this method on an AD dataset revealed larger differences between brain volumes of AD and control subjects. This dissertation demonstrates the potential of applying automated methods to large clinical imaging archives to answer research questions in a variety of studies

    SVM recursive feature elimination analyses of structural brain MRI predicts near-term relapses in patients with clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of multiple sclerosis

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    Esclerosi múltiple; Classificació d'aprenentatge automàtic; Selecció de funcionsEsclerosis múltiple; Clasificación de aprendizaje automático; Selección de característicasMultiple sclerosis; Machine learning classification; Feature selectionMachine learning classification is an attractive approach to automatically differentiate patients from healthy subjects, and to predict future disease outcomes. A clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) is often the first presentation of multiple sclerosis (MS), but it is difficult at onset to predict who will have a second relapse and hence convert to clinically definite MS. In this study, we thus aimed to distinguish CIS converters from non-converters at onset of a CIS, using recursive feature elimination and weight averaging with support vector machines. We also sought to assess the influence of cohort size and cross-validation methods on the accuracy estimate of the classification. We retrospectively collected 400 patients with CIS from six European MAGNIMS MS centres. Patients underwent brain MRI at onset of a CIS according to local standard-of-care protocols. The diagnosis of clinically definite MS at one-year follow-up was the standard against which the accuracy of the model was tested. For each patient, we derived MRI-based features, such as grey matter probability, white matter lesion load, cortical thickness, and volume of specific cortical and white matter regions. Features with little contribution to the classification model were removed iteratively through an interleaved sample bootstrapping and feature averaging approach. Classification of CIS outcome at one-year follow-up was performed with 2-fold, 5-fold, 10-fold and leave-one-out cross-validation for each centre cohort independently and in all patients together. The estimated classification accuracy across centres ranged from 64.9% to 88.1% using 2-fold cross-validation and from 73% to 92.9% using leave-one-out cross-validation. The classification accuracy estimate was higher in single-centre, smaller data sets than in combinations of data sets, being the lowest when all patients were merged together. Regional MRI features such as WM lesions, grey matter probability in the thalamus and the precuneus or cortical thickness in the cuneus and inferior temporal gyrus predicted the occurrence of a second relapse in patients at onset of a CIS using support vector machines. The increased accuracy estimate of the classification achieved with smaller and single-centre samples may indicate a model bias (overfitting) when data points were limited, but also more homogeneous. We provide an overview of classifier performance from a range of cross-validation schemes to give insight into the variability across schemes. The proposed recursive feature elimination approach with weight averaging can be used both in single- and multi-centre data sets in order to bridge the gap between group-level comparisons and making predictions for individual patients.This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Program EuroPOND under grant agreement number 666992, and it was supported by the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. We thank all participating partners of the MAGNIMS study group for sharing their data with us
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