1,258 research outputs found

    John Williams: An Evaluation of his Impact Upon the Culture of the Classical Guitar

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    This thesis examines the career of the Australian guitarist John Williams and his impact upon the culture of the classical guitar. Williams has been a celebrated guitarist for more than six decades and has performed and recorded extensively during that period. He has made a remarkably varied contribution to guitar culture, performing in a wide variety of different styles, highlighting the guitar’s unique strength as a versatile and adaptable instrument. Williams’ career is in marked contrast to that of many of his contemporaries, including his mentor Andrés Segovia. Segovia believed the classical guitar must assert its individuality in order to be accepted as a concert instrument. Although Segovia attempted to disassociate the classical guitar from its usage in more popular and folk genres, John Williams’ approach has been more inclusive and his work has forged links between the various musical styles into which the guitar has adapted. His work reflects the diversity of the guitar and has helped to develop new voices within the realm of contemporary guitar repertoire. This study examines reception of Williams’ work, and explores the impact of his career up to the present time. His own reflections on music are studied with the inclusion of an extensive interview, conducted in 2017 in London. The various strands of music drawn together by his career are examined and reviewed as a singular and significant contribution to guitar culture

    Sports, Inc. Volume 6, Issue 2

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    The ILR Cornell Sports Business Society magazine is a semester publication titled Sports, Inc. This publication serves as a space for our membership to publish and feature in-depth research and well-thought out ideas to advance the world of sport. The magazine can be found in the Office of Student Services and is distributed to alumni who come visit us on campus. Issues are reproduced here with permission of the ILR Cornell Sports Business Society.https://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/sportsinc/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Perceptions of Effective Teaching Strategies and Assessments of Critical Thinking in Radiographic Clinical Practice

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    The following dissertation represents research concerning radiologic science clinical coordinators and program director’s perception of student critical thinking skills, teaching strategies and assessment. The survey used in the study was based on Gosnell’s (2010) model that evaluated critical thinking skills in radiography program director perceptions. Results from the research offers a contribution to the field of radiography in general and specifically in clinical practice. The survey was sent electronically through Qualtrics to 523 clinical coordinators employed at JRCERT accredited institutions. A solid 31.74% response rate was reached with a slightly skewed delineation of facility representation (hospital 18.9%, community college 38.41% and university 39.02%). Quantitative data was gathered over a six-week period and analyzed by descriptive statistical analyses, and ANOVA. Data showed that clinical coordinators generally agreed that critical thinking must be included in programmatic curricula and that it is an essential skill for radiographers. There was also agreement among clinical coordinators on effective and non-effective teaching strategies and assessment tools. Hands-on and situational judgements ranked highest in effective teaching methods while hands-on learning and higher cognitive questioning ranked highest in methods actually used while portfolios ranked lowest in both categories. Image critique, clinical competency and situational judgements ranked highest in assessment tools used. Standardized testing ranked lowest as a preferred method of assessment. Qualitative data was gathered through the use of interviews of program directors within the United States. Analyses showed little significance in attributes of graduates dependent on the terminal degree of the program or the education level of the instructor. Interview responses added to establishing characteristics of critical thinking within radiography and the overall perception of teaching and assessing critical thinking. Further research that evaluates specific critical thinking teaching and assessment highlighted within this study would greatly benefit the field of radiography

    Musicians Who Busk: Identity, Career, and Community in New Orleans Street Performance

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    Street musicians in New Orleans are one of type of contemporary performers or buskers who represent an occupational community located in the French Quarter. Though often marginalized or seen as deviant, these urban troubadours regard themselves as professional entertainers who adhere to ethical standards and business practices. This study is an analysis of these performers that includes a description of their cluster of performing activities, the concomitant artifacts used in the performances, and the cohesiveness of this group during times of difficulty. Because of a dearth of published research on this specific topic, this study will contribute a new dimension of cultural knowledge

    Penn Law Journal: Dedication Celebration Edition!

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    Die Ehre, die Katharina nie hatte. Die Rolle der Frau in Heinrich Bölls Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum

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    Das zentrale Thema der Erzählung Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum von Heinrich Böll handelt von der Macht der Boulevardpresse und wie sich Gewalt aus dieser Macht entwickeln kann. Diese Thematik wird durch das Leben der Hauptfigur Katharina Blum gezeigt, weil sie ein Opfer dieser Macht darstellt. Ihre Figur ist aber auch Opfer einer anderen Macht. Das Patriarchat spielt eine wichtige Rolle in Katharinas Leben und in dem gesellschaftlichen Milieu dieses zeitgenössischen, deutschen Klassikers. Dieser Vortrag analysiert die Figur Katharina Blum hinsichtlich ihrer Darstellung als Frau. Es wird amerikanische feministische Theorie auf ihre Figur, im Besonderen die Archetypen „die Nonne“ und „das Flittchen“ sowie Konzepte von Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit, angewendet Diese Konzepte zeigen bezüglich des Buches eine Hauptfigur, die negative Botschaften von Frauen reifiziert zur gleichen Zeit während sie gleichzeitig versucht die Boulevardpresse zu unterwandern. Die Meta-Analyse des Textes macht deutlich, dass der Text selbst von dem Patriarchat abhängig ist. Statt einer starken weiblichen Hauptfigur besitzt Bölls Katharina keine Macht oder Sexualität, und wird gänzlich abhängig von Männern dargestellt. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie die Darstellung von Macht, Sexualität, und Abhängigkeit die Strukturen von Macht und Patriarchat unterstützt, und warum diese Erzählung solche Strukturen braucht um zu funktionieren. Es wird die Frage gestellt: Wie würde der Text wirken, wenn Katharina ein Mann wäre? Der Aufsatz stellt Katharina in ihren gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhang und analysiert, wie durch die Hauptfigur solche abweisende Haltungen von Frauen und die Strukturen von Macht und Patriarchat verstärkt werden, die diese Lektüre verwendet, um eine andere Macht—die Boulevardpresse–zu stürzen

    The Crusader and the Dictator: An Exploration of Ideology and Neurodivergence in Contemporary Technology Practice

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    A common theme in public discourse is the recognition that technology in general, and digital technology specifically, has an enormous impact on the everyday lives of people from all walks of modern life, in almost every corner of the globe. This thesis interrogates the connection between neurodivergence—the presence of neurological variations considered outside the cognitive norm— and individualistic ideology within the information technology industries. Through the biographies, substantial record of activities, public statements, and writings surrounding two influential figures in the contemporary practice of computer science, Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds, it conducts an investigation into this convergence and its resulting impact on the surrounding culture


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