6,791 research outputs found

    Learning Joint Nonlinear Effects from Single-variable Interventions in the Presence of Hidden Confounders

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    We propose an approach to estimate the effect of multiple simultaneous interventions in the presence of hidden confounders. To overcome the problem of hidden confounding, we consider the setting where we have access to not only the observational data but also sets of single-variable interventions in which each of the treatment variables is intervened on separately. We prove identifiability under the assumption that the data is generated from a nonlinear continuous structural causal model with additive Gaussian noise. In addition, we propose a simple parameter estimation method by pooling all the data from different regimes and jointly maximizing the combined likelihood. We also conduct comprehensive experiments to verify the identifiability result as well as to compare the performance of our approach against a baseline on both synthetic and real-world data.Comment: Accepted to The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 202

    Casual reasoning through intervention

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    Observational-Interventional Priors for Dose-Response Learning

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    Controlled interventions provide the most direct source of information for learning causal effects. In particular, a dose-response curve can be learned by varying the treatment level and observing the corresponding outcomes. However, interventions can be expensive and time-consuming. Observational data, where the treatment is not controlled by a known mechanism, is sometimes available. Under some strong assumptions, observational data allows for the estimation of dose-response curves. Estimating such curves nonparametrically is hard: sample sizes for controlled interventions may be small, while in the observational case a large number of measured confounders may need to be marginalized. In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical Gaussian process prior that constructs a distribution over the dose-response curve by learning from observational data, and reshapes the distribution with a nonparametric affine transform learned from controlled interventions. This function composition from different sources is shown to speed-up learning, which we demonstrate with a thorough sensitivity analysis and an application to modeling the effect of therapy on cognitive skills of premature infants

    Two Optimal Strategies for Active Learning of Causal Models from Interventional Data

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    From observational data alone, a causal DAG is only identifiable up to Markov equivalence. Interventional data generally improves identifiability; however, the gain of an intervention strongly depends on the intervention target, that is, the intervened variables. We present active learning (that is, optimal experimental design) strategies calculating optimal interventions for two different learning goals. The first one is a greedy approach using single-vertex interventions that maximizes the number of edges that can be oriented after each intervention. The second one yields in polynomial time a minimum set of targets of arbitrary size that guarantees full identifiability. This second approach proves a conjecture of Eberhardt (2008) indicating the number of unbounded intervention targets which is sufficient and in the worst case necessary for full identifiability. In a simulation study, we compare our two active learning approaches to random interventions and an existing approach, and analyze the influence of estimation errors on the overall performance of active learning
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