1,510 research outputs found

    Interprocedural Type Specialization of JavaScript Programs Without Type Analysis

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    Dynamically typed programming languages such as Python and JavaScript defer type checking to run time. VM implementations can improve performance by eliminating redundant dynamic type checks. However, type inference analyses are often costly and involve tradeoffs between compilation time and resulting precision. This has lead to the creation of increasingly complex multi-tiered VM architectures. Lazy basic block versioning is a simple JIT compilation technique which effectively removes redundant type checks from critical code paths. This novel approach lazily generates type-specialized versions of basic blocks on-the-fly while propagating context-dependent type information. This approach does not require the use of costly program analyses, is not restricted by the precision limitations of traditional type analyses. This paper extends lazy basic block versioning to propagate type information interprocedurally, across function call boundaries. Our implementation in a JavaScript JIT compiler shows that across 26 benchmarks, interprocedural basic block versioning eliminates more type tag tests on average than what is achievable with static type analysis without resorting to code transformations. On average, 94.3% of type tag tests are eliminated, yielding speedups of up to 56%. We also show that our implementation is able to outperform Truffle/JS on several benchmarks, both in terms of execution time and compilation time.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to CGO 201

    Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in Soot using Value Contexts

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    An interprocedural analysis is precise if it is flow sensitive and fully context-sensitive even in the presence of recursion. Many methods of interprocedural analysis sacrifice precision for scalability while some are precise but limited to only a certain class of problems. Soot currently supports interprocedural analysis of Java programs using graph reachability. However, this approach is restricted to IFDS/IDE problems, and is not suitable for general data flow frameworks such as heap reference analysis and points-to analysis which have non-distributive flow functions. We describe a general-purpose interprocedural analysis framework for Soot using data flow values for context-sensitivity. This framework is not restricted to problems with distributive flow functions, although the lattice must be finite. It combines the key ideas of the tabulation method of the functional approach and the technique of value-based termination of call string construction. The efficiency and precision of interprocedural analyses is heavily affected by the precision of the underlying call graph. This is especially important for object-oriented languages like Java where virtual method invocations cause an explosion of spurious call edges if the call graph is constructed naively. We have instantiated our framework with a flow and context-sensitive points-to analysis in Soot, which enables the construction of call graphs that are far more precise than those constructed by Soot's SPARK engine.Comment: SOAP 2013 Final Versio

    An Algebraic Framework for Compositional Program Analysis

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    The purpose of a program analysis is to compute an abstract meaning for a program which approximates its dynamic behaviour. A compositional program analysis accomplishes this task with a divide-and-conquer strategy: the meaning of a program is computed by dividing it into sub-programs, computing their meaning, and then combining the results. Compositional program analyses are desirable because they can yield scalable (and easily parallelizable) program analyses. This paper presents algebraic framework for designing, implementing, and proving the correctness of compositional program analyses. A program analysis in our framework defined by an algebraic structure equipped with sequencing, choice, and iteration operations. From the analysis design perspective, a particularly interesting consequence of this is that the meaning of a loop is computed by applying the iteration operator to the loop body. This style of compositional loop analysis can yield interesting ways of computing loop invariants that cannot be defined iteratively. We identify a class of algorithms, the so-called path-expression algorithms [Tarjan1981,Scholz2007], which can be used to efficiently implement analyses in our framework. Lastly, we develop a theory for proving the correctness of an analysis by establishing an approximation relationship between an algebra defining a concrete semantics and an algebra defining an analysis.Comment: 15 page

    Heap Reference Analysis Using Access Graphs

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    Despite significant progress in the theory and practice of program analysis, analysing properties of heap data has not reached the same level of maturity as the analysis of static and stack data. The spatial and temporal structure of stack and static data is well understood while that of heap data seems arbitrary and is unbounded. We devise bounded representations which summarize properties of the heap data. This summarization is based on the structure of the program which manipulates the heap. The resulting summary representations are certain kinds of graphs called access graphs. The boundedness of these representations and the monotonicity of the operations to manipulate them make it possible to compute them through data flow analysis. An important application which benefits from heap reference analysis is garbage collection, where currently liveness is conservatively approximated by reachability from program variables. As a consequence, current garbage collectors leave a lot of garbage uncollected, a fact which has been confirmed by several empirical studies. We propose the first ever end-to-end static analysis to distinguish live objects from reachable objects. We use this information to make dead objects unreachable by modifying the program. This application is interesting because it requires discovering data flow information representing complex semantics. In particular, we discover four properties of heap data: liveness, aliasing, availability, and anticipability. Together, they cover all combinations of directions of analysis (i.e. forward and backward) and confluence of information (i.e. union and intersection). Our analysis can also be used for plugging memory leaks in C/C++ languages.Comment: Accepted for printing by ACM TOPLAS. This version incorporates referees' comment

    Enforcing Termination of Interprocedural Analysis

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    Interprocedural analysis by means of partial tabulation of summary functions may not terminate when the same procedure is analyzed for infinitely many abstract calling contexts or when the abstract domain has infinite strictly ascending chains. As a remedy, we present a novel local solver for general abstract equation systems, be they monotonic or not, and prove that this solver fails to terminate only when infinitely many variables are encountered. We clarify in which sense the computed results are sound. Moreover, we show that interprocedural analysis performed by this novel local solver, is guaranteed to terminate for all non-recursive programs --- irrespective of whether the complete lattice is infinite or has infinite strictly ascending or descending chains
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