657 research outputs found

    Discovering Galaxy Features via Dataset Distillation

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    In many applications, Neural Nets (NNs) have classification performance on par or even exceeding human capacity. Moreover, it is likely that NNs leverage underlying features that might differ from those humans perceive to classify. Can we "reverse-engineer" pertinent features to enhance our scientific understanding? Here, we apply this idea to the notoriously difficult task of galaxy classification: NNs have reached high performance for this task, but what does a neural net (NN) "see" when it classifies galaxies? Are there morphological features that the human eye might overlook that could help with the task and provide new insights? Can we visualize tracers of early evolution, or additionally incorporated spectral data? We present a novel way to summarize and visualize galaxy morphology through the lens of neural networks, leveraging Dataset Distillation, a recent deep-learning methodology with the primary objective to distill knowledge from a large dataset and condense it into a compact synthetic dataset, such that a model trained on this synthetic dataset achieves performance comparable to a model trained on the full dataset. We curate a class-balanced, medium-size high-confidence version of the Galaxy Zoo 2 dataset, and proceed with dataset distillation from our accurate NN-classifier to create synthesized prototypical images of galaxy morphological features, demonstrating its effectiveness. Of independent interest, we introduce a self-adaptive version of the state-of-the-art Matching Trajectory algorithm to automate the distillation process, and show enhanced performance on computer vision benchmarks.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences, 202

    Wild Patterns: Ten Years After the Rise of Adversarial Machine Learning

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    Learning-based pattern classifiers, including deep networks, have shown impressive performance in several application domains, ranging from computer vision to cybersecurity. However, it has also been shown that adversarial input perturbations carefully crafted either at training or at test time can easily subvert their predictions. The vulnerability of machine learning to such wild patterns (also referred to as adversarial examples), along with the design of suitable countermeasures, have been investigated in the research field of adversarial machine learning. In this work, we provide a thorough overview of the evolution of this research area over the last ten years and beyond, starting from pioneering, earlier work on the security of non-deep learning algorithms up to more recent work aimed to understand the security properties of deep learning algorithms, in the context of computer vision and cybersecurity tasks. We report interesting connections between these apparently-different lines of work, highlighting common misconceptions related to the security evaluation of machine-learning algorithms. We review the main threat models and attacks defined to this end, and discuss the main limitations of current work, along with the corresponding future challenges towards the design of more secure learning algorithms.Comment: Accepted for publication on Pattern Recognition, 201

    Right for the Right Reasons: Training Differentiable Models by Constraining their Explanations

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    Neural networks are among the most accurate supervised learning methods in use today, but their opacity makes them difficult to trust in critical applications, especially when conditions in training differ from those in test. Recent work on explanations for black-box models has produced tools (e.g. LIME) to show the implicit rules behind predictions, which can help us identify when models are right for the wrong reasons. However, these methods do not scale to explaining entire datasets and cannot correct the problems they reveal. We introduce a method for efficiently explaining and regularizing differentiable models by examining and selectively penalizing their input gradients, which provide a normal to the decision boundary. We apply these penalties both based on expert annotation and in an unsupervised fashion that encourages diverse models with qualitatively different decision boundaries for the same classification problem. On multiple datasets, we show our approach generates faithful explanations and models that generalize much better when conditions differ between training and test