11 research outputs found

    Interpolation of depth-3 arithmetic circuits with two multiplication gates

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    In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a small arithmetic circuit for a polynomial for which we have oracle access. Our focus is on n-variate polynomials, over a finite field F, that have depth-3 arithmetic circuits with two multiplication gates of degree d. We obtain the following results: 1. Multilinear case: When the circuit is multilinear (multiplication gates compute multilinear polynomials) we give an algorithm that outputs, with probability 1 − o(1), all the depth-3 circuits with two multiplication gates computing the same polynomial. The running time of the algorithm is poly(n, |F|). 2. General case: When the circuit is not multilinear we give a quasi-polynomial (in n, d, |F|) time algorithm that outputs, with probability 1 − o(1), a succinct representation of the polynomial. In particular, if the depth-3 circuit for the polynomial is not of small depth-3 rank (namely, after removing the g.c.d. of the two multiplication gates, the remaining linear functions span a not too small linear space) then we output the depth-3 circuit itself. In case that the rank is small we output a depth-3 circuit with a quasi-polynomial number of multiplication gates. Our proof technique is new and relies on the factorization algorithm for multivariate black-box polynomials, on lower bounds on the length of linear locally decodable codes with 2 queries, and on a theorem regarding the structure of identically zero depth-3 circuits with four multiplication gates

    Sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation in the basis of Schubert polynomials

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    Schubert polynomials were discovered by A. Lascoux and M. Sch\"utzenberger in the study of cohomology rings of flag manifolds in 1980's. These polynomials generalize Schur polynomials, and form a linear basis of multivariate polynomials. In 2003, Lenart and Sottile introduced skew Schubert polynomials, which generalize skew Schur polynomials, and expand in the Schubert basis with the generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. In this paper we initiate the study of these two families of polynomials from the perspective of computational complexity theory. We first observe that skew Schubert polynomials, and therefore Schubert polynomials, are in \CountP (when evaluating on non-negative integral inputs) and \VNP. Our main result is a deterministic algorithm that computes the expansion of a polynomial ff of degree dd in Z[x1,…,xn]\Z[x_1, \dots, x_n] in the basis of Schubert polynomials, assuming an oracle computing Schubert polynomials. This algorithm runs in time polynomial in nn, dd, and the bit size of the expansion. This generalizes, and derandomizes, the sparse interpolation algorithm of symmetric polynomials in the Schur basis by Barvinok and Fomin (Advances in Applied Mathematics, 18(3):271--285). In fact, our interpolation algorithm is general enough to accommodate any linear basis satisfying certain natural properties. Applications of the above results include a new algorithm that computes the generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients.Comment: 20 pages; some typos correcte

    Black Box Absolute Reconstruction for Sums of Powers of Linear Forms

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    We study the decomposition of multivariate polynomials as sums of powers of linear forms. We give a randomized algorithm for the following problem: If a homogeneous polynomial f ? K[x_1. . .x_n] (where K ? ?) of degree d is given as a blackbox, decide whether it can be written as a linear combination of d-th powers of linearly independent complex linear forms. The main novel features of the algorithm are: - For d = 3, we improve by a factor of n on the running time from the algorithm in [Pascal Koiran and Mateusz Skomra, 2021]. The price to be paid for this improvement is that the algorithm now has two-sided error. - For d > 3, we provide the first randomized blackbox algorithm for this problem that runs in time poly(n,d) (in an algebraic model where only arithmetic operations and equality tests are allowed). Previous algorithms for this problem [Kayal, 2011] as well as most of the existing reconstruction algorithms for other classes appeal to a polynomial factorization subroutine. This requires extraction of complex polynomial roots at unit cost and in standard models such as the unit-cost RAM or the Turing machine this approach does not yield polynomial time algorithms. - For d > 3, when f has rational coefficients (i.e. K = ?), the running time of the blackbox algorithm is polynomial in n,d and the maximal bit size of any coefficient of f. This yields the first algorithm for this problem over ? with polynomial running time in the bit model of computation. These results are true even when we replace ? by ?. We view the problem as a tensor decomposition problem and use linear algebraic methods such as checking the simultaneous diagonalisability of the slices of a tensor. The number of such slices is exponential in d. But surprisingly, we show that after a random change of variables, computing just 3 special slices is enough. We also show that our approach can be extended to the computation of the actual decomposition. In forthcoming work we plan to extend these results to overcomplete decompositions, i.e., decompositions in more than n powers of linear forms

    A Generalized Sylvester-Gallai Type Theorem for Quadratic Polynomials

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    In this work we prove a version of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem for quadratic polynomials that takes us one step closer to obtaining a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for testing zeroness of ?^{[3]}???^{[2]} circuits. Specifically, we prove that if a finite set of irreducible quadratic polynomials ? satisfy that for every two polynomials Q?,Q? ? ? there is a subset ? ? ?, such that Q?,Q? ? ? and whenever Q? and Q? vanish then ?_{Q_i??} Q_i vanishes, then the linear span of the polynomials in ? has dimension O(1). This extends the earlier result [Amir Shpilka, 2019] that showed a similar conclusion when |?| = 1. An important technical step in our proof is a theorem classifying all the possible cases in which a product of quadratic polynomials can vanish when two other quadratic polynomials vanish. I.e., when the product is in the radical of the ideal generated by the two quadratics. This step extends a result from [Amir Shpilka, 2019] that studied the case when one quadratic polynomial is in the radical of two other quadratics

    Efficient Reconstruction of Depth Three Arithmetic Circuits with Top Fan-In Two

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    Reconstruction of Real Depth-3 Circuits with Top Fan-In 2

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    Reconstruction of arithmetic circuits has been heavily studied in the past few years and has connections to proving lower bounds and deterministic identity testing. In this paper we present a polynomial time randomized algorithm for reconstructing SigmaPiSigma(2) circuits over F (char(F)=0), i.e. depth-3 circuits with fan-in 2 at the top addition gate and having coefficients from a field of characteristic 0. The algorithm needs only a blackbox query access to the polynomial f in F[x_1,..., x_n] of degree d, computable by a SigmaPiSigma(2) circuit C. In addition, we assume that the "simple rank" of this polynomial (essential number of variables after removing the gcd of the two multiplication gates) is bigger than a fixed constant. Our algorithm runs in time poly(n,d) and returns an equivalent SigmaPiSigma(2) circuit (with high probability). The problem of reconstructing SigmaPiSigma(2) circuits over finite fields was first proposed by Shpilka [Shpilka, STOC 2007]. The generalization to SigmaPiSigma(k) circuits, k = O(1) (over finite fields) was addressed by Karnin and Shpilka in [Karnin/Shpilka, CCC 2015]. The techniques in these previous involve iterating over all objects of certain kinds over the ambient field and thus the running time depends on the size of the field F. Their reconstruction algorithm uses lower bounds on the lengths of Linear Locally Decodable Codes with 2 queries. In our settings, such ideas immediately pose a problem and we need new ideas to handle the case of the characteristic 0 field F. Our main techniques are based on the use of Quantitative Sylvester Gallai Theorems from the work of Barak et al. [Barak/Dvir/Wigderson/Yehudayoff, STOC 2011] to find a small collection of "nice" subspaces to project onto. The heart of our paper lies in subtle applications of the Quantitative Sylvester Gallai theorems to prove why projections w.r.t. the "nice" subspaces can be "glued". We also use Brill\u27s Equations from [Gelfand/Kapranov/Zelevinsky, 1994] to construct a small set of candidate linear forms (containing linear forms from both gates). Another important technique which comes very handy is the polynomial time randomized algorithm for factoring multivariate polynomials given by Kaltofen [Kaltofen/Trager, J. Symb. Comp. 1990]