81,743 research outputs found

    In-Place Randomized Slope-Selection

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    Slope selection is a well-known algorithmic tool used in the context of computing robust estimators for fitting a line to a collection mathcalPmathcal{P} of nn points in the plane. We demonstrate that it is possible to perform slope selection in expected mathcalO(nlogn)mathcal{O}(n log n) time using only constant extra space in addition to the space needed for representing the input. Our solution is based upon a space-efficient variant of Matouv{s}ek\u27s randomized interpolation search, and we believe that the techniques developed in this paper will prove helpful in the design of space-efficient randomized algorithms using samples. To underline this, we also sketch how to compute the repeated median line estimator in an in-place setting

    Enumeration of the Monomials of a Polynomial and Related Complexity Classes

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    We study the problem of generating monomials of a polynomial in the context of enumeration complexity. In this setting, the complexity measure is the delay between two solutions and the total time. We present two new algorithms for restricted classes of polynomials, which have a good delay and the same global running time as the classical ones. Moreover they are simple to describe, use little evaluation points and one of them is parallelizable. We introduce three new complexity classes, TotalPP, IncPP and DelayPP, which are probabilistic counterparts of the most common classes for enumeration problems, hoping that randomization will be a tool as strong for enumeration as it is for decision. Our interpolation algorithms proves that a lot of interesting problems are in these classes like the enumeration of the spanning hypertrees of a 3-uniform hypergraph. Finally we give a method to interpolate a degree 2 polynomials with an acceptable (incremental) delay. We also prove that finding a specified monomial in a degree 2 polynomial is hard unless RP = NP. It suggests that there is no algorithm with a delay as good (polynomial) as the one we achieve for multilinear polynomials

    Efficient computation of partition of unity interpolants through a block-based searching technique

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    In this paper we propose a new efficient interpolation tool, extremely suitable for large scattered data sets. The partition of unity method is used and performed by blending Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) as local approximants and using locally supported weight functions. In particular we present a new space-partitioning data structure based on a partition of the underlying generic domain in blocks. This approach allows us to examine only a reduced number of blocks in the search process of the nearest neighbour points, leading to an optimized searching routine. Complexity analysis and numerical experiments in two- and three-dimensional interpolation support our findings. Some applications to geometric modelling are also considered. Moreover, the associated software package written in \textsc{Matlab} is here discussed and made available to the scientific community

    An Adaptive Strategy for Active Learning with Smooth Decision Boundary

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    We present the first adaptive strategy for active learning in the setting of classification with smooth decision boundary. The problem of adaptivity (to unknown distributional parameters) has remained opened since the seminal work of Castro and Nowak (2007), which first established (active learning) rates for this setting. While some recent advances on this problem establish adaptive rates in the case of univariate data, adaptivity in the more practical setting of multivariate data has so far remained elusive. Combining insights from various recent works, we show that, for the multivariate case, a careful reduction to univariate-adaptive strategies yield near-optimal rates without prior knowledge of distributional parameters
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