21 research outputs found

    Theorems of Alternatives for Substructural Logics

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    A theorem of alternatives provides a reduction of validity in a substructural logic to validity in its multiplicative fragment. Notable examples include a theorem of Arnon Avron that reduces the validity of a disjunction of multiplicative formulas in the R-mingle logic RM to the validity of a linear combination of these formulas, and Gordan's theorem for solutions of linear systems over the real numbers, that yields an analogous reduction for validity in Abelian logic A. In this paper, general conditions are provided for axiomatic extensions of involutive uninorm logic without additive constants to admit a theorem of alternatives. It is also shown that a theorem of alternatives for a logic can be used to establish (uniform) deductive interpolation and completeness with respect to a class of dense totally ordered residuated lattices

    Universal Proof Theory: Semi-analytic Rules and Craig Interpolation

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    In [6], Iemhoff introduced the notion of a focused axiom and a focused rule as the building blocks for a certain form of sequent calculus which she calls a focused proof system. She then showed how the existence of a terminating focused system implies the uniform interpolation property for the logic that the calculus captures. In this paper we first generalize her focused rules to semi-analytic rules, a dramatically powerful generalization, and then we will show how the semi-analytic calculi consisting of these rules together with our generalization of her focused axioms, lead to the feasible Craig interpolation property. Using this relationship, we first present a uniform method to prove interpolation for different logics from sub-structural logics FLe\mathbf{FL_e}, FLec\mathbf{FL_{ec}}, FLew\mathbf{FL_{ew}} and IPC\mathbf{IPC} to their appropriate classical and modal extensions, including the intuitionistic and classical linear logics. Then we will use our theorem negatively, first to show that so many sub-structural logics including \L_n, GnG_n, BLBL, RR and RMeRM^e and almost all super-intutionistic logics (except at most seven of them) do not have a semi-analytic calculus. To investigate the case that the logic actually has the Craig interpolation property, we will first define a certain specific type of semi-analytic calculus which we call PPF systems and we will then present a sound and complete PPF calculus for classical logic. However, we will show that all such PPF calculi are exponentially slower than the classical Hilbert-style proof system (or equivalently LK+Cut\mathbf{LK+Cut}). We will then present a similar exponential lower bound for a certain form of complete PPF calculi, this time for any super-intuitionistic logic.Comment: 45 page

    Fitting aggregation operators to data

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    Theoretical advances in modelling aggregation of information produced a wide range of aggregation operators, applicable to almost every practical problem. The most important classes of aggregation operators include triangular norms, uninorms, generalised means and OWA operators.With such a variety, an important practical problem has emerged: how to fit the parameters/ weights of these families of aggregation operators to observed data? How to estimate quantitatively whether a given class of operators is suitable as a model in a given practical setting? Aggregation operators are rather special classes of functions, and thus they require specialised regression techniques, which would enforce important theoretical properties, like commutativity or associativity. My presentation will address this issue in detail, and will discuss various regression methods applicable specifically to t-norms, uninorms and generalised means. I will also demonstrate software implementing these regression techniques, which would allow practitioners to paste their data and obtain optimal parameters of the chosen family of operators.<br /

    A map of dependencies among three-valued logics

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    International audienceThree-valued logics arise in several fields of computer science, both inspired by concrete problems (such as in the management of the null value in databases) and theoretical considerations. Several three-valued logics have been defined. They differ by their choice of basic connectives, hence also from a syntactic and proof-theoretic point of view. Different interpretations of the third truth value have also been suggested. They often carry an epistemic flavor. In this work, relationships between logical connectives on three-valued functions are explored. Existing theorems of functional completeness have laid bare some of these links, based on specific connectives. However we try to draw a map of such relationships between conjunctions, negations and implications that extend Boolean ones. It turns out that all reasonable connectives can be defined from a few of them and so all known three-valued logics appear as a fragment of only one logic. These results can be instrumental when choosing, for each application context, the appropriate fragment where the basic connectives make full sense, based on the appropriate meaning of the third truth-value

    Bounded-analytic sequent calculi and embeddings for hypersequent logics

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    A sequent calculus with the subformula property has long been recognised as a highly favourable starting point for the proof theoretic investigation of a logic. However, most logics of interest cannot be presented using a sequent calculus with the subformula property. In response, many formalisms more intricate than the sequent calculus have been formulated. In this work we identify an alternative: retain the sequent calculus but generalise the subformula property to permit specific axiom substitutions and their subformulas. Our investigation leads to a classification of generalised subformula properties and is applied to infinitely many substructural, intermediate, and modal logics (specifically: those with a cut-free hypersequent calculus). We also develop a complementary perspective on the generalised subformula properties in terms of logical embeddings. This yields new complexity upper bounds for contractive-mingle substructural logics and situates isolated results on the so-called simple substitution property within a general theory

    Fuzzy Implications: Some Recently Solved Problems

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    In this chapter we discuss some open problems related to fuzzy implications, which have either been completely solved or those for which partial answers are known. In fact, this chapter also contains the answer for one of the open problems, which is hitherto unpublished. The recently solved problems are so chosen to reflect the importance of the problem or the significance of the solution. Finally, some other problems that still remain unsolved are stated for quick reference

    Relative congruence formulas and decompositions in quasivarieties

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    Quasivarietal analogues of uniform congruence schemes are discussed, and their relationship with the equational definability of principal relative congruences (EDPRC) is established, along with their significance for relative congruences on subalgebras of products. Generalizing the situation in varieties, we prove that a quasivariety is relatively ideal iff it has EDPRC; it is relatively filtral iff it is relatively semisimple with EDPRC. As an application, it is shown that a finitary sentential logic, algebraized by a quasivariety K, has a classical inconsistency lemma if and only if K is relatively filtral and the subalgebras of its nontrivial members are nontrivial. A concrete instance of this result is exhibited, in which K is not a variety. Finally, for quasivarieties M⊆K, we supply some conditions under which M is the restriction to K of a variety, assuming that K has EDPRC.The second author was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (UID 85407).https://link.springer.com/journal/122482018-11-27hj2017Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Inconsistency lemmas in algebraic logic

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    In this paper, the inconsistency lemmas of intuitionistic and classical propositional logic are formulated abstractly. We prove that, when a (finitary) deductive system is algebraized by a variety K, then has an inconsistency lemma—in the abstract sense—iff every algebra in K has a dually pseudo-complemented join semilattice of compact congruences. In this case, the following are shown to be equivalent: (1) has a classical inconsistency lemma; (2) has a greatest compact theory and K is filtral, i.e., semisimple with EDPC; (3) the compact congruences of any algebra in K form a Boolean lattice; (4) the compact congruences of any A ∈ K constitute a Boolean sublattice of the full congruence lattice of A. These results extend to quasivarieties and relative congruences. Except for (2), they extend even to protoalgebraic logics, with deductive filters in the role of congruences. A protoalgebraic system with a classical inconsistency lemma always has a deduction-detachment theorem (DDT), while a system with a DDT and a greatest compact theory has an inconsistency lemma. The converses are false.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3870hb201

    Aggregation functions: Means

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    The two-parts state-of-art overview of aggregation theory summarizes the essential information concerning aggregation issues. Overview of aggregation properties is given, including the basic classification of aggregation functions. In this first part, the stress is put on means, i.e., averaging aggregation functions, both with fixed arity (n-ary means) and with open arity (extended means).

    Idempotent residuated structures : some category equivalences and their applications

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    This paper concerns residuated lattice-ordered idempotent commutative monoids that are subdirect products of chains. An algebra of this kind is a generalized Sugihara monoid (GSM) if it is generated by the lower bounds of the monoid identity; it is a Sugihara monoid if it has a compatible involution :. Our main theorem establishes a category equivalence between GSMs and relative Stone algebras with a nucleus (i.e., a closure operator preserving the lattice operations). An analogous result is obtained for Sugihara monoids. Among other applications, it is shown that Sugihara monoids are strongly amalgamable, and that the relevance logic RMt has the projective Beth de nability property for deduction.http://www.ams.org//journals/tran/hb201