7 research outputs found

    Internet protocol support for telephony

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    Корпоративна VoIP мережа на базі Asterisk IP PBX

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник дипломної роботи: доцент кафедри ТКРС, Курушкін В.П.Комп'ютерні мережі, телефонія, телекомунікаційні системи на сьогоднішній день мають величезне значення в нашому сучасному суспільстві. В останній час виражаються тенденції до об'єднання різного роду мереж таких як: мережі Інтернет і локальних мереж, телекомунікаційних мереж, і інших мереж зв'я- зку: як телефонних, так і радіомереж. Технологічне об'єднання різнорідних мереж обумовлено ередавців цифрової інформації за мережами різного виду. IP-телефонія, або VoIP – Voice Over IP – це такий вид голосового зв'язку, де на передачу аудіо-інформації по цифрових каналах зв'язку, застосовується прото- кол IP. У цей час скрізь помічається заміна старих телефонних технологій на нові технології по IP-телефонії

    Traditionell telefoni, ett komplement till Voice-over IP?

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    Med den lavinartade ökningen av Internetanvändning de senaste tio åren har det även kommit nya sätt att utföra telefonsamtal på. VoIP möjliggör telefontrafik över nätverk och integrerar på så sätt telefontrafiken och datatrafiken till ett och samma nät. Vi har undersökt vilka hinder som kan tänkas ligga i vägen för en övergång till VoIP inom Sveriges kommuner. Vi har även lyft fram vilken kunskap och medvetenhet som krävs av en ledare inom kommuner vid beslut om en övergång. Resultaten visade att det råder stor brist på kunskap gällande VoIP och att kommuner är oroliga för hinder som egentligen inte är några hinder i praktiken. Undersökningen visade vidare även att VoIP ger kommuner stora besparingsmöjligheter och även om implementeringen kostar ger det besparingar i längden


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    The growth of the Internet over the past decade together with the promise of lower costs to the customer has led to the rapid emergence of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). As a real-time application in large scale packet switched networks, VoIP networks face many challenges such as availability, voice quality and network security. This dissertation addresses three important issues in VoIP networks: Quality of Service, pricing and security.In addressing Quality of Service (QoS), this dissertation introduces the notion of delay not exceeding an upper limit, termed the bounded delay (rather than the average delay), to measure the Quality of Service in VoIP networks. Queuing models are introduced to measure performance in terms of bounded delays. Closed form solutions relating the impact of bounding delays on throughput of VoIP traffic are provided. Traffic that exceeds the delay threshold is treated as lost throughput. The results addressed can be used in scaling resources in a VoIP network for different thresholds of acceptable delays. Both single and multiple switching points are addressed. The same notion and analysis are also applied on jitter, another important indicator of the VoIP QoSThis dissertation also develops a pricing model based on the Quality of Service provided in VoIP networks. It presents the impact of quality of VoIP service demanded by the customer on the transmission resources required by the network using an analytical approach. The price to be paid by the customer is based on the throughput meeting this criterion and the network transmission resources required. In particular, the impact of Quality of Service presented can be used in the design of VoIP networks in a way that would provide fairness to the user in terms of quality of service and price while optimizing the resources of the network at the same time.This dissertation also extends and applies the delay throughput analysis developed for VoIP networks in assessing the impact of risks constituted by a number of transportation channels, where the risk associated with each channel can be quantified by a known distribution. For VoIP security, this dissertation mainly focuses on the signaling authentication. It presents a networking solution that incorporates network-based authentication as an inherent feature. The authentication feature that we propose introduces a range of flexibilities not available in the PSTN. Since most calls will likely terminate on the network of another service provider, we also present a mechanism using which networks can mutually authenticate each other to afford the possibility of authentication across networks. Finally, this dissertation explores areas for future research that can be built on the foundation of research presented

    Internet protocol support for telephony

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    In this paper, we consider the evolution of telephone networks from time-division multiplexing circuit switching to packet switching and, in particular, to packet switching-based on Internet Protocol (IP-supported telephony). We analyze IP-supported telephony design solutions by proposing a layered reference model in which each layer is associated to a subset of the functions that support telephony. We use the reference model to establish a terminology and a framework for the comparison of the design solutions. We group the design solutions in scenarios and compare them in terms of the reference model proposed. We then focus on IP telephony, in which IP is used in telephone company networks, and on Internet telephony, in which the Internet is used to support telephony. We show that they both can be seen as implementations of the same architecture, which consists of a set of components, associated to functions, and of the interactions among these components. We then consider the issue of voice–data integration and analyze the variety of design solutions that can be adopted to integrate voice and data. Keywords—Internet Protocol (IP) telephony, Internet telephony, next-generation networks, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)