4 research outputs found

    Elimination of risks and threats according to a car connected to the internet

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je analýza a vyhodnocení bezpečnostních rizik a návrh pravidel pro práci se službou Connected Car. První část práce definuje pojem Connected Car a současnou situaci v této oblasti. Další část srovnává bezpečnostní normy navržené pro Connected Car. Následuje analýza potenciálních rizik spojených s připojením vozidla k internetu. V další části následuje vyhodnocení a vytvoření pravidel pro bezpečné využití Connected Car. Na závěr se vyhodnocuje praktický přínos v oblasti Connected Car.The goal of this work is the analysis and evaluation of security risks and draft of rules for safety using a services in area of Connected Car. First part defines the Connected Car and the current situation in this area. Next part compares the safety standards designed for Connected Car. Following is analysis of the potential risks associated with vehicle connectivity to the internet. Next section is followed by an evaluation and development of rules for the safe use of Connected Car. Final chapter evaluates practical contribution of rules in the field of Connnected Car

    Cyberattacks and Countermeasures For In-Vehicle Networks

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    As connectivity between and within vehicles increases, so does concern about safety and security. Various automotive serial protocols are used inside vehicles such as Controller Area Network (CAN), Local Interconnect Network (LIN) and FlexRay. CAN bus is the most used in-vehicle network protocol to support exchange of vehicle parameters between Electronic Control Units (ECUs). This protocol lacks security mechanisms by design and is therefore vulnerable to various attacks. Furthermore, connectivity of vehicles has made the CAN bus not only vulnerable from within the vehicle but also from outside. With the rise of connected cars, more entry points and interfaces have been introduced on board vehicles, thereby also leading to a wider potential attack surface. Existing security mechanisms focus on the use of encryption, authentication and vehicle Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), which operate under various constrains such as low bandwidth, small frame size (e.g. in the CAN protocol), limited availability of computational resources and real-time sensitivity. We survey In-Vehicle Network (IVN) attacks which have been grouped under: direct interfaces-initiated attacks, telematics and infotainment-initiated attacks, and sensor-initiated attacks. We survey and classify current cryptographic and IDS approaches and compare these approaches based on criteria such as real time constrains, types of hardware used, changes in CAN bus behaviour, types of attack mitigation and software/ hardware used to validate these approaches. We conclude with potential mitigation strategies and research challenges for the future

    Jogo baseado na localização para optimização da experiência turistica

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    O setor turístico tem uma influência indubitável em Portugal, com uma afluência crescente de visitantes em busca de tudo aquilo que os diversos distritos de Portugal têm para oferecer.Há, contudo, formas de diversificar mais ainda estas experiências. Os dispositivos móveis, cujo mercado registou um grande crescimento recentemente, permitem não só personalizar estas experiências como também melhorá-las no sentido do aproveitamento de cada turista.O objetivo desta dissertação é desenvolver o protótipo de um jogo baseado na localização para dispositivos móveis com o turismo em mente, com suporte para múltiplos jogadores. A partir deste protótipo, pretende-se ainda desenvolver uma plataforma com a versatilidade necessária para criar jogos semelhantes para outros destinos turísticos. Neste caso em particular, o jogo focar-se-á em promover o Parque Biológico de Gaia e apelar ao interesse na paisagem rural tradicional e fauna da região.Prevê-se para isso o desenvolvimento de vários mini-jogos temáticos que o utilizador poderá desbloquear quando se desloca pelo parque e que fornecem informação e contexto sobre o local onde se encontra e o ecossistema que o rodeia. O utilizador terá sempre à sua disposição um mapa do parque, que servirá também de guia, fornecendo informação pertinente à sua localização.O projeto abre a possibilidade de expandir este género de experiência dinâmica a outros destinos turísticos em Portugal com a sua plataforma versátil, através da qual jogos semelhantes poderão ser produzidos. Procura-se aqui apelar à diversificação do leque de opções de cada visitante ao desafiá-lo usando um dispositivo prático e um meio apelativo, com os possíveis benefícios de fomentar a afluência de turistas a uma região e oferecer novas oportunidades de negócio aos habitantes e instituições da mesma.The tourist sector has an undeniable influence in Portugal, with an increasing influx of visitors yearning for everything the different districts of Portugal have to offer. There are, however, ways to diversify these experiences further. Mobiles devices, which are part of a continuously growing market, allow not only to customize how they enjoy their visit but also improve it in the sense of creating opportunities previously unavailable to each tourist's experience.The goal of this thesis is to develop the prototype of a location-based multiplayer game for mobile devices with tourism in mind. There will also be a platform with the required versaility to create similar games for other tourist destinations based on this prototype. In this particular case, the game will focus on promoting the Gaia Biological Park and appeal to its traditional rural landscape and the region's fauna.For that end, several thematic minigames are to be developed, which the user can unlock as they moves through the park, supplying them with information and context about their location and the ecosystem around them. The user will always have a map of the park at their disposal, which will serve as a guide, supplying information about their location.The project opens up the possibility to expand this type of dynamic experience to other tourist destinations in Portugal with its versatile platform, through which similar games may be made. The goal here is to diversify the options visitors have by challenging them using a practical device and an appealing environment, with the possible benefits of bolstering tourism in a region and offering new business opportunities to its inhabitants and institutions