238,809 research outputs found

    The relationship between using the Internet and social isolation among students of the faculty of Education at the University of Hail

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    The current study aimed to identify the correlation between Internet use and social isolation, as well as to identify whether there are statistically significant differences between female and male students in the measure of Internet use, as well as in the measure of social isolation among students of the College of Education at the University of Hail. The study sample consisted of 254 male and female students from the College of Education were selected by a stratified random method. After reviewing a number of measures, the researcher prepared an Internet use scale, as well as a social isolation scale, and the validity and reliability implications of each were verified. The results showed a positive relationship between Internet use and social isolation. There are statistically significant differences between female and male students in using the Internet, in favor of females. It also showed statistically significant differences between female and male students in social isolation, in favor of females

    Popularity of the Consumption of Dietary Supplements and its Associated Factors among Students in an Egyptian University: A Cross-sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary supplements (DS) use has substantially become prevalent worldwide. However, a limited number of studies have addressed the consumption of DS among college students. AIM: The objective of the study was to explore the prevalence of DS use among college students in an Egyptian college, their motives for DS use, and the association with sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 180 (18–25 years) college students at Helwan University. A self-administered questionnaire that included sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics, DS use, commonly used types, reasons for use, and sources of information was employed. RESULTS: More than two-thirds of the participants (117 students) have used DS with no difference among sex except for the types and motives for use (p < 0.001). The most used types were amino acids and proteins, multivitamins and minerals, and weight-loss herbals. Male students mainly used amino acids and proteins (54.7%), multivitamins, and minerals (17.2%), for building muscles (50%), gaining more energy (14%), and maintaining good health (14%). Female students consumed multivitamins and minerals (35.8%), weight-loss herbals (28.3%), for health promotion (34%) and weight management (28.3%). The main sources of information were the internet, health-care providers, and coaches. Male users depended primarily on the internet; however, female users received information from health-care providers (p < 0.001). Practicing exercise, non-smoking, and dietary patterns were associated with DS use. CONCLUSION: DS use is remarkably common among college students in Egypt since their freshmen year. The findings highlight an urgent need to raise students’ awareness regarding the appropriate use of DS from reliable sources to control DS use and prevent adverse effects


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the supposed effects of the duration of the mobile internet ownership in terms of years, the duration of daily mobile internet use and monthly mobile internet quota variables on the nomophobia levels of University students. The study group consists of a total of 645 students, of whom are 429 female and 216 male, who are studying in different departments and come from different age groups. The Nomophobia Scale (NMP-Q) was used to determine the effect of variables on the nomophobia of university students. One-way ANOVA, simple and multiple regression analysis technique were used in the analysis of the data. Findings of the study showed that there was no significant difference between the duration of smartphone ownership and the level of nomophobia among college students, whereas the level of nomophobia was higher among the students who check the smartphone more frequently than during the day. Furthermore, according to the results of multiple regression analysis, variables such as duration of mobile internet ownership in terms of years, duration of daily mobile internet use and GSM mobile internet quota are predictive of the nomophobia prevalence of university students. Among these three variables, it is determined that the most predictive level of nomophobia is the daily mobile internet use.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this paper is to determine whether gender differences exist in online product search and purchase behaviors. A survey of 116 undergraduate college students with questions regarding the types of products researched and purchased over the Internet, the type of information they looked for when researching the products, reasons for not purchasing products online, and reasons for returning products purchased over the Internet. While both male and female college students use the Internet to research and purchase products, the findings indicate that they differ significantly in the types of products they research and purchase online, the kinds of information they sought when researching products over the Internet, and their reasons for not purchasing a product online. Generation Y is an important consumer group that will heavily influence the future success of online retailers. The majority of college students are members of Generation Y and heavy users of the internet in general. Internet usage for this group has been examined for academic and educational purposes, but information regarding online shopping behaviors has been limited. In addition, gender differences have been observed as an influence on online shopping behavior, but there is a lack of clarity regarding gender differences in online shopping behaviors among Generation Y college students who have many opportunities to access the internet and spend a lot of time online

    Substance Consumption in University Students and the Relationship with Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being

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    The consumption of psychoactive substances among college students is a topic that has increasingly garnered more media coverage in the literature. However, there remains considerable controversy surrounding this issue. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between substance use habits (including alcohol, tobacco, and other psychoactive substances) and self-esteem and psychological well-being among college students, with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of this matter. This study employs a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, correlational, and quasi-experimental design. The sample consists of 460 college students aged between 18 and 66 who have internet access. Among these participants, 299 are biologically female and 158 are biologically male. The research utilized several instruments, including a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Psychological Well-Being Manifestation Measurement Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in terms of self-esteem and psychological well-being based on substance use. However, it was observed that the consumption of other psychoactive substances was significantly higher among male participants compared to female participants

    Gender Inequality in the Usage of ICT Facilities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Presbyterian University College Library (PUCL), Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to find out gender inequality in the use of ICT facilities in the library among male and female students in the Presbyterian University College of Ghana-Asante Akyem Campus. It was a case study which adopted the survey approach with questionnaires as the data collection instrument to solicit the opinions of both genders. The findings disclosed that ICT facilities are available in the library and a significant number of both genders have access to the facilities. However, there were slight variations in the use of the facilities in some domain.Poor internet services as well as inadequate power supply were identified as significant challenges that impeded the use of ICT facilities in the library; therefore, it is recommended that measures should be put in place to avoid persistent power failure in the library. Lastly, the management of the university should acquire bigger broadband to improve the internet service in the library. Keywords: Asante Akyem, Gender, Ghana, ICT facilities, Inequality, Presbyterian, Students, University College. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-25-06 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Gender Inequality in the Usage of ICT Facilities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Presbyterian University College Library (PUCL), Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to find out gender inequality in the use of ICT facilities in the library among male and female students in the Presbyterian University College of Ghana-Asante Akyem Campus-Ghana. It was a case study which adopted the survey approach with questionnaires as the data collection instrument to solicit the opinions of both genders. The findings disclosed that ICT facilities are available in the library and a significant number of both genders have access to the facilities. However, there were slight variations in the use of the facilities in some domain.Poor internet services, as well as inadequate power supply, were identified as significant challenges that impeded the use of ICT facilities in the library; therefore, it is recommended that measures should be put in place to avoid persistent power failure in the library. Lastly, management of the university should acquire bigger broadband to improve the internet service in the library. Keywords: Asante Akyem, Gender, Ghana, ICT facilities, Inequality, Presbyterian, Students, University College. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-2-0

    Analysis of the Relationship between University Students’ Problematic Internet Use and Loneliness

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    : The computer is part of the information and communication age, and the Internet today is the most used communication tool. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between problematic Internet use and loneliness. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between problematic Internet use sub-scales and loneliness. In this study, data were collected from the college students at an Anatolian University in Turkey. The participants of this study consisted of 392 undergraduates. Of the participants, 43% are male (n = 167) and 57% female (n = 225). The average age for the participants is 22 years old. The Problematic Internet Use Scale and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale were used as data collection instruments. In the present study, structural equation modeling (SEM) procedures are used to explore the relationships that exist among the variables. The findings of the study revealed that while university students’ social benefit/social comfort of Internet has a direct effect on their excessive Internet use and negative consequences, it is related to the loneliness level indirectly. In addition, it is seen in the research model that with an increase in the negative consequences of the Internet, the loneliness level was raised. Another result from the study is that when university students’ excessive Internet use increased, their loneliness level decreased

    Personality Antecedents of Internet Overuse Behaviour Among College Students

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    Internet has become a ubiquitous feature at home, school and the workplace, as the worldwide population of Internet users has grown rapidly in the recent years. However, its excessive use, especially using it unnecessarily, is found to affect psychological functioning of the users, more particular harm caused among the youngsters. Researchers have found some of the individual factors, particularly the individual personality, that significantly correlate with the both the trend in usage of Internet and its overuse as well. Hence, investigators of this study wanted to examine whether personality is predicting internet overuse behaviour among college going students. For this a sample of 153 college and university students (92 male and 61 female) in the age range of 18 to 25 years were selected non-randomly from 4 different institutions in Tamil Nadu. They were administered with the 120 item IPIP NEO personality inventory and 36 item online cognition scale. Regression analyses were carried out test the hypotheses, using SPSS (version 23.0). Results showed that the personality factors, except openness to experience were found to be predicting internet overuse, with an overall R2 value of 0.37. Among the factors, excitement seeking of extraversion, anxiety, anger and depression facets of neuroticism and self-efficacy, orderliness, cautiousness and dutifulness facets of conscientiousness were significantly contributing. To infer, the respondents in the sample, who were highly sensation seekers, anxious and depressive by nature, low on self-efficacy, not being orderly and dutiful tend to overuse internet. Among the personality factors, conscientiousness was a strong predictor of internet overuse in the sampl


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    The need of information and communication for humans drives the development of the internet. In a university, students are internet users who sometimes not able to use it properly. Many studies see the relationship between gender and internet usage. Among students, the use of internet has an influence on learning achievement. This study aims to analyze the difference in learning achievement of male and female students who use social media. And to find out the difference reasons of using social media by them. The sample was taken about 300 college students in Padang City. The result by using Crosstab Analysis and Chi-Square Test showed that there were no difference between male and female on learning achievement who use social media. And there were no difference reasons of using social media between male and female college students. The expected this result can be used for further study especially about students learning behaviours so it can produce students who have good achievement.Kebutuhan akan informasi dan komunikasi bagi manusia mendorong meningkatnya perkembangan internet. Pada lingkungan perguruan tinggi, mahasiswa merupakan pengguna internet yang terkadang belum mampu menggunakannya secara tepat. Banyak penelitian yang melihat hubungan antara gender dan penggunaan internet. Dan jika ditelaah dari kalangan mahasiswa, maka terdapat pengaruh penggunaan internet terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa perbedaan prestasi belajar mahasiswa laki-laki dan mahasiswi perempuan di perguruan tinggi Kota Padang Sumatera Barat yang menggunakan media sosial dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan alasan penggunaan media sosial mahasiswa laki-laki dan mahasisiwi perempuan yang menggunakan media sosial. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 300 mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di Kota Padang Propinsi Sumatera Barat dengan teknik analisis data analisis Crosstab menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar dan alasan pengguna media sosial antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan yang menggunakan media sosial. Diharapkan hasil ini dapat digunakan untuk penelitian lanjutan yang berhubungan dengan tantangan dunia pendidikan khususnya perguruan tinggi menghadapi perilaku belajar mahasiswa dan kondisi lingkungan kampus yang berbeda-beda namun menghasilkan mahasiswa yang berprestasi
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