3 research outputs found

    Automatic classification using concept knowledge of web documents

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    In order to classify web documents, we suggest a method using concept knowledge of category.In our study, the concept relations between keywords are extracted using hyperlink information and after the extracted keywords are classified into each category, these are used as an index.Then TFIDF for each category is extended to determine index weight value.The system is constructed for experimenting and estimating,which is consist of web robot, indexer, concept knowledge database for each category and the document classifier.Our system to be applied the extended TFIDF method shows an accuracy of 88% in automatic classifying of web documents

    Directorio web: usos y potencialidades para las escuelas conectadas a internet/ Web Directory: Uses and Potentials for Schools Connected to the Internet

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    Objective: Information and communication technologies are quite common in daily life. Their potentials are becoming a learning tool. This article aims at assessing the use of informational services of the Ministry of Education in a sample of professors and students of Najasa municipality. Methods: Different methods were used. The statistical analysis served to assess what are the most frequently visited web sites and how they serve the purpose of researching and recreation. Analysis – synthesis was used in the theoretical framework construction. Result: The main finding is the creation of a web directory the Municipal Education Office and the outlining of users’ tendency in using the internet. Conclusion: The use of new technologies, including the use of web applications such as the directory, promotes larger and efficient use of telematic services that the Ministry of Education provides. The directory offers a users’ guide for searching the internet, favoring in better use, and process efficiency.Objetivo: Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están inmersas en nuestro día a día; los avances ofrecidos por éstas son idóneos en el proceso educativo. Este artículo se propone ofrecer un análisis de cómo se comporta actualmente el uso de los servicios informacionales con los que cuenta el Ministerio de Educación en Cuba, enmarcados en el estudio desarrollado tomando como una muestra el municipio Najasa. Métodos: Se emplearon diferentes métodos como son el de análisis estadístico, empleado para determinar a través del análisis de las trazas de navegación consultadas cuánto y cuáles son los sitios web o portales nacionales e internacionales más usados por los usuarios de estos centros educacionales para sus labores investigativas o recreación personal, y el método de análisis – síntesis, empleado en el proceso de investigación, esencialmente en las fundamentaciones teóricas iniciales del proyecto investigativo. Resultado: Se significan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la implementación del Directorio Web en la Dirección Municipal de Educación y las potencialidades para su generalización. Conclusión: El uso de nuevas tecnologías, entre ellas el empleo de aplicaciones web como el directorio, propicia un mayor y eficiente uso de los servicios telemáticos con los que cuenta el Ministerio de Educación. El directorio ofrece una guía a los usuarios en el proceso de búsqueda de información en internet, favoreciendo a su vez un mayor aprovechamiento del tiempo destinado a esta actividad

    Electronic instructional materials and course requirements "Computer science" for specialty: 1-53 01 01 «Automation of technological processes and production»

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    The purpose of the electronic instructional materials and course requirements by the discipline «Computer science» (EIMCR) is to develop theoretical systemic and practical knowledge in different fields of Computer science. Features of structuring and submission of educational material: EIMCR includes the following sections: theoretical, practical, knowledge control, auxiliary. The theoretical section presents lecture material in accordance with the main sections and topics of the syllabus. The practical section of the EIMCR contains materials for conducting practical classes aimed to develop modern computational thinking, basic skills in computing and making decisions in the field of the fundamentals of computer theory and many computer science fields. The knowledge control section of the EIMCR contains: guidelines for the implementation of the control work aimed at developing the skills of independent work on the course under study, developing the skills of selecting, analyzing and writing out the necessary material, as well as the correct execution of the tasks; list of questions for the credit by the discipline. The auxiliary section of the EIMCR contains the following elements of the syllabus: explanatory note; thematic lectures plan; tables of distribution of classroom hours by topics and informational and methodological part. EIMCR contains active links to quickly find the necessary material