402 research outputs found

    Interference Cancellation trough Interference Alignment for Downlink of Cognitive Cellular Networks

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    In this letter, we propose the interference cancellation through interference alignment at the downlink of cognitive cellular networks. Interference alignment helps the spatial resources to be shared among primary and secondary cells and thus, it can provide higher degrees of freedom through interference cancellation. We derive and depict the achievable degrees of freedom. We also analyse and calculate the achievable sum rates applying water-filling optimal power allocation

    L2L_2-Box Optimization for Green Cloud-RAN via Network Adaptation

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    In this paper, we propose a reformulation for the Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problem into an exact and continuous model through using the โ„“2\ell_2-box technique to recast the binary constraints into a box with an โ„“2\ell_2 sphere constraint. The reformulated problem can be tackled by a dual ascent algorithm combined with a Majorization-Minimization (MM) method for the subproblems to solve the network power consumption problem of the Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud-RAN), and which leads to solving a sequence of Difference of Convex (DC) subproblems handled by an inexact MM algorithm. After obtaining the final solution, we use it as the initial result of the bi-section Group Sparse Beamforming (GSBF) algorithm to promote the group-sparsity of beamformers, rather than using the weighted โ„“1/โ„“2\ell_1 / \ell_2-norm. Simulation results indicate that the new method outperforms the bi-section GSBF algorithm by achieving smaller network power consumption, especially in sparser cases, i.e., Cloud-RANs with a lot of Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) but fewer users.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Retrospective Interference Alignment for the 3-user MIMO Interference Channel with delayed CSIT

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    The degrees of freedom (DoF) of the 3-user multiple input multiple output interference channel (3-user MIMO IC) are investigated where there is delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). We generalize the ideas of Maleki et al. about {\it Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA)} to be applied to the MIMO IC, where transmitters and receivers are equipped with (M,N)(M,N) antennas, respectively. We propose a two-phase transmission scheme where the number of slots per phase and number of transmitted symbols are optimized by solving a maximization problem. Finally, we review the existing achievable DoF results in the literature as a function of the ratio between transmitting and receiving antennas ฯ=M/N\rho=M/N. The proposed scheme improves all other strategies when ฯโˆˆ(12,3132]\rho \in \left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{31}{32} \right].Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1

    On the Degrees of freedom of the K-user MISO Interference Channel with imperfect delayed CSIT

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    This work investigates the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the K-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IC) with imperfect delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). For this setting, new DoF inner bonds are provided, and benchmarked with cooperation-based outer bounds. The achievability result is based on a precoding scheme that aligns the interfering received signals through time, exploiting the concept of Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA). The proposed approach outperforms all previous known schemes. Furthermore, we study the proposed scheme under channel estimation errors (CEE) on the reported dCSIT, and derive a closed-form expression for the achievable DoF with imperfect dCSIT.Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1

    Sum-Rate Analysis for High Altitude Platform (HAP) Drones with Tethered Balloon Relay

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    High altitude platform (HAP) drones can provide broadband wireless connectivity to ground users in rural areas by establishing line-of-sight (LoS) links and exploiting effective beamforming techniques. However, at high altitudes, acquiring the channel state information (CSI) for HAPs, which is a key component to perform beamforming, is challenging. In this paper, by exploiting an interference alignment (IA) technique, a novel method for achieving the maximum sum-rate in HAP-based communications without CSI is proposed. In particular, to realize IA, a multiple-antenna tethered balloon is used as a relay between multiple HAP drones and ground stations (GSs). Here, a multiple-input multiple-output X network system is considered. The capacity of the considered M*N X network with a tethered balloon relay is derived in closed-form. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical findings and show that the proposed approach yields the maximum sum-rate in multiple HAPs-GSs communications in absence of CSI. The results also show the existence of an optimal balloon's altitude for which the sum-rate is maximized.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Communications Letter
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