1,391 research outputs found

    Structured learning of sum-of-submodular higher order energy functions

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    Submodular functions can be exactly minimized in polynomial time, and the special case that graph cuts solve with max flow \cite{KZ:PAMI04} has had significant impact in computer vision \cite{BVZ:PAMI01,Kwatra:SIGGRAPH03,Rother:GrabCut04}. In this paper we address the important class of sum-of-submodular (SoS) functions \cite{Arora:ECCV12,Kolmogorov:DAM12}, which can be efficiently minimized via a variant of max flow called submodular flow \cite{Edmonds:ADM77}. SoS functions can naturally express higher order priors involving, e.g., local image patches; however, it is difficult to fully exploit their expressive power because they have so many parameters. Rather than trying to formulate existing higher order priors as an SoS function, we take a discriminative learning approach, effectively searching the space of SoS functions for a higher order prior that performs well on our training set. We adopt a structural SVM approach \cite{Joachims/etal/09a,Tsochantaridis/etal/04} and formulate the training problem in terms of quadratic programming; as a result we can efficiently search the space of SoS priors via an extended cutting-plane algorithm. We also show how the state-of-the-art max flow method for vision problems \cite{Goldberg:ESA11} can be modified to efficiently solve the submodular flow problem. Experimental comparisons are made against the OpenCV implementation of the GrabCut interactive segmentation technique \cite{Rother:GrabCut04}, which uses hand-tuned parameters instead of machine learning. On a standard dataset \cite{Gulshan:CVPR10} our method learns higher order priors with hundreds of parameter values, and produces significantly better segmentations. While our focus is on binary labeling problems, we show that our techniques can be naturally generalized to handle more than two labels

    Foreground Segmentation of Live Videos Using Boundary Matting Technology

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    This paper proposes an interactive method to extract foreground objects from live videos using Boundary Matting Technology. An initial segmentation consists of the primary associated frame of a ?rst and last video sequence. Main objective is to segment the images of live videos in a continuous manner. Video frames are 1st divided into pixels in such a way that there is a need to use Competing Support Vector Machine (CSVM) algorithm for the classi?cation of foreground and background methods. Accordingly, the extraction of foreground and background image sequences is done without human intervention. Finally, the initial frames which are segmented can be improved to get an accurate object boundary. The object boundaries are then used for matting these videos. Here an effectual algorithm for segmentation and then matting them is done for live videos where dif?cult scenarios like fuzzy object boundaries have been established. In the paper we generate Support Vector Machine (CSVMs) and also algorithms where local color distribution for both foreground and background video frames are used

    Learning an Interactive Segmentation System

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    Many successful applications of computer vision to image or video manipulation are interactive by nature. However, parameters of such systems are often trained neglecting the user. Traditionally, interactive systems have been treated in the same manner as their fully automatic counterparts. Their performance is evaluated by computing the accuracy of their solutions under some fixed set of user interactions. This paper proposes a new evaluation and learning method which brings the user in the loop. It is based on the use of an active robot user - a simulated model of a human user. We show how this approach can be used to evaluate and learn parameters of state-of-the-art interactive segmentation systems. We also show how simulated user models can be integrated into the popular max-margin method for parameter learning and propose an algorithm to solve the resulting optimisation problem.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 table
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