9,860 research outputs found


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    Fortnight is a two-week long, fully immersive, experience based in the interactions and communications of daily life. Up to 200 participants sign up to receive messages that are sent to their mobile phones, email, and home address; these messages contain a series of poetic nudges that encourage those participating to question their sense of place. Participants also receive daily invitations to visit locations throughout their city where they can pause to reflect on what it means to be here now. Fortnight enables the experience of “theatre” to penetrate beneath a seemingly brittle aesthetic surface of performance, deep into the consciousnesses of our participants as they begin to interact with and perceive world around us as the performance itself; the place where we act out our own daily lives. In Fortnight, the spectator becomes participant; the journey becomes narrative. Fortnight therefore subverts the notion of an audience, in which each spectator’s perspective is forced to examine not the situation and setting of performers on a stage, but rather the situation and setting of our own sense of place and the meaning we apportion to our everyday lives. Fortnight uses various forms of ubiquitous technology such as: Radio Frequency Identification (aka, RFID tags of the type contained in key fobs), which are used in badges sent to each participant that allow them to interact with real-world “portals” to trigger certain effects in their surroundings; QR technology (in the form of barcodes on posters that reveal additional hidden messages, should the participant choose to delve further; SMS messages; email; and, Twitter. Alongside this, older modes of communication such as handwritten letters, give Fortnight a decidedly low-fi aesthetic. Throughout Fortnight, participants are encouraged to explore the creative possibilities of pervasive and communicative media without reverting to mere technological fetishism. In Fortnight, each mode of communication is used not only for its functionality but also as symbols that bind the project and the participant together, rooting them to the here and now with the everyday tools of modern society. The mediated messages within Fortnight lead participants down a living, breathing rabbit hole where the familiar becomes unfamiliar and reality distorts. The project becomes an experience for the participant that is as immersive as their own life; creating an alternative reality, that not only co-exists alongside their own everyday realities, but also merges with them.This is a performance with shared responsibilities, reflecting the actions and consequences of our daily lives: what we put in, we get out

    Rethinking 'multi-user': an in-the-wild study of how groups approach a walk-up-and-use tabletop interface

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    Multi-touch tabletops have been much heralded as an innovative technology that can facilitate new ways of group working. However, there is little evidence of these materialising outside of research lab settings. We present the findings of a 5-week in-the-wild study examining how a shared planning application – designed to run on a walk-up- and-use tabletop – was used when placed in a tourist information centre. We describe how groups approached, congregated and interacted with it and the social interactions that took place – noting how they were quite different from research findings describing the ways groups work around a tabletop in lab settings. We discuss the implications of such situated group work for designing collaborative tabletop applications for use in public settings

    How would tourists use Green Spaces? Case Studies in Lisbon

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    EntretextosThis report provides in a relative condensed format the results of small-scale study undertaken in Lisbon during the Meeting of the CyberParks Project (www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/tud/Actions/TU1306). CyberParks is a COST Action coordinated by the Universidade Lusófona at the CeiED - Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development. The Project aims at creating a research platform on the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of public open spaces, and their relevance to sustainable urban development. The impacts of this relationship are being explored from social, ecological, urban design and technological perspectives. Based on the supposition that the participants of the Meeting are tourists visiting Lisbon, a survey was carried out on the topic how people actually use and how they would use public spaces. This survey is also the first approach to the case study areas chosen in Lisbon: Parque Quinta das Conchas and Jardim da Estrela. Both green spaces will be subject of further studies in the forthcoming years. This study employed (1) a questionnaire for measuring the user’s experience and preferences, and (2) two different tracking devices that utilise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), in our case the GPS for satellite positioning technologies. It also presents the results of a study on the relevance of wi-fi in Lisbon’s public spaces. Even considering that the surveys in Lisbon’s green spaces are a first exercise within the work programme of CyberParks they show important outcomes. On the one hand, regarding the technologies used and their potential for research and on the other hand the findings about Lisbon’s green spaces. It should be noted that the conducted surveys and the gathered data are statistically not representative, but can be characterised as an empirical case and as a showcase, as how tourists tend to use a green space. The results shows that surveys benefit from multiple research methods and from combining insights.Este relatório apresenta, em formato condensado, os resultados de um estudo de pequena escala realizado em Lisboa durante o Seminário do Projeto CyberParks. CyberParks é uma Ação COST coordenada pela Universidade Lusófona/CeiED - Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento. O projeto visa a criação de uma plataforma de debate sobre a relação entre as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e a produção de espaços públicos, e da sua relevância para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Os impactos dessa relação estão a ser explorados a partir de perspetivas sociais, ecológicas, tecnológicas e de desenho urbano. Na sua etapa exploratória, este estudo assenta na suposição de que os participantes do Seminário são turistas de visita a Lisboa. A partir dos dados recolhidos pelos investigadores envolvidos na ação COST, foi realizada uma análise à forma como diferentes indivíduos usam, e como poderão usar, diferentes espaços públicos verdes. Este estudo apresenta, portanto, a primeira abordagem às áreas de estudos selecionadas em Lisboa. São elas o Parque Quinta das Conchas e o Jardim da Estrela. Ambos os espaços verdes serão objeto de novos estudos nos próximos anos. Neste primeiro estudo exploratório foram empregues: (1) um questionário, para aferir a experiência de um potencial utilizador e as suas preferências, e (2) dois dispositivos diferentes de rastreamento que utilizam tecnologia GNSS (Sistemas de Navegação Global por Satélite) e, no nosso caso, o GPS para as tecnologias de posicionamento por satélite. Ele também apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado sobre a relevância do wi-fi em espaços públicos na cidade de Lisboa. Mesmo considerando que os estudos realizados nos espaços verdes representam um primeiro exercício no âmbito do programa de trabalho do CyberParks em Lisboa, são aqui revelados resultados importantes. Por um lado, o recurso às tecnologias utilizadas e seu potencial para a investigação e, por outro lado, os resultados sobre a vivência dos espaços verdes. Deve-se notar que os dados recolhidos não são estatisticamente representativos, mas evidenciam um caso empírico de como turistas tendem a usar um espaço verde urbano. A combinação do questionário com novos métodos digitais resultou num grande ganho de conhecimento, recobrindo as áreas de estudo sob a perspetiva de um turista, para além de maiores informações sobre as potencialidades e limites da tecnologia digital como ferramenta de investigação. Os resultados mostram que a investigação no campo social pode se beneficiar da combinação de vários métodos e técnicas

    Defining Adaptive Learning Paths For Competence-Oriented Learning

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    This paper presents a way to describe educational itineraries in a competence-oriented learning system in order to solve the problem of sequencing several independent courses. The main objective is to extract adaptive learning paths composed by the subset of needed courses passed in the right order. This approach improves the courses’ re-usability allowing courses to be included in different itineraries, improving the re-usability of the courses, and making possible the definition of mechanisms to adapt the learning path to the learner’s needs in execution tim

    Curated routes: the project of developing experiential tracks in sub-urban landscape

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    The Curated Routes project reflects on the visiting routes’ ability to make apparent the internal characteristics of urban environments. The project’s name allude to the intellectual function of curation and the materiality of routes. Curate deals with the practice of arranging material –tangible or intangible- in a way that a new understanding of an area is revealed. The word routes refers to the linear associations that link places and guide movement. The Curated Routes aim to reinforce the development of bonding ties between people and urban environments by re-constructing the way we visit and explore a place. The overall goal of the project is to outline the conceptual guidelines of a visitors’ guide that could later be used for the development of the informatics model. The project follows the methodology that the context-aware routes apply, though particular attention is paid to the second phase of the process where an innovative approach is applied. The introduction of the “chronotope” filters enables us to “knit” the terrestrial route to a range of informative storylines, and hence to develop different interpretations of an urban environment

    Encouraging persons to visit cultural sites through mini-games

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    Gamification has been recently proposed as a technique to improve user engagement in different activities, including visits to cultural sites and cultural tourism in general. We present the design, development and initial validation of the NEPTIS Poleis system, which consists of a mobile application and a Web interface for curators, allowing the definition, and subsequent fruition by users, of different minigames suitable for open-air assets

    Getting acquainted with their landscape: research by design as a tool to understand people's perception of current and future landscapes

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    In the current policy setting in Western European society, spatial planning tends to emphasise the achievement of policy intentions through the realisation of actual spatial interventions and the growing importance of citizens as spatial actors. The place-based planning approach refers to the fact that the design of integrated interventions must be tailored to places, since it largely depends on the knowledge and preference of people living in it. This paper unpacks the planning practice in Flanders by analysing and describing two landscape cases, as the actual arenas where different social activities compete, many key-actors are gathered and spatial planning processes and interventions take place. The key concepts “governance”, landscape quality” and “research by design” are defined. We investigate if research by design can be used as a tool to explore people's perception of current and future landscapes. The case studies disclose a deliberative process, which makes use of a research by design methodology, is not only able to gain knowledge on people's perception of current and future landscapes but can also improve the mutual understanding of the appreciation of landscapes by various spatial actors. Both cases illustrate the current struggle of authorities with the growing importance and knowledge of citizens and the difficulties the policy makers experience introducing these actors and knowledge in planning processes. The designs and masterplan developed within the cases refer to the place-based approach, as it is proposed by the European authorities
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