3 research outputs found

    Condiciones de Omnicanalidad en un Sector Empresarial de Colombia

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    The purpose of the research is to inquire about the fulfillment of omnichannel conditions in consumers and micro-businesses of the processed food sector in the metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia, from the study of the fulfillment of conditions linked to three components: sales channels, marketing models and the supply chain, with the transversality of digitization. For this purpose, we used a research combined methodology, the first method is quantitative, applying a survey instrument to consumers, related to omnichannel conditions; the second is qualitative, with a descriptive and non-experimental approach analyzing five (5) case studies of micro-businesses. Among the main results is that microbusinesses are not 100% omnichannel, but multichannel is known, that is not the same, but it is part of it, and data storage is perceived positively, in addition, consumers are not omnichannel and also, do not know various concepts of digital integration of this strategy; nevertheless, consumers perceive that the analytics of the data provided and its integration can improve the perception of benefits, incentives and customer satisfaction, promoting loyalty and growth of microbusinesses.El propósito de la investigación es indagar acerca del cumplimiento de las condiciones de omnicanalidad en consumidores y en micronegocios del sector de alimentos procesados en el área metropolitana de Medellín, a partir del estudio del cumplimiento de condiciones enmarcadas en tres componentes: canales de las ventas, los modelos de marketing y la cadena de suministro, con la transversalidad de la digitalización. Para ello se utiliza una metodología de investigación combinada, donde el primer método es cuantitativo, aplicando un instrumento de encuesta a consumidores, relacionado con las condiciones de la omnicanalidad; el segundo es cualitativo, con enfoque descriptivo y no experimental analizando 5 estudios de casos de micronegocios. Entre los principales resultados se encuentra que los micronegocios no son 100% omnicanales, pero se conoce la multicanalidad, que no es la misma, pero es parte de ella, y se percibe de forma positiva el almacenamiento de datos, además, los consumidores no son omnicanales y no conocen diversos conceptos de integración digital de ésta estrategia en el sector estudiado; sin embargo los consumidores perciben que la analítica de los datos proporcionados y su integración pueden mejorar la percepción de beneficios, incentivos y satisfacción de los clientes, fomentando fidelización y crecimiento de los micronegocios

    Reimagining the future for retail and service design theory and practices

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    These proceedings were created by compiling the papers presented at the first colloquium of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Designing Retail & Service Futures from the Design Research Society (DRS). The SIG was established in 2021 under the guidance of the Design Research Society. The SIG strives to gain a better understanding of the value of design in the commercial sector, including disciplines, such as interior design, architecture, retail and hospitality, branding, marketing, strategic design, design management and consumer psychology. Design and its value have been a subject of study for many years and from many different disciplinary perspectives (ranging from product design to marketing, business economics, service design, management, environmental psychology, (interior)architecture, etc.). However, these perspectives have been developed in a fragmented way with discrete research methods and results that present limitations to practically applying these findings holistically across the inter-related fields of design, retail, and services. Recent developments, that have been accelerated by the pandemic and the current economic crisis, show that in practice, services are becoming integral to retail and vice versa. The consumers’ needs and the dedication of retailers to serve these needs have sparked new approaches that unite both service and retail design. Whether it be online or offline (or both), for a product or a service or an experience, or all together… It is only natural that the research community support the development of this field through furthering insights. This colloquium focuses on bringing together various disciplines to contribute their related knowledge and insights with the objective of calibrating terms and meanings that strive for consensus across disciplines related to retail and service design. This is to work towards knowledge and practice-based contributions that strive for a more holistic and encompassing retail and service design future