6 research outputs found

    On the possibility of using interactive approach in teaching physics and mathematics to pre-university level students in Russian as foreign language

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    Рассматриваются варианты интерактивного подхода к преподаванию иностранным учащимся этапа предвузовской подготовки физики и математики на русском языке как иностранном. Для достижения эффективности учебного процесса реализуются такие принципы обучения, как принцип сознательности, наглядности, доступности учебного материала и его посильности, учета индивидуально-психологических особенностей личности иностранных учащихся, учета адаптационных процессов. Показано, что одной из форм эффективных технологий обучения является проблемно-ситуативное обучение с применением кейс-метода, метода дискуссии и др. Представлены примеры различных кейсов, предназначенных как для индивидуальной работы, так и для работы в группе. Применение интерактивных технологий формирует положительную мотивацию и повышает результативность образовательного процесса.The paper considers the variants of interactive approach to teaching physics and mathematics to foreign students at pre-university level in Russian as a foreign language. To achieve the effectiveness of the educational process such principles of learning as: consciousness principle, visibility principle, availability of educational material and its affordability, consideration of a foreign student person individually-psychological features and adaptation process, are implemented. It is shown that the problem-situational training including case-method, the method of discussion and others is one of efficient technologies for teaching. The paper introduces the examples of various cases, designed for both individual and group work. The use of interactive technologies forms positive motivation and increases the effectiveness of the educational process

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Menggunakan Metode Interactive Problem Task and Experiment Berbantuan Labinapp Tentang Getaran Di SMP

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of interactive Problem task and Experiments (P&E) method simulated by LabInApp to reduce students\u27 misconception on oscillation material at SMP Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. The research design was one group pretest-posttest design. A total of 32 students were assigned as samples by purposive sampling technique. The data collected using multiple choise diagnostic tests with an open reason. Data analysis through DQM test found that students misconception of 32,8%, 46,9%, 60,0%, 37,5%, 35,5%, 34,9% and 32,9% with medium category. Based on the Mc Nemar test obtained price χ2count of 13.067; 5,882; 11,077; 16,056; 11,077; 4,900; 11,077; 12,071; 17,053; 14,063; 6,750; 6,125; 7,111; and 7,111. Overall price χ2count> χ2table = 3,841 with α = 5%. Thus, there is a significant change in student misconception. The Wilcoxon Match Pairs test is used to test the effectiveness of interactive problem task and experiment methods. Wilcoxon Match Pairs test results obtained price zcount = -3.7973 and ztabel = 1.96 with α = 5%. These results indicate that interactive problem task and experiment method effectively decrease student misconception