1,753,087 research outputs found

    Volume 4, Chapter 8-13: Tropics: Interactions and Roles

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    Solving the Hierarchy Problem with Exponentially Large Dimensions

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    In theories with (sets of) two large extra dimensions and supersymmetry in the bulk, the presence of non-supersymmetric brane defects naturally induces a logarithmic potential for the volume of the transverse dimensions. Since the logarithm of the volume rather than the volume itself is the natural variable, parameters of O(10) in the potential can generate an exponentially large size for the extra dimensions. This provides a true solution to the hierarchy problem, on the same footing as technicolor or dynamical supersymmetry breaking. The area moduli have a Compton wavelength of about a millimeter and mediate Yukawa interactions with gravitational strength. We present a simple explicit example of this idea which generates two exponentially large dimensions. In this model, the area modulus mass is in the millimeter range even for six dimensional Planck scales as high as 100 TeV.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, corrected typo

    Instability of the rhodium magnetic moment as origin of the metamagnetic phase transition in alpha-FeRh

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    Based on ab initio total energy calculations we show that two magnetic states of rhodium atoms together with competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions are responsible for a temperature induced metamagnetic phase transition, which experimentally is observed for stoichiometric alpha-FeRh. A first-principle spin-based model allows to reproduce this first-order metamagnetic transition by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Further inclusion of spacial variation of exchange parameters leads to a realistic description of the experimental magneto-volume effects in alpha-FeRh.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hyperbranched polymer stars with Gaussian chain statistics revisited

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    Conformational properties of regular dendrimers and more general hyperbranched polymer stars with Gaussian statistics for the spacer chains between branching points are revisited numerically. We investigate the scaling for asymptotically long chains especially for fractal dimensions df=3d_f = 3 (marginally compact) and df=2.5d_f = 2.5 (diffusion limited aggregation). Power-law stars obtained by imposing the number of additional arms per generation are compared to truly self-similar stars. We discuss effects of weak excluded volume interactions and sketch the regime where the Gaussian approximation should hold in dense solutions and melts for sufficiently large spacer chains.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Reactions, Diffusion and Volume Exclusion in a Heterogeneous System of Interacting Particles

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    Complex biological and physical transport processes are often described through systems of interacting particles. Excluded-volume effects on these transport processes are well studied, however the interplay between volume exclusion and reactions between heterogenous particles is less well known. In this paper we develop a novel framework for modeling reaction-diffusion processes which directly incorporates volume exclusion. From an off-lattice microscopic individual based model we use the Fokker--Planck equation and the method of matched asymptotic expansions to derive a low-dimensional macroscopic system of nonlinear partial differential equations describing the evolution of the particles. A biologically motivated, hybrid model of chemotaxis with volume exclusion is explored, where reactions occur at rates dependent upon the chemotactic environment. Further, we show that for reactions due to contact interactions the appropriate reaction term in the macroscopic model is of lower order in the asymptotic expansion than the nonlinear diffusion term. However, we find that the next reaction term in the expansion is needed to ensure good agreement with simulations of the microscopic model. Our macroscopic model allows for more direct parameterization to experimental data than the models available to date.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Effective Interactions and Volume Energies in Charge-Stabilized Colloidal Suspensions

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    Charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions can be conveniently described by formally reducing the macroion-microion mixture to an equivalent one-component system of pseudo-particles. Within this scheme, the utility of a linear response approximation for deriving effective interparticle interactions has been demonstrated [M. J. Grimson and M. Silbert, Mol. Phys. 74, 397 (1991)]. Here the response approach is extended to suspensions of finite-sized macroions and used to derive explicit expressions for (1) an effective electrostatic pair interaction between pseudo-macroions and (2) an associated volume energy that contributes to the total free energy. The derivation recovers precisely the form of the DLVO screened-Coulomb effective pair interaction for spherical macroions and makes manifest the important influence of the volume energy on thermodynamic properties of deionized suspensions. Excluded volume corrections are implicitly incorporated through a natural modification of the inverse screening length. By including nonlinear response of counterions to macroions, the theory may be generalized to systematically investigate effective many-body interactions.Comment: 13 pages (J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, in press

    Three-body interactions in complex fluids: virial coefficients from simulation finite-size effects

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    A simulation technique is described for quantifying the contribution of three-body interactions to the thermodynamical properties of coarse-grained representations of complex fluids. The method is based on comparing the third virial coefficient B3B_3 for a complex fluid with that of an approximate coarse-grained model described by a pair potential. To obtain B3B_3 we introduce a new technique which expresses its value in terms of the measured volume-dependent asymptote of a certain structural function. The strategy is applicable to both Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation. Its utility is illustrated via measurements of three-body effects in models of star polymer and highly size-asymmetrical colloid-polymer mixtures.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Lattice Model for water-solute mixtures

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    A lattice model for the study of mixtures of associating liquids is proposed. Solvent and solute are modeled by adapting the associating lattice gas (ALG) model. The nature of interaction solute/solvent is controlled by tuning the energy interactions between the patches of ALG model. We have studied three set of parameters, resulting on, hydrophilic, inert and hydrophobic interactions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations were carried out and the behavior of pure components and the excess properties of the mixtures have been studied. The pure components: water (solvent) and solute, have quite similar phase diagrams, presenting: gas, low density liquid, and high density liquid phases. In the case of solute, the regions of coexistence are substantially reduced when compared with both the water and the standard ALG models. A numerical procedure has been developed in order to attain series of results at constant pressure from simulations of the lattice gas model in the grand canonical ensemble. The excess properties of the mixtures: volume and enthalpy as the function of the solute fraction have been studied for different interaction parameters of the model. Our model is able to reproduce qualitatively well the excess volume and enthalpy for different aqueous solutions. For the hydrophilic case, we show that the model is able to reproduce the excess volume and enthalpy of mixtures of small alcohols and amines. The inert case reproduces the behavior of large alcohols such as, propanol, butanol and pentanol. For last case (hydrophobic), the excess properties reproduce the behavior of ionic liquids in aqueous solution.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure
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