390 research outputs found

    Exploring the Design Space of Immersive Urban Analytics

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid development and wide adoption of immersive head-mounted devices, such as HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift, and Microsoft HoloLens. These immersive devices have the potential to significantly extend the methodology of urban visual analytics by providing critical 3D context information and creating a sense of presence. In this paper, we propose an theoretical model to characterize the visualizations in immersive urban analytics. Further more, based on our comprehensive and concise model, we contribute a typology of combination methods of 2D and 3D visualizations that distinguish between linked views, embedded views, and mixed views. We also propose a supporting guideline to assist users in selecting a proper view under certain circumstances by considering visual geometry and spatial distribution of the 2D and 3D visualizations. Finally, based on existing works, possible future research opportunities are explored and discussed.Comment: 23 pages,11 figure

    Visualization Based on Geographic Information in Augmented Reality

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    Development of a new immersive virtual reality (VR) headset-based dexterity training for patients with multiple sclerosis: Clinical and technical aspects.

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    BACKGROUND Impaired manual dexterity is frequent and disabling in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting activities of daily living and quality of life. OBJECTIVE To develop a new immersive virtual-reality (VR) headset-based dexterity training to improve impaired manual dexterity in persons with MS (pwMS) while being feasible and usable in a home-based setting. METHODS The training intervention was tailored to the specific group of pwMS by implementing a simple and intuitive application with regard to hardware and software. To be efficacious, the training intervention covers the main functions of the hands and arm relevant for use in everyday life. RESULTS Taking clinical, feasibility, usability as well as technical aspects with regard to hardware and software into account, six different training exercises using hand tracking technology were developed on the Meta quest 2 using Unity. CONCLUSION We report the developmental process of a new immersive virtual VR headset-based dexterity training for pwMS implementing clinical and technical aspects. Good feasibility, usability, and patient satisfaction was already shown in a feasibility study qualifying this training intervention for further efficacy trials

    Playing with Data: An Augmented Reality Approach to Interact with Visualizations of Industrial Process Tomography

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    Industrial process tomography (IPT) is a specialized imaging technique widely used in industrial scenarios for process supervision and control. Today, augmented/mixed reality (AR/MR) is increasingly being adopted in many industrial occasions, even though there is still an obvious gap when it comes to IPT. To bridge this gap, we propose the first systematic AR approach using optical see-through (OST) head mounted displays (HMDs) with comparative evaluation for domain users towards IPT visualization analysis. The proof-of-concept was demonstrated by a within-subject user study (n=20) with counterbalancing design. Both qualitative and quantitative measurements were investigated. The results showed that our AR approach outperformed conventional settings for IPT data visualization analysis in bringing higher understandability, reduced task completion time, lower error rates for domain tasks, increased usability with enhanced user experience, and a better recommendation level. We summarize the findings and suggest future research directions for benefiting IPT users with AR/MR

    Urban Emotions and Realtime Planning Methods

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    The Urban Emotions approach combines methods and technologies from Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Social Media, sensors and bio-statistical sensors to detect people’s perception for a new perspective about urban environment. In short, it is a methodology for gaining and extracting contextual information of emotion by using technologies from real-time human sensing systems and crowdsourcing methods. “Real-time planning” describes a system in which planning disciplines get a toolset for a fast and simple creation of visualization or simulation from municipal geodata in a consistent workflow. This includes applications from Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality as well as the above mentioned combination of real-time humane sensors and urban sensing systems. Due to the fact, that a real existing city never corresponds with a laboratory situation, Virtual Reality can be one of the solutions to fill the gap for detecting people’s perceptions concerning design, while filtering other unintended side effects. Insights and results from Urban Emotions project, granted by German Research Foundation and Austrian Science Fond, will be presented in this contribution. It is based on a German contribution, published earlier this year (Zeile 2017)

    Environmental design studies on perception and simulation: an urban design approach

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    Perceptual simulation represents an attempt to anticipate physical reality, whereby people can experience and interpret future environments from a subjective perspective. Working on experiential simulation for urban and landscape design requires an understanding of the relationship between man and the environment from a perceptual and cognitive standpoint. In fact, only by investigating the sensing and cognitive processes behind perception can we establish an informed approach to simulation of places and their ambiances. In particular, we propose a parallelism between man/environment and man/simulation relationships, aiming at giving back a framework for replicating in simulation the multisensory aspects that occur in the perception of the physical world. Hence, the objective of this article is to present how we approach the dimension of perceptual simulation within our research and professional work as urban designers. From a methodological point of view, we explored the topic through two main tasks, namely the selection and reconstruction of the research context and the key issues of perceptual simulation finalized in the second task, i.e. the construction of a set of simulation tools for urban design, intended as a matrix of possible practical applications. In particular, the theoretical framework presented in this work consists of a selection and overview of references relevant to urban design, comprehension of the research context and delivery of the set of tools implemented within our research unit. This matrix of tools represents the novelty of this work and is intended as a practical reference for orienting the choice among different simulation tools within the urban design practice. For instance, it is important to highlight the efficacy of each type of simulation in mimicking the man/environment relationship

    The use of massively multiplayer online games to augment early-stage design process in construction

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    Traditional 2-D contour models, Physical Models, Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAD), Virtual Reality models, Google SketchUp, and Building Information Modelling (BIM) have all greatly enhanced the design process by enabling designers to visualise buildings and the space within them prior to their construction. A recent development is Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) such as Second Life (SL). These offer users the opportunity to interact with other participants in real time, and so offer an excellent opportunity to experience the environment, layout and form of virtual buildings. However, the effectiveness of such applications to some extent depends upon how realistic the interactions of those using virtual spaces are in relation to interactions within the real world. This research examines the potential of this technology for enhancing and informing the early stage building design process. Initially, the tools currently used by architects at early stages of the RIBA Plan of Work were evaluated through interviewing architects. Then, the advantages of using MMOG over current tools at early-stage design were evaluated through interviews in SL. A virtual model was developed to examine how realistic the visualisation and interaction between end-users in an MMOG was. This was used to propose and validate guidance to incorporating MMOG into the early stages of the RIBA Plan of Work. It revealed that the virtual model created, the validated guidance and a successful example combining 2D sketches, Google SketchUp and MMOG at early-stage design can be used to guide architects to manage the complex decision making process in a simple, easy, cost-effective way, while effectively engaging both professional and non-professional stakeholders

    Milline on hea asukoht asukoha meetodis: asukoha tähendusrikkuse ja keskkonna liigendatuse uuring virtuaalreaalsuses

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    Method of Loci (MoL) is an efficient mnemonic strategy especially good for enhancing serial recall of auditorily presented material. MoL is traditionally used by imagining oneself on a familiar journey and associating to-be-remembered words or ideas with distinct locations on that journey. However, previous research has established that newly learned virtual environments are just as good as highly familiar environments. But much less is known about what makes a good location or an environment for the use of MoL. Immersive virtual reality (VR) headset was used in the experiment to study the characteristics of environments that affect the effectiveness of MoL. Two within-subject factors were varied: meaningfulness of locations (low - paint on the floor, high - furniture), environmental segregation (no segregation – 1 big room, with segregation – 6 small rooms). Results show that using furniture to mark locations improved memory performance. No effect of environmental segregation was found. Also, females did better than males in lenient scoring which is in line with previous research showing better object-location memory for females. Further research is required to see if the locations marked with paint on the floor are still better than controls without mnemonic training

    Research Grant Proposal: 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) Learning Modules for Ancient Civilization Represented Visually in Rock-cut Buddhist Caves in Yungang, China

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    Grant for the MDC-FIU collaborative research project: Faculty and students from FIU and Miami Dade College will join their effortsto develop a prototype of 3D and AR/VR visual learning and an educational platform for Yungang cave Buddhist art and architecture. They will collaborate with Yungang Research Academy in China, which has started digital preservation of some of the caves. We aim to enhance students’ global learning about ancient civilizations and enrich their experiences using digital methods and humanities research