285 research outputs found

    Interaction in Quantum Communication

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    In some scenarios there are ways of conveying information with many fewer, even exponentially fewer, qubits than possible classically. Moreover, some of these methods have a very simple structure--they involve only few message exchanges between the communicating parties. It is therefore natural to ask whether every classical protocol may be transformed to a ``simpler'' quantum protocol--one that has similar efficiency, but uses fewer message exchanges. We show that for any constant k, there is a problem such that its k+1 message classical communication complexity is exponentially smaller than its k message quantum communication complexity. This, in particular, proves a round hierarchy theorem for quantum communication complexity, and implies, via a simple reduction, an Omega(N^{1/k}) lower bound for k message quantum protocols for Set Disjointness for constant k. Enroute, we prove information-theoretic lemmas, and define a related measure of correlation, the informational distance, that we believe may be of significance in other contexts as well.Comment: 35 pages. Uses IEEEtran.cls, IEEEbib.bst. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Strengthens results in quant-ph/0005106, quant-ph/0004100 and an earlier version presented in STOC 200

    A Lower Bound for Sampling Disjoint Sets

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    Suppose Alice and Bob each start with private randomness and no other input, and they wish to engage in a protocol in which Alice ends up with a set x subseteq[n] and Bob ends up with a set y subseteq[n], such that (x,y) is uniformly distributed over all pairs of disjoint sets. We prove that for some constant beta0 of the uniform distribution over all pairs of disjoint sets of size sqrt{n}

    Improved Quantum Communication Complexity Bounds for Disjointness and Equality

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    We prove new bounds on the quantum communication complexity of the disjointness and equality problems. For the case of exact and non-deterministic protocols we show that these complexities are all equal to n+1, the previous best lower bound being n/2. We show this by improving a general bound for non-deterministic protocols of de Wolf. We also give an O(sqrt{n}c^{log^* n})-qubit bounded-error protocol for disjointness, modifying and improving the earlier O(sqrt{n}log n) protocol of Buhrman, Cleve, and Wigderson, and prove an Omega(sqrt{n}) lower bound for a large class of protocols that includes the BCW-protocol as well as our new protocol.Comment: 11 pages LaTe

    A Hypercontractive Inequality for Matrix-Valued Functions with Applications to Quantum Computing and LDCs

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    The Bonami-Beckner hypercontractive inequality is a powerful tool in Fourier analysis of real-valued functions on the Boolean cube. In this paper we present a version of this inequality for matrix-valued functions on the Boolean cube. Its proof is based on a powerful inequality by Ball, Carlen, and Lieb. We also present a number of applications. First, we analyze maps that encode nn classical bits into mm qubits, in such a way that each set of kk bits can be recovered with some probability by an appropriate measurement on the quantum encoding; we show that if m<0.7nm<0.7 n, then the success probability is exponentially small in kk. This result may be viewed as a direct product version of Nayak's quantum random access code bound. It in turn implies strong direct product theorems for the one-way quantum communication complexity of Disjointness and other problems. Second, we prove that error-correcting codes that are locally decodable with 2 queries require length exponential in the length of the encoded string. This gives what is arguably the first ``non-quantum'' proof of a result originally derived by Kerenidis and de Wolf using quantum information theory, and answers a question by Trevisan.Comment: This is the full version of a paper that will appear in the proceedings of the IEEE FOCS 08 conferenc

    Correlation in Hard Distributions in Communication Complexity

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    We study the effect that the amount of correlation in a bipartite distribution has on the communication complexity of a problem under that distribution. We introduce a new family of complexity measures that interpolates between the two previously studied extreme cases: the (standard) randomised communication complexity and the case of distributional complexity under product distributions. We give a tight characterisation of the randomised complexity of Disjointness under distributions with mutual information kk, showing that it is Θ(n(k+1))\Theta(\sqrt{n(k+1)}) for all 0kn0\leq k\leq n. This smoothly interpolates between the lower bounds of Babai, Frankl and Simon for the product distribution case (k=0k=0), and the bound of Razborov for the randomised case. The upper bounds improve and generalise what was known for product distributions, and imply that any tight bound for Disjointness needs Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits of mutual information in the corresponding distribution. We study the same question in the distributional quantum setting, and show a lower bound of Ω((n(k+1))1/4)\Omega((n(k+1))^{1/4}), and an upper bound, matching up to a logarithmic factor. We show that there are total Boolean functions fdf_d on 2n2n inputs that have distributional communication complexity O(logn)O(\log n) under all distributions of information up to o(n)o(n), while the (interactive) distributional complexity maximised over all distributions is Θ(logd)\Theta(\log d) for 6nd2n/1006n\leq d\leq 2^{n/100}. We show that in the setting of one-way communication under product distributions, the dependence of communication cost on the allowed error ϵ\epsilon is multiplicative in log(1/ϵ)\log(1/\epsilon) -- the previous upper bounds had the dependence of more than 1/ϵ1/\epsilon

    Quantum Information Complexity and Amortized Communication

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    We define a new notion of information cost for quantum protocols, and a corresponding notion of quantum information complexity for bipartite quantum channels, and then investigate the properties of such quantities. These are the fully quantum generalizations of the analogous quantities for bipartite classical functions that have found many applications recently, in particular for proving communication complexity lower bounds. Our definition is strongly tied to the quantum state redistribution task. Previous attempts have been made to define such a quantity for quantum protocols, with particular applications in mind; our notion differs from these in many respects. First, it directly provides a lower bound on the quantum communication cost, independent of the number of rounds of the underlying protocol. Secondly, we provide an operational interpretation for quantum information complexity: we show that it is exactly equal to the amortized quantum communication complexity of a bipartite channel on a given state. This generalizes a result of Braverman and Rao to quantum protocols, and even strengthens the classical result in a bounded round scenario. Also, this provides an analogue of the Schumacher source compression theorem for interactive quantum protocols, and answers a question raised by Braverman. We also discuss some potential applications to quantum communication complexity lower bounds by specializing our definition for classical functions and inputs. Building on work of Jain, Radhakrishnan and Sen, we provide new evidence suggesting that the bounded round quantum communication complexity of the disjointness function is \Omega (n/M + M), for M-message protocols. This would match the best known upper bound.Comment: v1, 38 pages, 1 figur