103 research outputs found

    Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork(IUGONET)

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    Analysis software for upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project and its application to polar science

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    To comprehensively understand the Arctic and Antarctic upper atmosphere, it is often crucial to analyze various data that are obtained from many regions. Infrastructure that promotes such interdisciplinary studies on the upper atmosphere has been developed by a Japanese inter-university project called the Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET). The objective of this paper is to describe the infrastructure and tools developed by IUGONET. We focus on the data analysis software. It is written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) and is a plug-in for the THEMIS Data Analysis Software suite (TDAS), which is a set of IDL libraries used to visualize and analyze satellite- and ground-based data. We present plots of upper atmospheric data provided by IUGONET as examples of applications, and verify the usefulness of the software in the study of polar science. We discuss IUGONET’s new and unique developments, i.e., an executable file of TDAS that can run on the IDL Virtual Machine, IDL routines to retrieve metadata from the IUGONET database, and an archive of 3-D simulation data that uses the Common Data Format so that it can easily be used with TDAS

    Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET) Metadata Database

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    International workshop on sharing, citation and publication of scientific data across disciplines: Session 3: Data Sharing & Inter-OperabilityTue. 5 Dec./Lecture Room (4F, NIPR

    The capacity-building and science-enabling activities of the IUGONET for the solar-terrestrial research community

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    [Background]This paper presents an overview of the capacity-building activities and science-enabling services of the Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) project. This Japanese program, which started in 2009, is building a metadata database (MDDB) of ground-based observations and is developing an analysis software to handle the data linked to the MDDB system for use by the solar-terrestrial physics community. Because the institutional members of the IUGONET are mainly universities in Japan, we explore tools that can contribute to advanced education as well as promote research activities. [Findings]In this paper, we describe the utilities of the IUGONET for education, including our capacity-building activities in developing countries. We have regularly facilitated training seminars for Japanese students on the use of our tools (IUGONET MDDB and the software), and we have held capacity-building seminars for young scientists in developing countries. In addition to the MDDB, we have prepared various ‘gateway’ tools for users who are unfamiliar with ‘keywords’ to search for data. One of these is a geographical display tool that uses Google Earth (KML file), which is included as supplemental material to this paper. The usefulness of the IUGONET has been proven over its first 5 years of operation by the increasing number of its users, which has led to the production of approximately 500 scientific papers, including 42 thesis papers. [Conclusions]The IUGONET community collaborates with the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics program, not only in its scientific activities, but also in the establishment of E-infrastructure and capacity building


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    日本気象学会2012年度秋季大会, 2012/10/3-5, 北海道大学学術交流会館(北海道

    IUGONET metada database and data analysis software for interdisciplinary studies

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IP] 極域における多圏融合物理現象11月13日(水)国立極地研究所 3階 ラウン

    IUGONET newsletter No.4

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