5 research outputs found

    A Review on the Integration of Supply Chain Management and Industrial Cluster

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    Although Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Industrial Cluster (IC) are two different fields of study, it has been identified that there is a natural and internal relationship between these two theories. Most of research works depict that, integration of the two concepts is in its infancy. The aim of this research is to review the integration between supply chain management and industrial cluster, at the same time to identify the gap and propose solution. To achieve the research aim, two pairs of keywords namely “supply chain” and “industrial cluster” were used, to track literatures from the online databases. The search initially identified over 46 articles. After further screening, they were reduced to 17. Finally, contents of these articles were analyzed based on their general focus area. From the content analysis, considerable evidences are found in the literature review on the integration of supply chain management with industrial cluster. The entire emphasis of the previous researches was on cluster supply chain (CSC) management, which highly promotes efficient operations of industrial clusters. Most of the CSC articles focused on the importance of cluster supply chain. However, there are few researches in the design, implementation and improvement of cluster supply chain. On the other hand, the role of industrial clusters in a global supply chain management and benchmarking of best practices have not yet been given the attention they deserve in previous studies. This is one of the first studies which critically examine researches that deal about supply chain management and industrial cluster integration theories

    A importância dos clusters tecnológicos para a indústria de defesa brasileira: análise de relevância para a Marinha do Brasil

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    A Marinha do Brasil, por meio do seu Plano Estratégico, atribuiu importante destaque à formação dos clusters tecnológicos, bem como ao potencial que os seus programas possuem para contribuir com este desiderato. Este trabalho de investigação aborda a relação entre o Programa de Construção das Fragatas Classe Tamandaré, a formação de clusters, o incentivo à indústria nacional e os possíveis transbordamentos económicos e sociais deste programa. Esta relação leva à compreensão da importância dos clusters para a Marinha do Brasil. A metodologia de investigação pautou-se no raciocínio indutivo e em uma abordagem qualitativa, os quais foram aplicados a um estudo de caso. Analisou-se como o ambiente brasileiro e institucional podem favorecer a formação e consolidação de clusters, as diferenças entre o Programa de Construção das Fragatas Classe Tamandaré e os programas pretéritos, bem como as vantagens dos clusters para sua condução e os efeitos de transbordamento esperados para a indústria, economia e sociedade. Como conclusão, observou-se que a gestão do ciclo de vida, o apoio logístico integrado e o apoio em serviço serão deveras facilitados com os clusters. Espera-se, também, um fortalecimento da indústria nacional e a geração de emprego e renda em polos distintos do território nacional. Abstract: The Brazilian Navy Strategic Plan laid great emphasis on the formation of technological clusters, as well as the potential contributions stemmed from its programs for achieving this goal. This research addresses the relationship between the Tamandaré Class Frigate Construction Program, its economic and social impact, the formation of technological clusters and the incentive to national industry. Such a relationship leads to an understanding of the importance of the consolidation of clusters for the Brazilian Navy. The research methodology was based on inductive reasoning and a qualitative approach, which were applied to a case study. It was analized the extent to which the Brazilian national environment and the institutional environment within the Brazilian Navy might foster the formation and consolidation of clusters, as well as the differences between the Tamandaré Class Frigate Construction Program and past programs. Forthermore, the advantages of the clusters for conducting this program, besides the expected spillover for the industry, economy and society were discussed. As a conclusion, it was observed that life cycle management, integrated logistical support and in-service support would be greatly facilitated with the consolidation of clusters. Morover, a strengthening of the national industry and the generation of jobs in different hubs of the national territory are also expected.N/