6 research outputs found

    Design of Prediction Model using Data Mining for Segmentation and Classification Customer Churn in E-Commerce Mall in Mall

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    The classification of churn is driven by the potential risks e-commerce companies face, such as losing customers who discontinue their service usage or churn. Marketing specialists have shifted their efforts from acquiring new customers to retaining existing ones in order to mitigate customer churn. Predictive models are created using data mining techniques to identify customer churn patterns. This study proposes a data mining model aimed at predicting customer behavior, with the processed results utilized as suggestions for improvements and company strategies in customer retention through segmentation and classification. Segmentation and classification involve several variables: Session, Interaction with Application, Actions taken during the interaction, purchasing, claim, and discount. This study employs a clustering technique based on the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM) model, which considers factors such as the time since the last visit, the number of visits, and the total amount spent by the customer. The classification algorithm model was evaluated by comparing three classification algorithms: decision tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The decision tree algorithm had the highest accuracy, achieving an impressive 87% accuracy rate in customer classification. Factors influencing customer churn include purchasing behavior, session activity, claim feature utilization, adding products to cart, and discounts. Improving stock management is crucial to prevent stock shortages, likely to cause churn. Additional measures like sending emails/notifications and offering vouchers/loyalty points can be implemented for customers who added products to their carts but didn't complete the purchase, with a focus on popular products

    The Level of Acceptance of Preservice Teachers at Kuwait University for Infographics Applications in Light of the Information and Communication Technology Acceptance Model “ICTAM”

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    This study aimed to determine the level of acceptance of infographics apps among preservice teachers at Kuwait University and examine the effect of several independent variables on the level of acceptance. It used exploratory quasi- experimental descriptive analysis based primarily on a quantitative approach and specifically adopted the information and communication technology acceptance model (ICTAM). A stratified sample of 162 preservice female teachers from the College of Education at Kuwait University participated in this study. The participants were introduced to and trained on various infographics apps. At the end of the semester, an anonymous questionnaire was administered through an online survey tool, and the preservice teachers were asked to voluntarily participate and complete the questionnaire. A set of descriptive statistics (i.e., frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations) and inferential comparisons tests (i.e., independent-samples t-tests, one-way analyses of variance “ANOVAs”, Dunnett’s C multiple comparisons tests, and Scheffe’s multiple comparisons tests) were employed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the level of acceptance among preservice teachers regarding the use of infographics apps was “high” (M = 3.85, SD = 0.67). Although the results uncovered a few significant differences with regard to some independent variables (i.e., year of study, ICT daily usage, and GPA), the level of overall acceptance of the infographics apps was very high

    Visualização de dados do portal da transparência da Câmara de Vereadores de Florianópolis

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação.Exercer a cidadania é colocar em prática direitos e deveres em busca de uma sociedade melhor, para que a solidariedade, justiça e liberdade estejam cada vez mais presentes e comuns. O direito à informação não é uma regalia, mas sim a expressão da liberdade e participação do cidadão. A informação transparente dos gastos públicos transformou-se em lei no ano de 2011 e a partir desta data, todo cidadão com acesso à internet pode consultar os gastos administrativos do país. O acesso à informação faz o cidadão ser mais participativo politicamente. Este trabalho consiste em analisar todos os dados no período de fevereiro de 2014 a junho de 2018 via portal de transparência da cidade de Florianópolis, do balancete dos vereadores do município, implementando uma ferramenta que os torna graficamente visíveis e permite, em sequência, uma análise não fragmentada do orçamento governamental. O desenvolvimento da ferramenta utilizou conceitos de banco de dados e programação PHP. Inicialmente é feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica, depois o levantamento dos dados do portal da transparência de Florianópolis, a conversão dos dados de PDF para CSV, o desenvolvimento em PHP para interpretar os dados em CSV e popular o banco, a leitura do banco de dados para apresentação gráfica e por final elabora-se um questionário para verificar a utilidade do sistema de visualização

    Theology & technology: An Exploration of their relationship with special reference to the work of Albert Borgmann and intelligent transportation systems

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    This thesis summarizes a large body of literature concerning the sociology, рhilosophy, and history of technology and the specific set of technologies concerned with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It considers technologies of various kinds within the Old and New Testaments and how technology has been understood and occasionally discussed by contemporary theologians. Intelligent Transportation Systems are a very prominent area of modem technologies that will shape the future of society in profound ways. The overall field of ITS is described and then a specific case study concerning a set of automated highway systems applications within three states and two large national parks within the United States is presented. The case study then provides a backdrop to explore specific ways in which theology might engage in a conversation with intelligent transportation systems specifically and technology more generally. Since theologians have written relatively little about technology, we draw upon the work of a leading philosopher of technology who is informed by his Christian commitments, Albert Borgmaim. The extensive philosophy of Bergmann about technology and the character of contemporary life is described. Various considerations about how to create, foster, and maintain a sustained dialogue between disparate intellectual traditions and disciplines are suggested. This includes attention to goals for dialogue, respective strengths that various parties bring to the conversation, and the willingness to hear and learn from the other. A framework to categorize interactions between theology and technology is introduced. Borgmann's ideas, coupled with those of other theologians and philosophers are then applied to the case study. The worth of this approach is then assessed in light of what theologians might contribute to discussion and decision-making about technological systems and devices facing toward the future. Consideration is also given to what technology might contribute to the theological enterprise. The investigation demonstrates the importance of such dialogues and the viability of initiating them

    Methoden, Daten- und Prozessmodell für das Ersatzteilmanagement in der Automobilelektronik

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    Die Nachhaltige Ersatzteilversorgung mit Elektronikkomponenten stellt die Hersteller vieler technischer Systeme vor neue Herausforderungen. Der technologische Wandel im Halbleitermarkt ist so schnelllebig, dass sich die elektronischen Bauelemente oftmals schon beim Start der Serienproduktion des Gesamtsystems im Serienauslauf befinden. Die Automobilindustrie ist von dieser Problematik besonders betroffen, weil sie Fahrzeuge in großen Serien über vergleichsweise lange Zeiträume mit harten Kostenzielen und hohen Qualitätsmaßstäben fertigt und auch nach Serienende mit Ersatzteilen versorgen muss. Die einzelnen Kfz-Elektronikkomponenten durchlaufen dazu im Vorfeld eines Fahrzeugeinsatzes umfangreiche Freigabeuntersuchungen. Die Konfiguration eines Kraftfahrzeugs wird außerdem einer gesetzlichen Typprüfung unterzogen, so dass eine spätere Abwandlung der ursprünglichen Komponenten nicht ohne weiteres zulässig ist. Änderungen an der einzelnen Komponente sind demnach nur noch mit erheblichem Aufwand möglich. Diese Situation zwingt die Automobilhersteller und ihre Zulieferer für Kfz-Elektronik zu neuen Konzepten im Management ihrer Ersatzteilspektren. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt ein Management-Support-System für das herstellerseitige Ersatzteilmanagement von Kfz-Elektronikkomponenten auf Basis eines integrierten Methoden-, Daten- und Prozessmodells. Ferner werden Fragen der Systemintegration innerhalb eines Unternehmens und entlang der Wertschöpfungskette untersucht. Ersatzteilmanagement wird dazu als Strukturprozess innerhalb des Ersatzteilwesens betrachtet, der die Abwicklungsprozesse der Ersatzteilversorgung gestaltet und die Versorgungsstrategien zur einzelnen Kfz-Elektronikkomponente festlegt. Auf dem Wege der Lösungsfindung werden unterschiedliche Sichtweisen auf die Problematik gewählt. Vorherrschend ist dabei ein systemtechnischer Modellierungsansatz. Als konkrete Modellierungstechnik für das Ersatzteilmanagement-Support-System wird die Unified Modelling Language (UML) in Kombination mit dem ARIS-Unternehmensmodell nach Scheer eingesetzt. Die Praxisrelevanz wird an einem durchgängigem Fallbeispiel nachgewiesen