5 research outputs found

    Flash Helper System

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    The Visit Malaysia Year (VMY 2007) campmgn will coincide with the golden anniversary of Malaysia's independence of 50th independence and will showcase Malaysia as a unique destination place with many things to offers to travelers from other countries. With VMY 2007, tourism becomes important to our country and e-tourism will play a great role in the industry. An interactive system within e- tourism would be one way of attracting users and possible tourist to Malaysia. Animated avatar or virtual character made out from Flash system will greatly improve the attractiveness and products of a tourism website thus enrich user's experiences which is the main thing in attracting the users to continue browsing and using the webpage. The objective of this system is to improve the interactivity between users and the websites through the system which is represented with animated character build from Flash system. This system will help users find what they search and give a quotation of their finding and choosing. With prototyping methodology used in its development, it is hoped that the system can provide more to the tourism industry by giving good results and interactivity that users really need

    Pregovaranje u Internetu stvari

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    Internet of things as a market, and the number of connected devices in particular is growing very rapidly. Currently, application owners deploy new devices for each application that needs the data. As the number of sensors increases, it will become much more practical to reuse existing sensors for new applications than to deploy new ones. But the problem is that the application owner needs to agree with device owners on conditions under which will the data be made available to applications. Doing this manually is very expensive both in terms of money and time. We implemented a system that does this automatically using negotiating agents. The system was tested on simulated environments and showed that it can mediate between devices and applications with reasonable performance.Internet stvari kao tržište, a posebno broj spojenih uređaja, raste vrlo brzo. Danas vlasnici aplikacija postavljaju nove uređaje za svaku aplikaciju kojoj su potrebni podatci. Kako se povećava broj senzora u upotrebi, postaje sve praktičnije koristiti postojeće senzore nego postavljati nove. Problem predstavlja činjenica da se vlasnik aplikacije mora dogovoriti s vlasnicima uređaja o uvjetima pod kojima će aplikacijama biti dozvoljeno dohvaćanje izmjerenih vrijednosti. Pojedinačno je dogovaranje između vlasnika za svaki uređaj skupo i sporo. Izgradili smo sustav koji automatizira ovaj proces pomoću programskih agenata koji pregovaraju. Sustav je ispitan na simuliranom okruženju i pokazuje da može posredovati između uređaja i aplikacija s razumnim performansama

    Flash Helper System

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    The Visit Malaysia Year (VMY 2007) campmgn will coincide with the golden anniversary of Malaysia's independence of 50th independence and will showcase Malaysia as a unique destination place with many things to offers to travelers from other countries. With VMY 2007, tourism becomes important to our country and e-tourism will play a great role in the industry. An interactive system within e- tourism would be one way of attracting users and possible tourist to Malaysia. Animated avatar or virtual character made out from Flash system will greatly improve the attractiveness and products of a tourism website thus enrich user's experiences which is the main thing in attracting the users to continue browsing and using the webpage. The objective of this system is to improve the interactivity between users and the websites through the system which is represented with animated character build from Flash system. This system will help users find what they search and give a quotation of their finding and choosing. With prototyping methodology used in its development, it is hoped that the system can provide more to the tourism industry by giving good results and interactivity that users really need

    Intelligent agents for an artificial market system

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    P.: Intelligent Agents for an Artificial Market System

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    This paper describes an agent-based artificial market system whose underlying interaction protocols provide advanced features. Using the system, actors (i.e., customers and merchants) can delegate a variety of tasks to personal intelligent agents that act as their artificial employees. Contrary to other approaches, where a new agent is launched when their associated actors intend to perform a buying or selling transaction and "lives " only while this transaction is processed, our approach builds on a personalization of agents that permanently "live " in the market representing their actors’ interests. Beyond just requesting and proposing an offer, agents in our system maintain a profile of their owners, which is updated upon the actor-agent interaction type. Furthermore, they can proactively ask their owners ’ permission to initiate a transaction (e.g., when a new product, which match one’s profile, appears in the market). The system is also enabled with a highly interactive multiple criteria decision making tool that can handle ill-structured information during a purchase transaction, and perform a progressive synthesis and comparative evaluation of the existing proposals. Keywords Artificial market systems, e-commerce, multi-agent communication and collaboration, human-agent collaboration. 1