4 research outputs found

    Intelligent Monitoring of Affective Factors Underlying Sport Performance by Means of Wearable and Mobile Technology

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    The fluctuation of affective states is a contributing factor to sport performance variability. The context surrounding athletes during their daily life and the evolution of their physiological variables beyond sport events are relevant factors, as they modulate the affective state of the subject over time. However, traditional procedures to assess the affective state are limited to self-reported questionnaires within controlled settings, thus removing the impact of the context. This work proposes a multimodal, context-aware platform that combines the data acquired through smartphones and wearable sensors to assess the affective state of the athlete. The platform is aimed at ubiquitously monitoring the fluctuations of affective states during longitudinal studies within naturalistic environments, overcoming the limitations of previous studies and allowing for the complete evaluation of the factors that could modulate the affective state. This system will also facilitate and expedite the analysis of the relationship between affective states and sport performance.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) Projects TIN2015-71873-R and TIN2015-67020-P together with the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). This work has also been partially supported by the FPU Spanish Grant FPU16/04376 and the Dutch UT-CTIT project HoliBehave

    Revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el uso de la tecnología en el deporte

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, fue hacer un análisis de la literatura sobre el uso de la tecnología en el deporte, pues cada vez más vemos cómo esta se involucra en gran parte de las actividades cotidianas que realizamos. Para ello, fue necesario realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura de trece trabajos de investigación científica que estuviesen publicados entre los años 2018 – 2020. La búsqueda de información fue realizada en las bases de datos Proquest, ALDI y Sciencedirect. De estas se obtuvieron una alta cantidad de resultados que atravesaron un proceso de filtrado mediante el uso de criterios de inclusión – exclusión y una evaluación de la calidad, hasta llegar a la cantidad antes mencionada. Como consecuencia de este trabajo, se lograron identificar las tecnologías que están siendo utilizadas en el contexto del deporte, cuales son las tres que más se utilizan y cuales son los países que más participación tienen en investigaciones de tecnología y deporte. Identificándose dieciocho distintas tecnologías, que las tres más utilizadas son las aplicaciones móviles, dispositivos IoT y machine learning, explicando su relación y que China es el país más activo en estas investigaciones

    Intelligent Monitoring of Affective Factors Underlying Sport Performance by Means of Wearable and Mobile Technology

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    The fluctuation of affective states is a contributing factor to sport performance variability. The context surrounding athletes during their daily life and the evolution of their physiological variables beyond sport events are relevant factors, as they modulate the affective state of the subject over time. However, traditional procedures to assess the affective state are limited to self-reported questionnaires within controlled settings, thus removing the impact of the context. This work proposes a multimodal, context-aware platform that combines the data acquired through smartphones and wearable sensors to assess the affective state of the athlete. The platform is aimed at ubiquitously monitoring the fluctuations of affective states during longitudinal studies within naturalistic environments, overcoming the limitations of previous studies and allowing for the complete evaluation of the factors that could modulate the affective state. This system will also facilitate and expedite the analysis of the relationship between affective states and sport performance

    Intelligent Monitoring of Affective Factors Underlying Sport Performance by Means of Wearable and Mobile Technology

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    The fluctuation of affective states is a contributing factor to sport performance variability. The context surrounding athletes during their daily life and the evolution of their physiological variables beyond sport events are relevant factors, as they modulate the affective state of the subject over time. However, traditional procedures to assess the affective state are limited to self-reported questionnaires within controlled settings, thus removing the impact of the context. This work proposes a multimodal, context-aware platform that combines the data acquired through smartphones and wearable sensors to assess the affective state of the athlete. The platform is aimed at ubiquitously monitoring the fluctuations of affective states during longitudinal studies within naturalistic environments, overcoming the limitations of previous studies and allowing for the complete evaluation of the factors that could modulate the affective state. This system will also facilitate and expedite the analysis of the relationship between affective states and sport performance