5 research outputs found


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    The term e-learning subsumes all forms learning where electronic media is used for the presentation and distribution of thecourse content. Although various guidelines and models exist, the development and operation of e-learning offerings hasshown to be a difficult task. Often existing approaches focus on single aspects such as technical details or the content ofteaching, while neglecting other aspects such as level of service requirements. As e-learning offerings are IT-based systemsconsisting of hardware, software, and services that have to be considered from a lifecycle perspective, they exhibit similarcharacteristics as Product Service Systems. We, therefore, suggest designing e-learning offerings from a systems perspective.As a first step, we synthesize a requirements framework for e-learning offerings from the e-learning and PSS literatures. Weenrich the framework with examples from a real-life e-learning offering and argue why the PSS approach is useful for thedesign of e-learning offerings

    Challenges for Service Science

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    The call for papers for the SIG SVC 2011 workshop notes the importance of service oriented thinking and says that the workshop\u27s goal is to explore the challenges of service orientation in IT. This paper is a conceptual contribution to the discussion. It uses ten suggestions as an organizing scheme for exploring basic questions about the nature and subject matter of service science. The questions are related to topics such as the definition of service and service system, the desirability of privileging service and servitization over products and productization, and the treatment of co-production of value, value constellations, and tradeoffs between conflicting stakeholder interests. The final suggestion is that research publications should declare a stance toward people and organizations related to treating them as though they are fallible humans, dutiful components of service systems, or humans simulating machines

    An empirical exploration of requirements engineering for hybrid products. 17th European conference on Information Systems

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    Abstract In this paper we report on an empirical study o

    Integration von Produktion und Dienstleistung – Hybride Wertschöpfung

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    High-Tech-Services, Clustermanagement und Dienstleistungsengineering: Potentiale, Trends und Perspektiven

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    Das Buch widmet sich dem Potential von Dienstleistungen in Hochtechnologiefeldern und versucht, Potentiale für eine Verknüpfung von Forschung im Bereich von Dienstleistungen und Hochtechnologie aufzuzeigen. Einen Ansatzpunkt hierfür bilden Clusterstrukturen. Eine stärkere „Servifizierung“ in den Strukturen dieser High-Tech-Cluster bietet hohe Potentiale zur Generierung von integrierten Smart-Services, die adaptiv, wissensintensiv, verteilt, unter Kundeneinbeziehung und mit Einsatz von entsprechender Hochtechnologie Lösungen in Märkte tragen. Dazu sind Strategien zu suchen, wie unter Nutzung existierender Erkenntnisse der Dienstleistungsforschung High-Tech-Cluster Smart Services gezielt entwickeln und in den Markt tragen können