3,917 research outputs found

    Decentralized Greedy-Based Algorithm for Smart Energy Management in Plug-in Electric Vehicle Energy Distribution Systems

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    Variations in electricity tariffs arising due to stochastic demand loads on the power grids have stimulated research in finding optimal charging/discharging scheduling solutions for electric vehicles (EVs). Most of the current EV scheduling solutions are either centralized, which suffer from low reliability and high complexity, while existing decentralized solutions do not facilitate the efficient scheduling of on-move EVs in large-scale networks considering a smart energy distribution system. Motivated by smart cities applications, we consider in this paper the optimal scheduling of EVs in a geographically large-scale smart energy distribution system where EVs have the flexibility of charging/discharging at spatially-deployed smart charging stations (CSs) operated by individual aggregators. In such a scenario, we define the social welfare maximization problem as the total profit of both supply and demand sides in the form of a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model. Due to the intractability, we then propose an online decentralized algorithm with low complexity which utilizes effective heuristics to forward each EV to the most profitable CS in a smart manner. Results of simulations on the IEEE 37 bus distribution network verify that the proposed algorithm improves the social welfare by about 30% on average with respect to an alternative scheduling strategy under the equal participation of EVs in charging and discharging operations. Considering the best-case performance where only EV profit maximization is concerned, our solution also achieves upto 20% improvement in flatting the final electricity load. Furthermore, the results reveal the existence of an optimal number of CSs and an optimal vehicle-to-grid penetration threshold for which the overall profit can be maximized. Our findings serve as guidelines for V2G system designers in smart city scenarios to plan a cost-effective strategy for large-scale EVs distributed energy management

    Smart Procurement Of Naturally Generated Energy (SPONGE) for PHEV's

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    In this paper we propose a new engine management system for hybrid vehicles to enable energy providers and car manufacturers to provide new services. Energy forecasts are used to collaboratively orchestrate the behaviour of engine management systems of a fleet of PHEV's to absorb oncoming energy in an smart manner. Cooperative algorithms are suggested to manage the energy absorption in an optimal manner for a fleet of vehicles, and the mobility simulator SUMO is used to show simple simulations to support the efficacy of the proposed idea.Comment: Updated typos with respect to previous versio

    Bi-directional coordination of plug-in electric vehicles with economic model predictive control

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The emergence of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is unveiling new opportunities to de-carbonise the vehicle parcs and promote sustainability in different parts of the globe. As battery technologies and PEV efficiency continue to improve, the use of electric cars as distributed energy resources is fast becoming a reality. While the distribution network operators (DNOs) strive to ensure grid balancing and reliability, the PEV owners primarily aim at maximising their economic benefits. However, given that the PEV batteries have limited capacities and the distribution network is constrained, smart techniques are required to coordinate the charging/discharging of the PEVs. Using the economic model predictive control (EMPC) technique, this paper proposes a decentralised optimisation algorithm for PEVs during the grid-To-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-To-grid (V2G) operations. To capture the operational dynamics of the batteries, it considers the state-of-charge (SoC) at a given time as a discrete state space and investigates PEVs performance in V2G and G2V operations. In particular, this study exploits the variability in the energy tariff across different periods of the day to schedule V2G/G2V cycles using real data from the university's PEV infrastructure. The results show that by charging/discharging the vehicles during optimal time partitions, prosumers can take advantage of the price elasticity of supply to achieve net savings of about 63%

    V2G Services for Renewable Integration

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    With the proliferation of renewable energy sources (RES) and the growing consumer demand for plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and total electric vehicles (EV), the limitations of the aging electrical grid distribution infrastructure is becoming more and more apparent. The development of better infrastructure, therefore, is at the forefront of research. The development of a smart grid, a bidirectional distribution infrastructure, will allow for two-way “communication” of power distributors and aggregators with multiple smart platforms, such as smart buildings, homes, and vehicles. The focus of this chapter is to outline the means of (electrical) vehicle to (smart) grid (V2G) interactions and how attaining a synergistic relationship is vital to improving the way power is distributed. The ability of fleets of EVs to act as a unit for excess power storage allows for the increased integration of RES into existing grid infrastructure and smart grids in the future through the bidirectional communication; providing support, giving back stored power into the grid to lessen the load felt by generation utilities, augment stochastic RES when generation is not meeting demands, lowering costs for both sellers and buyers, and above all, working toward the betterment of Earth