1 research outputs found

    Integration of SMAP and SMOS Observations

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    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) missions provide brightness temperature and soil moisture estimates every 2-3 days. SMAP brightness temperature observations were compared with SMOS observations at 40o incidence angle. The brightness temperatures from the two missions are not consistent. SMAP observations show a warmer TB bias (about 1.27 K: V pol and 0.62 K: H pol) as compared to SMOS. SMAP and SMOS missions use different retrieval algorithms and ancillary datasets which result in further inconsistencies between their soil moisture products. The reprocessed constant-angle SMOS brightness temperatures were used in the SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithm to develop a consistent multi-satellite product. The integrated product has an increased global revisit frequency (1 day) and period of record that is unattainable by either one of the satellites alone. Results from the development and validation of the integrated soil moisture product will be presented