271 research outputs found

    The Implementation of QR-Code Technology on Bulak Fish Center Information System

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    The technology that is currently developing is the use of QR-Code. QR-Code can convey information quickly with the acquisition of fast responses as well. QR-Code can be used on smartphones. Some media and companies widely use the QR-Code in Indonesia. QR-Code is not only used as an application identity but is also used as a means of effective, simple and modern business promotion. Making information systems for Sentra Ikan Bulak Surabaya is done by using QR-Code technology as a means of product promotion in the sales process. Research that has been done can run well and can support and be useful in improving the means of promotion. Traders find it easier to collect data on existing systems. Buyers can access the site and see reviews from other buyers so buyers will feel interested in buying the product


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    Teknologi pada saat ini sudah mulai berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Banyak sekali alat yang sudah ditemukan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia, salah satunya adalah Quick Response code (QR code). QR code adalah salah satu kode matriks atau kode batang dua dimensi yang dibuat untuk mempermudah alat pemindai untuk menyampaikan respon dengan cepat dan menerima data dengan cepat pula. QR code dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengelolaan data kehadiran  karyawan pada sebuah perusahaan. QR code dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses pengelolaan data dalam database. Komponen utama pada sistem ini adalah kamera smartphone sebagai Scanner untuk membaca QR code yang disediakan. QR code yang disediakan pada personal computer akan terus berganti setiap detik agar lebih meminimalisir adanya manipulasi, dan Personal Computer (PC) untuk menjalankan sistem aplikasi ini dirancang dengan bahasa pemrograman hyperText prepocessor (PHP) dengan Framework codeigniter dan MySQL untuk pembuatan database. Hasil dari pengujian, sistem aplikasi yang dilakukan oleh admin melalui metode blackbox telah berhasil berjalan sesuai dengan rencana awal yaitu untuk membantu proses catat data kehadiran agar lebih efektif dan efisien dan camera smartphone dapat membaca QR code yang telah disediakan secara akurat. Proses input data kedalam database dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai rancangan

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Presensi Kehadiran Menggunakan Qr Code Berbasis Web Dan SMS Gateway Di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo

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    Today’s technology is currently experiencing rapid growth. Found many tools that can help resolve human work, one of which is a quick response code (QR code). QR code is either a two-dimensional matrix code or barcode created to make it easier for scanners to deliver quickly responses and receive data quickly. QR code can be utilized for the management of attendance of students, teachers and employees at a school. QR code can help in the process of inputting data into the school database. The purpose of this research is to know the performance of QR code system on student identity card, teacher and employee to assist data management of student, teacher and employee activity so that every activity of student, teacher and employee like presence in a school can be recorded in accurate. The method used in this research is system development life cycle (SDLC) waterfall. The main component of this system is the webcam used to read data from the QR code which contains the primary key of student, teachers and employees data. QR code that will be affixed to the identity card of each student, teacher and employee, global system for mobile communication (GSM) modem to send SMS, and personal computer (PC) to run application system built using hypertext prepocessor (PHP) programming language with codeigniter and MySQL framework for database. From the test results, the system implemented by the admin application via blackbox method has been successfully run in accordance with the initial plan is to help the process of presence to be more effective and efficient and webcam can read QR code on student identity cards, teachers and employees accurately. Input data into the database runs well, as well as short message service (SMS) gateway feature to report the students' activity, teachers and employees are running according to the design. Based on the tests conducted through questionnaires given to potential users of the application can be known as much as 90% of respondents agree that the system is feasible to use

    Baystate Medical Practices Annual Report - 2020

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    Baystate Medical Practices Annual Report - 2020https://scholarlycommons.libraryinfo.bhs.org/bmpannual_report/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 97, no. 1, 2020)

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    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 90, no. 4, 2013)

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    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 89, no. 1, 2012)

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    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 94, no. 1, 2017)

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    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 89, no. 3, 2012)

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    Virginia Dental Journal (Vol. 88, no. 2, 2011)

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