157 research outputs found

    Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS) (Revised)

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    Flexible Transmission: A Comprehensive Review of Concepts, Technologies, and Market

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    As global concerns regarding climate change are increasing worldwide, the transition towards clean energy sources has accelerated. Accounting for a large share of energy consumption, the electricity sector is experiencing a significant shift towards renewable energy sources. To accommodate this rapid shift, the transmission system requires major upgrades. Although enhancing grid capacity through transmission system expansion is always a solution, this solution is very costly and requires a protracted permitting process. The concept of flexible transmission encompasses a broad range of technologies and market tools that enable effective reconfiguration and manipulation of the power grid for leveraged dispatch of renewable energy resources. The proliferation of such technologies allows for enhanced transfer capability over the current transmission network, thus reducing the need for grid expansion projects. This paper comprehensively reviews flexible transmission technologies and their role in achieving a net-zero carbon emission grid vision. Flexible transmission definitions from different viewpoints are discussed, and mathematical measures to quantify grid flexibility are reviewed. An extensive range of technologies enhancing flexibility across the grid is introduced and explored in detail. The environmental impacts of flexible transmission, including renewable energy utilization and carbon emission reduction, are presented. Finally, market models required for creating proper incentives for the deployment of flexible transmission and regulatory barriers and challenges are discussed

    Transmission-Related Policy Options to Facilitate Offshore Wind in the Great Lakes

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    Offshore wind power has the potential to play a substantial role in the renewable energy portfolio of the Great Lakes Basin in the coming decades. The Great Lakes are home to a high-quality wind resource that could displace large amounts of non-renewable power generation, having positive environmental and economic impacts in the region. To capitalize on this renewable energy solution with minimal infringement on Great Lakes communities and ecosystems, policymakers in the region must understand the transmission component of offshore wind development. Where it is binding, the transmission constraint can be a major determinant in renewable energy siting decisions, preventing developers from optimizing wind facility location based on economic, social, and environmental parameters alone. Transmission infrastructure, however, has local social and environmental implications of its own. Consequently, strategic transmission planning presents an important opportunity to minimize economic costs and social and environmental impacts of offshore wind integration. In late 2009 the Great Lakes Wind Collaborative, a multi-sector coalition of wind energy stakeholders from the bi-national Great Lakes region, identified a knowledge gap related to transmission needs for offshore wind. This report is intended to be a timely response to this knowledge gap. It aims to answers the research question, ―What transmission-related options are available to policymakers and industry to facilitate offshore wind development in the Great Lakes while maximizing net economic, social, and environmental benefits?‖ To answer that question, this report provides a discussion and preliminary analysis of anticipated transmission constraints that offshore wind development in the Great Lakes will likely encounter; a comprehensive breakdown of barriers to developing new transmission including cost, planning, permitting, and environmental barriers; and an array of transmission-related policy options designed to facilitate offshore wind integration while maximizing net benefits for the Great Lakes region. Taken as a whole, this report is intended to provide the information that regional policymakers, developers, and other stakeholders need to think strategically about the transmission component of Great Lakes offshore wind development in the mid- to long-term.Master of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83515/1/Transmission Policies for Offshore Wind in Great Lakes 4-19-11.pd

    Additional EIPC Study Analysis: Interim Report on High Priority Topics

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    Between 2010 and 2012 the Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) conducted a major long-term resource and transmission study of the Eastern Interconnection (EI). With guidance from a Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) that included representatives from the Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council (EISPC) among others, the project was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 involved a long-term capacity expansion analysis that involved creation of eight major futures plus 72 sensitivities. Three scenarios were selected for more extensive transmission- focused evaluation in Phase 2. Five power flow analyses, nine production cost model runs (including six sensitivities), and three capital cost estimations were developed during this second phase. The results from Phase 1 and 2 provided a wealth of data that could be examined further to address energy-related questions. A list of 13 topics was developed for further analysis; this paper discusses the first five

    20% Wind by 2030: Overcoming the Challenges in West Virginia

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    Final Report for '20% Wind by 2030: Overcoming the Challenges in West Virginia'. The objective of this project was to examine the obstacles and constraints to the development of wind energy in West Virginia as well as the obstacles and constraints to the achievement of the national goal of 20% wind by 2030. For the portion contracted with WVU, there were four tasks in this examination of obstacles and constraints. Task 1 involved the establishment of a Wind Resource Council. Task 2 involved conducting limited research activities. These activities involved an ongoing review of wind energy documents including documents regarding the potential for wind farms being located on reclaimed surface mining sites as well as other brownfield sites. The Principal Investigator also examined the results of the Marshall University SODAR assessment of the potential for placing wind farms on reclaimed surface mining sites. Task 3 involved the conducting of outreach activities. These activities involved working with the members of the Wind Resource Council, the staff of the Regional Wind Energy Institute, and the staff of Penn Future. This task also involved the examination of the importance of transmission for wind energy development. The Principal Investigator kept informed as to transmission developments in the Eastern United States. The Principal Investigator coordinated outreach activities with the activities at the Center for Business and Economic Research at Marshall University. Task 4 involved providing technical assistance. This task involved the provision of information to various parties interested in wind energy development. The Principal Investigator was available to answer requests from interested parties regarding in formation regarding both utility scale as well as small wind development in West Virginia. Most of the information requested regarded either the permitting process for wind facilities of various sizes in the state or information regarding the wind potential in various parts of the state. This report describes four sub-categories of work done by the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) at Marshall University under this contract. The four sub-projects are: (1) research on the impacts of wind turbines on residential property values; (2) research on the integration of wind energy in regional transmission systems; (3) review of state-based wind legislation in consideration of model new policy options for West Virginia; and (4) promotion of wind facilities on former surface mine sites through development of a database of potential sites

    Renewable Electricity Futures Study. Volume 4: Bulk Electric Power Systems: Operations and Transmission Planning

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    The Renewable Electricity Futures (RE Futures) Study investigated the challenges and impacts of achieving very high renewable electricity generation levels in the contiguous United States by 2050. The analysis focused on the sufficiency of the geographically diverse U.S. renewable resources to meet electricity demand over future decades, the hourly operational characteristics of the U.S. grid with high levels of variable wind and solar generation, and the potential implications of deploying high levels of renewables in the future. RE Futures focused on technical aspects of high penetration of renewable electricity; it did not focus on how to achieve such a future through policy or other measures. Given the inherent uncertainties involved with analyzing alternative long-term energy futures as well as the multiple pathways that might be taken to achieve higher levels of renewable electricity supply, RE Futures explored a range of scenarios to investigate and compare the impacts of renewable electricity penetration levels (30%-90%), future technology performance improvements, potential constraints to renewable electricity development, and future electricity demand growth assumptions. RE Futures was led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

    A Clean Electricity Future: Assessing the Role of Wide-Area Power System Operations in Supporting Weather-Driven Renewable Energy in the U.S.

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    Over the coming decades, renewable energy sources, namely wind and solar, will need to play a larger role in our nation’s energy mix as we seek to lower greenhouse emissions and respond to renewable energy policies and the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. This thesis assesses the role of wider-area power system operations in the U.S. as a powerful solution in supporting the integration of these weather-driven, variable energy resources that pose substantial challenges to grid reliability. The expansion and integration of organized electricity markets and transmission networks over wider geographic areas can (1) help reduce net-variability in wind and solar power generation while improving reliability; (2) provide an outlet for over-generation while reducing curtailment; (3) improve resource utilization while enabling resource sharing and lowering electricity costs; and (4) enable low-cost pollution reduction by providing a cheap alternative to fossil-fuel generation. Through power industry assessment, case-study analyses, and modeling research using NOAA’s National Energy with Weather System Simulator to compare scenarios of regional expansion versus a nation power system, this paper evaluates the feasibility and role of wide-area expansion and integration in achieving higher levels of variable renewable energy than our current system is capable of supporting

    Grid Reliability Through Clean Energy

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    In the wake of recent high-profile power failures, policymakers and politicians have asserted that there is an inherent tension between the aims of clean energy and grid reliability. But continuing to rely on fossil fuels to avoid system outages will only exacerbate reliability challenges by contributing to increasingly extreme climate-related weather events. These extremes will disrupt the power supply, with impacts rippling far beyond the electricity sector. This Article shows that much of the perceived tension between clean energy and reliability is a failure of law and governance resulting from the United States’ siloed approach to regulating the electric grid. Energy regulation is, we argue, siloed across three dimensions: (1) across substantive responsibilities (clean energy versus reliability); (2) across jurisdictions (federal, regional, state, and sometimes local); and (3) across a public–private continuum of actors. This segmentation renders the full convergence of clean-energy and reliability goals extremely difficult. Reliability-focused organizations operating within their silos routinely counteract climate policies when making decisions about how to keep the lights on. Similarly, legal silos often cause states and regional organizations to neglect valuable opportunities for collaboration. Despite the challenges posed by this disaggregated system, conceptualizing the sphere of energy reliability as siloed across these dimensions unlocks new possibilities for reform. We do not propose upending energy law silos or making energy institutions wholly public. Rather, we argue for calibrated reforms to U.S. energy law and governance that shift authority within and among the silos to integrate the twin aims of reliability and low-carbon energy. Across the key policy areas of electricity markets, transmission planning and siting, reliability regulation, and regional grid governance, we assess changes that would integrate climate and reliability imperatives; balance state, regional, and federal jurisdiction; and reconcile public and private values. We believe this approach to energy law reform offers a holistic and realistic formula for a cleaner, more reliable grid

    Wind and Solar Curtailment: International Experience and Practices

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    High penetrations of wind and solar generation on power systems are resulting in increasing curtailment. Wind and solar integration studies predict increased curtailment as penetration levels grow. This paper examines experiences with curtailment on bulk power systems internationally. It discusses how much curtailment is occurring, how it is occurring, why it is occurring, and what is being done to reduce curtailment. This summary is produced as part of the International Energy Agency Wind Task 25 on Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power

    Grid Reliability Through Clean Energy

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    In the wake of recent high-profile power failures, policymakers and politicians have asserted that there is an inherent tension between the aims of clean energy and grid reliability. But continuing to rely on fossil fuels to avoid system outages will only exacerbate reliability challenges by contributing to increasingly extreme climate-related weather events. These extremes will disrupt the power supply, with impacts rippling far beyond the electricity sector.This Article shows that much of the perceived tension between clean energy and reliability is a failure of law and governance resulting from the United States’ siloed approach to regulating the electric grid. Energy regulation is, we argue, siloed across three dimensions: (1) across substantive responsibilities (clean energy versus reliability); (2) across jurisdictions (federal, regional, state, and sometimes local); and (3) across a public–private continuum of actors. This segmentation renders the full convergence of clean-energy and reliability goals extremely difficult. Reliability-focused organizations operating within their silos routinely counteract climate policies when making decisions about how to keep the lights on. Similarly, legal silos often cause states and regional organizations to neglect valuable opportunities for collaboration. Despite the challenges posed by this disaggregated system, conceptualizing the sphere of energy reliability as siloed across these dimensions unlocks new possibilities for reform.We do not propose upending energy law silos or making energy institutions wholly public. Rather, we argue for calibrated reforms to U.S. energy law and governance that shift authority within and among the silos to integrate the twin aims of reliability and low-carbon energy. Across the key policy areas of electricity markets, transmission planning and siting, reliability regulation, and regional grid governance, we assess changes that would integrate climate and reliability imperatives; balance state, regional, and federal jurisdiction; and reconcile public and private values. We believe this approach to energy law reform offers a holistic and realistic formula for a cleaner, more reliable grid
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