2 research outputs found

    Integrating Joint Behaviour and Dialogue Description

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    . Agents are becoming increasingly common as a means of structuring interactive systems, due to the highly complex and concurrent nature of modern systems. The manner in which interaction between these agents is specified is of fundamental importance, and must pay heed to expressivity and reuse concerns. There are also concerns specific to interactive systems, and in particular the need to specify and reason about user-system dialogue. We have shown previously that the standard model of object interaction is inadequate with respect to these concerns, and that the action model performs better with respect to these criteria. In this paper these results are drawn together with approaches previously taken in interactive systems. From this basis a schema calculus with interleaving semantics is proposed, which better addresses the concerns of expressivity and reuse in the interactive systems context. 1 Introduction Modern interactive systems are large, complex entities comprisin..

    Integrating joint behaviour and dialogue description

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