20,560 research outputs found

    Lexical Item Learning Via Multimedia Annotations.

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    The ubiquitous computers with multimedia technology serve as an attractive learning tool because they are able to deliver integrated, different source media as well as access these media easily and instantaneously. Thus, to take advantage of these qualities to help language learners, multimedia annotations of lexical items, which present information of the items via printed text, audio mode, still pictures and animation, are utilized. This paper reports on the effects of integrating multimedia annotations in expository texts on the learning of lexical items by 109 Science students from Universiti Sains Malaysia. In this within-subjects design study, the participants read expository texts on the computer

    The impact of cognitive styles on perceptual distributed multimedia quality

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Multimedia technology has been widely used in web-based instruction, but previous studies have indicated that individual differences, especially cognitive styles, have significant effects on users’ preferences with respect to presentation of multimedia content. However, such research has thus far neglected to examine the effect of cognitive styles on users’ subjective perceptions of multimedia quality. This study aims to examine the relationships among users’ cognitive styles, the multimedia Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by the underlying network, and Quality of Perception (QoP), which encompasses user levels of enjoyment and understanding of the informational content provided by multimedia material. Accordingly, 132 users took part in an experiment in which they were shown multimedia video clips presented with different values of two QoS parameters (frame rate and colour depth). Results show that, whilst the two QoS parameters do not impact user QoP, multimedia content and dynamism levels significantly influence the user understanding and enjoyment component of QoP

    Microalgae production in fresh market wastewater and its utilization as a protein substitute in formulated fish feed for oreochromis spp.

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    Rapid growing of human population has led to increasing demand of aquaculture production. Oreochromis niloticus or known as tilapia is one of the most globally cultured freshwater fish due to its great adaptation towards extreme environment. Besides, farming of tilapia not only involves small scales farming for local consumption but also larger scales for international market which contributes to a foreign currency earning. Extensive use of fishmeal as feed for fish and for other animals indirectly caused an increasing depletion of the natural resource and may consequently cause economic and environmental unstable. Microalgae biomass seems to be a promising feedstock in aquaculture industry. It can be used for many purposes such as live food for fish larvae and dried microalgae to substitute protein material in fish feed. The microalgae replacement in fish feed formulation as protein alternative seem potentially beneficial for long term aqua-business sustainability. The present chapter discussed the potential of microalgae as an alternative nutrition in fish feed formulations, specifically Tilapia

    Interactive Software to Accompany Yookoso: Has it all Been Worthwhile?

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    In this paper, we describe the development of interactive software to accompany Yookoso (Tohsaku 1999), the textbook in use in the first two years of the Japanese language course at Queensland University of Technology. We begin with a discussion of what is meant by interactivity; we then examine the advantages of using the software in association with the textbook package, as opposed to using the textbook package alone. We also discuss the importance of integrating multimedia materials into the curriculum and the role of the teacher in this model of ‘blended learning’. It is hoped the paper will prove useful to those who are considering implementing or have already implemented a CALL component in their Japanese language program

    A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia

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    Learning is more than knowledge acquisition; it often involves the active participation of the learner in a variety of knowledge- and skills-based learning and training activities. Interactive multimedia technology can support the variety of interaction channels and languages required to facilitate interactive learning and teaching. A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia can support the development of such multimedia systems. Such an architecture needs to embed multimedia technology into a coherent educational context. A framework based on an integrated interaction model is needed to capture learning and training activities in an online setting from an educational perspective, to describe them in the human-computer context, and to integrate them with mechanisms and principles of multimedia interaction

    Integrating ICT through multimodal discourse in a primary classroom

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    Most children talk to their parents about what they learned at school. Parents hear about books read, pictures drawn, stories written and games played. But how often do parents hear of children using ICT to make multimedia stories with a mathematical focus? In this paper the term “multimodality” will be used to describe such activities. Kress (2004) states that multimodality “deals with all the means we have for making meanings – the modes of representation – and considers their specific way of configuring the world.”Although digital technology is now available in most Australian schools, classroom use of such technology is not always creative and meaningful for learners. Recent state and federal government initiatives provide teachers with opportunities to integrate various digital technology applications into their classroom practice. In late 2011 a small research project was conducted with a class of Grade 4 students from an outer suburban Melbourne government school. As part of the project students planned and produced a multimedia artefact that explained some aspect of mathematics they had learned during the year.This paper outlines the planning and production of the multimedia artefacts created by the students, together with a brief discussion of some impediments to teacher use of technology that were identified by teachers at the school. Other issues considered include assessment and reporting in multiple subject areas based on one piece of student work, and the balancing of the relative importance of subject areas in integrated projects and tasks. The authors argue for the development and deliberate inclusion of integrated multimodal activities throughout the primary school curriculum

    Human computer interaction and theories

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