5,799 research outputs found

    An Immersive Telepresence System using RGB-D Sensors and Head Mounted Display

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    We present a tele-immersive system that enables people to interact with each other in a virtual world using body gestures in addition to verbal communication. Beyond the obvious applications, including general online conversations and gaming, we hypothesize that our proposed system would be particularly beneficial to education by offering rich visual contents and interactivity. One distinct feature is the integration of egocentric pose recognition that allows participants to use their gestures to demonstrate and manipulate virtual objects simultaneously. This functionality enables the instructor to ef- fectively and efficiently explain and illustrate complex concepts or sophisticated problems in an intuitive manner. The highly interactive and flexible environment can capture and sustain more student attention than the traditional classroom setting and, thus, delivers a compelling experience to the students. Our main focus here is to investigate possible solutions for the system design and implementation and devise strategies for fast, efficient computation suitable for visual data processing and network transmission. We describe the technique and experiments in details and provide quantitative performance results, demonstrating our system can be run comfortably and reliably for different application scenarios. Our preliminary results are promising and demonstrate the potential for more compelling directions in cyberlearning.Comment: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 201

    Human robot interaction in a crowded environment

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    Human Robot Interaction (HRI) is the primary means of establishing natural and affective communication between humans and robots. HRI enables robots to act in a way similar to humans in order to assist in activities that are considered to be laborious, unsafe, or repetitive. Vision based human robot interaction is a major component of HRI, with which visual information is used to interpret how human interaction takes place. Common tasks of HRI include finding pre-trained static or dynamic gestures in an image, which involves localising different key parts of the human body such as the face and hands. This information is subsequently used to extract different gestures. After the initial detection process, the robot is required to comprehend the underlying meaning of these gestures [3]. Thus far, most gesture recognition systems can only detect gestures and identify a person in relatively static environments. This is not realistic for practical applications as difficulties may arise from people‟s movements and changing illumination conditions. Another issue to consider is that of identifying the commanding person in a crowded scene, which is important for interpreting the navigation commands. To this end, it is necessary to associate the gesture to the correct person and automatic reasoning is required to extract the most probable location of the person who has initiated the gesture. In this thesis, we have proposed a practical framework for addressing the above issues. It attempts to achieve a coarse level understanding about a given environment before engaging in active communication. This includes recognizing human robot interaction, where a person has the intention to communicate with the robot. In this regard, it is necessary to differentiate if people present are engaged with each other or their surrounding environment. The basic task is to detect and reason about the environmental context and different interactions so as to respond accordingly. For example, if individuals are engaged in conversation, the robot should realize it is best not to disturb or, if an individual is receptive to the robot‟s interaction, it may approach the person. Finally, if the user is moving in the environment, it can analyse further to understand if any help can be offered in assisting this user. The method proposed in this thesis combines multiple visual cues in a Bayesian framework to identify people in a scene and determine potential intentions. For improving system performance, contextual feedback is used, which allows the Bayesian network to evolve and adjust itself according to the surrounding environment. The results achieved demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique in dealing with human-robot interaction in a relatively crowded environment [7]

    An original framework for understanding human actions and body language by using deep neural networks

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    The evolution of both fields of Computer Vision (CV) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has allowed the development of efficient automatic systems for the analysis of people's behaviour. By studying hand movements it is possible to recognize gestures, often used by people to communicate information in a non-verbal way. These gestures can also be used to control or interact with devices without physically touching them. In particular, sign language and semaphoric hand gestures are the two foremost areas of interest due to their importance in Human-Human Communication (HHC) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), respectively. While the processing of body movements play a key role in the action recognition and affective computing fields. The former is essential to understand how people act in an environment, while the latter tries to interpret people's emotions based on their poses and movements; both are essential tasks in many computer vision applications, including event recognition, and video surveillance. In this Ph.D. thesis, an original framework for understanding Actions and body language is presented. The framework is composed of three main modules: in the first one, a Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM-RNNs) based method for the Recognition of Sign Language and Semaphoric Hand Gestures is proposed; the second module presents a solution based on 2D skeleton and two-branch stacked LSTM-RNNs for action recognition in video sequences; finally, in the last module, a solution for basic non-acted emotion recognition by using 3D skeleton and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is provided. The performances of RNN-LSTMs are explored in depth, due to their ability to model the long term contextual information of temporal sequences, making them suitable for analysing body movements. All the modules were tested by using challenging datasets, well known in the state of the art, showing remarkable results compared to the current literature methods

    Duodepth: Static Gesture Recognition Via Dual Depth Sensors

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    Static gesture recognition is an effective non-verbal communication channel between a user and their devices; however many modern methods are sensitive to the relative pose of the user's hands with respect to the capture device, as parts of the gesture can become occluded. We present two methodologies for gesture recognition via synchronized recording from two depth cameras to alleviate this occlusion problem. One is a more classic approach using iterative closest point registration to accurately fuse point clouds and a single PointNet architecture for classification, and the other is a dual Point-Net architecture for classification without registration. On a manually collected data-set of 20,100 point clouds we show a 39.2% reduction in misclassification for the fused point cloud method, and 53.4% for the dual PointNet, when compared to a standard single camera pipeline.Comment: 26th International Conference on Image Processin

    Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots

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    Fritsch JN. Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012.A strong driving force of scientific progress in the technical sciences is the quest for systems that assist humans in their daily life and make their life easier and more enjoyable. Nowadays smartphones are probably the most typical instances of such systems. Another class of systems that is getting increasing attention are intelligent robots. Instead of offering a smartphone touch screen to select actions, these systems are intended to offer a more natural human-machine interface to their users. Out of the large range of actions performed by humans, gestures performed with the hands play a very important role especially when humans interact with their direct surrounding like, e.g., pointing to an object or manipulating it. Consequently, a robot has to understand such gestures to offer an intuitive interface. Gestural understanding is, therefore, a key capability on the way to intelligent robots. This book deals with vision-based approaches for gestural understanding. Over the past two decades, this has been an intensive field of research which has resulted in a variety of algorithms to analyze human hand motions. Following a categorization of different gesture types and a review of other sensing techniques, the design of vision systems that achieve hand gesture understanding for intelligent robots is analyzed. For each of the individual algorithmic steps – hand detection, hand tracking, and trajectory-based gesture recognition – a separate Chapter introduces common techniques and algorithms and provides example methods. The resulting recognition algorithms are considering gestures in isolation and are often not sufficient for interacting with a robot who can only understand such gestures when incorporating the context like, e.g., what object was pointed at or manipulated. Going beyond a purely trajectory-based gesture recognition by incorporating context is an important prerequisite to achieve gesture understanding and is addressed explicitly in a separate Chapter of this book. Two types of context, user-provided context and situational context, are reviewed and existing approaches to incorporate context for gestural understanding are reviewed. Example approaches for both context types provide a deeper algorithmic insight into this field of research. An overview of recent robots capable of gesture recognition and understanding summarizes the currently realized human-robot interaction quality. The approaches for gesture understanding covered in this book are manually designed while humans learn to recognize gestures automatically during growing up. Promising research targeted at analyzing developmental learning in children in order to mimic this capability in technical systems is highlighted in the last Chapter completing this book as this research direction may be highly influential for creating future gesture understanding systems

    Adaptive Real-Time Image Processing for Human-Computer Interaction

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