162 research outputs found

    Enhanced Integrated Scoring for Cleaning Dirty Texts

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    An increasing number of approaches for ontology engineering from text are gearing towards the use of online sources such as company intranet and the World Wide Web. Despite such rise, not much work can be found in aspects of preprocessing and cleaning dirty texts from online sources. This paper presents an enhancement of an Integrated Scoring for Spelling error correction, Abbreviation expansion and Case restoration (ISSAC). ISSAC is implemented as part of a text preprocessing phase in an ontology engineering system. New evaluations performed on the enhanced ISSAC using 700 chat records reveal an improved accuracy of 98% as compared to 96.5% and 71% based on the use of only basic ISSAC and of Aspell, respectively.Comment: More information is available at http://explorer.csse.uwa.edu.au/reference

    Normalization of noisy texts in Malaysian online reviews

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    The process of gathering useful information from online messages has increased as more and more people use the Internet and other online applications such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with each other.One of the problems in processing online messages is the high number of noisy texts that exist in these messages.Few studies have shown that the noisy texts decreased the result of text mining activities.On the other hand, very few works have investigated on the patterns of noisy texts that are created by Malaysians.In this study, a common noisy terms list and an artificial abbreviations list were created using specific rules and were utilized to select candidates of correct words for a noisy term.Later, the correct term was selected based on a bi-gram words index.The experiments used online messages that were created by the Malaysians.The result shows that normalization of noisy texts using artificial abbreviations list compliments the use of common noisy texts list

    Schema Normalization for Improving Schema Matching

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    Schema matching is the problem of finding relationships among concepts across heterogeneous data sources (heterogeneous in format and in structure). Starting from the \hidden meaning" associated to schema labels (i.e. class/attribute names) it is possible to discover relationships among the elements of different schemata. Lexical annotation (i.e. annotation w.r.t. a thesaurus/lexical resource) helps in associating a \u201cmeaning" to schema labels. However, accuracy of semi-automatic lexical annotation methods on real-world schemata suffers from the abundance of non-dictionary words such as compound nouns and word abbreviations.In this work, we address this problem by proposing a method to perform schema labels normalization which increases the number of comparable labels. Unlike other solutions, the method semi-automatically expands abbreviations and annotates compound terms, without a minimal manual effort. We empirically prove that our normalization method helps in the identification of similarities among schema elements of different data sources, thus improving schema matching accuracy

    Schema Label Normalization for Improving Schema Matching

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    Schema matching is the problem of finding relationships among concepts across heterogeneous data sources that are heterogeneous in format and in structure. Starting from the \u201chidden meaning\u201d associated with schema labels (i.e. class/attribute names) it is possible to discover relationships among the elements of different schemata. Lexical annotation (i.e. annotation w.r.t. a thesaurus/lexical resource) helps in associating a \u201cmeaning\u201d to schema labels.However, the performance of semi-automatic lexical annotation methods on real-world schemata suffers from the abundance of non-dictionary words such as compound nouns, abbreviations, and acronyms. We address this problem by proposing a method to perform schema label normalization which increases the number of comparable labels. The method semi-automatically expands abbreviations/acronyms and annotates compound nouns, with minimal manual effort. We empirically prove that our normalization method helps in the identification of similarities among schema elements of different data sources, thus improving schema matching results

    Normalización de texto en español de Argentina

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    Tesis (Lic. en Cs. de la Computación)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2018.En la actualidad la cantidad de datos que consume y genera una sola persona es gigantesca. Los datos cada vez son más, ya que cualquiera puede generarlos. Esto trae consigo un aumento en el ruido que hay en esos datos. Es por eso que el texto de las redes sociales se caracteriza por ser ruidoso, lo que es un problema cuando se quiere trabajar sobre ellos. En este trabajo construimos un corpus de tweets en español de Argentina. Recolectamos un conjunto grande de tweets y luego los seleccionamos manualmente para obtener una muestra representativa de los errores típicos de normalización. Luego, definimos criterios claros y explícitos de corrección y los utilizamos para proceder a la anotación manual del corpus. Además, presentamos un sistema de normalización de texto que trabaja sobre tweets. Dado un conjunto de tweets como entrada, el sistema detecta y corrige las palabras que deben ser estandarizadas. Para ello, utiliza una serie de componentes como recursos léxicos, sistemas de reglas y modelos de lenguaje. Finalmente, realizamos experimentos con diferentes corpus, entre ellos el nuestro, y diferentes configuraciones del sistema para entender las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno.Nowadays, the amount of data consumed and generated by only one person is enormous. Data amount keeps growing because anyone can generate it. This brings along an increment of noisy data. That is why social network text is noisy, which is a problem when it is needed to work on it. Here, we built a corpus of tweets in argentinian spanish. We collected a big set of tweets and we selected them manually to obtain a representative sample of common normalization errors. Then, we defined explicit and clear correction criteria and we used it to continue with the manual corpus annotation. Besides, we present a text normalization system that works on tweets. Given a set of tweets as input, the system detects and corrects words that need to be standardized. To do that, it uses a group of components as lexical resources, rule-based systems and language models. Finally, we made some experiments with different corpus, among them, the one we built, and different system configurations to understand each one’s advantages and disadvantages

    Sentiment Classification of Online Customer Reviews and Blogs Using Sentence-level Lexical Based Semantic Orientation Method

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    ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis is the process of extracting knowledge from the peoples‟ opinions, appraisals and emotions toward entities, events and their attributes. These opinions greatly impact on customers to ease their choices regarding online shopping, choosing events, products and entities. With the rapid growth of online resources, a vast amount of new data in the form of customer reviews and opinions are being generated progressively. Hence, sentiment analysis methods are desirable for developing efficient and effective analyses and classification of customer reviews, blogs and comments. The main inspiration for this thesis is to develop high performance domain independent sentiment classification method. This study focuses on sentiment analysis at the sentence level using lexical based method for different type data such as reviews and blogs. The proposed method is based on general lexicons i.e. WordNet, SentiWordNet and user defined lexical dictionaries for sentiment orientation. The relations and glosses of these dictionaries provide solution to the domain portability problem. The experiments are performed on various data sets such as customer reviews and blogs comments. The results show that the proposed method with sentence contextual information is effective for sentiment classification. The proposed method performs better than word and text level corpus based machine learning methods for semantic orientation. The results highlight that the proposed method achieves an average accuracy of 86% at sentence-level and 97% at feedback level for customer reviews. Similarly, it achieves an average accuracy of 83% at sentence level and 86% at feedback level for blog comment

    Dealing with spelling variation in Early Modern English texts

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    Early English Books Online contains facsimiles of virtually every English work printed between 1473 and 1700; some 125,000 publications. In September 2009, the Text Creation Partnership released the second instalment of transcriptions of the EEBO collection, bringing the total number of transcribed works to 25,000. It has been estimated that this transcribed portion contains 1 billion words of running text. With such large datasets and the increasing variety of historical corpora available from the Early Modern English period, the opportunities for historial corpus linguistic research have never been greater. However, it has been observed in prior research, and quantified on a large-scale for the first time in this thesis, that texts from this period contain significant amounts of spelling variation until the eventual standardisation of orthography in the 18th century. The problems caused by this historical spelling variation are the focus of this thesis. It will be shown that the high levels of spelling variation found have a significant impact on the accuracy of two widely used automatic corpus linguistic methods - Part-of-Speech annotation and key word analysis. The development of historical spelling normalisation methods which can alleviate these issues will then be presented. Methods will be based on techniques used in modern spellchecking, with various analyses of Early Modern English spelling variation dictating how the techniques are applied. With the methods combined into a single procedure, automatic normalisation can be performed on an entire corpus of any size. Evaluation of the normalisation performance shows that after training, 62% of required normalisations are made, with a precision rate of 95%