12 research outputs found

    The DFS distributed file system: Design and implementation

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    This thesis describes the design of an operating system independent distributed file system (DFS) and details the implementation, on a cooperating set of server computers interconnected by means of a communications network. The DFS provides the mechanism by which the file systems of these physically dispersed units are integrated into a single logical unit. Users and application programs thus have the illusion that their files are on a single computer system, even though in reality they may be physically distributed around the network. This location transparency frees users from having to remember details such as the current location of the file and also affords considerable mobility, allowing access to files from any workstation. In addition, automatic storage replication and an atomic transaction mechanism provides high reliability and improved availability in the distributed environment in the face of site failure

    Space station data system analysis/architecture study. Task 2: Options development, DR-5. Volume 2: Design options

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    The primary objective of Task 2 is the development of an information base that will support the conduct of trade studies and provide sufficient data to make key design/programmatic decisions. This includes: (1) the establishment of option categories that are most likely to influence Space Station Data System (SSDS) definition; (2) the identification of preferred options in each category; and (3) the characterization of these options with respect to performance attributes, constraints, cost and risk. This volume contains the options development for the design category. This category comprises alternative structures, configurations and techniques that can be used to develop designs that are responsive to the SSDS requirements. The specific areas discussed are software, including data base management and distributed operating systems; system architecture, including fault tolerance and system growth/automation/autonomy and system interfaces; time management; and system security/privacy. Also discussed are space communications and local area networking

    Integrated model of distributed systems

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    Specification and Verification in Integrated Model of Distributed Systems (IMDS)

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    Distributed systems, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, are becoming popular. This requires modeling that reflects the natural characteristics of such systems: the locality of independent components, the autonomy of their decisions, and asynchronous communication. Automated verification of deadlocks and distributed termination supports rapid development. Existing techniques do not reflect some features of distribution. Most formalisms are synchronous and/or use some kind of global state, both of which are unrealistic. No model supports the communication duality that allows the integration of a remote procedure call and client-server paradigm into a single, uniform model. The majority of model checkers refer to total deadlocks. Usually, they do not distinguish between communication deadlocks from resource deadlocks and deadlocks from distributed termination. Some verification mechanisms check partial deadlocks at the expense of restricting the structure of the system being verified. The paper presents an original formalism for the modeling and verification of distributed systems. The Integrated Model of Distributed Systems (IMDS) defines a distributed system as two sets: states and messages, and the relationship of the “actions” between these sets. Communication duality provides projections on servers and on traveling agents, but the uniform specification of the verified system is preserved. General temporal formulas over IMDS, independent of the structure of the verified system, allow automated verification. These formulas distinguish between deadlocks and distributed termination, and between communication deadlocks and resource deadlocks. Partial deadlocks and partial termination can be checked. The Dedan tool was developed using IMDS formalism

    Modeling and Verification of Asynchronous Systems Using Timed Integrated Model of Distributed Systems

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    In modern computer systems, distributed systems play an increasingly important role, and modeling and verification are crucial in their development. The specificity of many systems requires taking this into account in real time, as time dependencies significantly affect the system’s behavior, when achieving the goals of its processes or with adverse phenomena such as deadlocks. The natural features of distributed systems include the asynchrony of actions and communication, the autonomy of nodes, and the locality of behavior, i.e., independence from any global or non-local features. Most modeling formalisms are derived from parallel centralized systems, in which the behavior of components depends on the global state or the simultaneous achievement of certain states by components. This approach is unrealistic for distributed systems. This article presents the formalism of a timed integrated model of distributed systems that supports all of the mentioned features. The formalism is based on the relation between the states of the distributed nodes and the messages of distributed computations, called agents. This relation creates system actions. A specification in this formalism can be translated into timed automata, the most popular formalism for specifying and verifying timed parallel systems. The translation rules ensure that the semantics of T-IMDS and timed automata are consistent, allowing use of the Uppaal validator for system verification. The development of general formulas for checking the deadlock freedom and termination efficiency allows for automated verification, without learning temporal logics and time-dependent formulas. An important and rare feature is the finding of partial deadlocks, because in a distributed system a common situation occurs in which some nodes/processes are deadlocked, while others work. Examples of checking timed distributed systems are included

    Temporal Verification of Relay-Based Railway Traffic Control Systems Using the Integrated Model of Distributed Systems

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    Relay-based traffic control systems are still used in railway control systems. Their correctness is most often verified by manual analysis, which does not guarantee correctness in all conditions. Passenger safety, control reliability, and failure-free operation of all components require formal proof of the control system’s correctness. Formal evidence allows certification of control systems, ensuring that safety will be maintained in correct conditions and the in event of failure. The operational safety of systems in the event of component failure cannot be manually checked practically in the event of various types of damage to one component, pairs of components, etc. In the article, we describe the methodology of automated system verification using the IMDS (integrated model of distributed systems) temporal formalism and the Dedan tool. The novelty of the presented verification methodology lays in graphical design of the circuit elements, automated verification liberating the designer from using temporal logic, checking partial properties related to fragments of the circuit, and fair verification preventing the discovering of false deadlocks. The article presents the verification of an exemplary relay traffic control system in the correct case, in the case of damage to elements, and the case of an incorrect sequence of signals from the environment. The verification results are shown in the form of sequence diagrams leading to the correct/incorrect final state